CHAPTER 52 -Auction

The following day after believing sakashi is dead. Azusa has stayed up all night with his son. He felt tired and exhausted physically and emotionally. He couldn't stop thinking about sakashi and how he wished he would have just stayed to make sure she would be safe and have a chance to watch her baby son grow. Azusa continued to nurse the baby the best he could before leaving with Wesley again to the Action he wants to check out later on that night. Throughout the day he stayed in his room with the baby and tried to sleep when the baby would sleep.

During the day back at the auction sakashi was standing weakly on her feet with her hands above her head chained to the ceiling in a dark cold basement room. Erfan and a female stylist were washing her body and getting her prepared for the auction and to look pleasant to the eye. Due to her recently giving birth, blood dripped down Sakashi's legs. She felt pain and an uncomfortable burning sensation. However, the stylist had finally begun to focus on helping her down below after cleaning and fixing her hair. The stylist knelt down and began cleaning up her legs and wrapped her up to stop the constant bleeding. She also applied cooling pads to help her feel more comfortable. Erfan has finished cleaning her body from all the filth and rubbed oil all around her body for the shine. He then grabbed a key from his pocket and unchained her wrists. Sakashi's arms fell down and her legs became jello. She collapsed towards the ground. Erfan caught her and lifted her up before she fell to the ground and gently sat her on a chair. The stylist and Erfan began placing beautiful clothing onto her body and made sure she looked presentable. Sakashi wore a seductive tight black and blue body fitting dress, her hair was placed up and curled. She also had makeup put on to enhance her beauty. "Perfect," Erfan said. "She does look like a beauty huh? Let's get her some food and some rest before we sell her." The stylist said with excitement. "Sure," Erfan replied as he grabbed her left arm and lifted sakashi to her feet. Sakashi could feel her body being so physically weak she barely felt her legs and acted as if she forgot to walk. Erfan began pulling her forward to walk but sakashi didn't step forward and began collapsing towards the ground. Erfan sighed and lifted her off her feet and began to carry sakashi to a room. "Go and get her some food and water and meet me in room 101." He told the stylist. "I'm on it." She said as she began to walk towards their kitchen.

Now, this girl was a punk. Her hair was colored red and shaved on one side. Her hair was slightly spiked on the one side and she had a lip and nose piercing. Her clothing was a blue and red punk shirt, with blue short shorts and black leggings. She had a giant loose belt around her waist and punk boots. Her name is Selena and her attitude was by far the cockiest and stuck up. She is 31 years old and loved watching girls getting sold for either their virginity or just to be sold into slavery for no reason.

Erfan walked into room 101 and laid sakashi on a bed and chained her ankle to the metal part of the bed. Sakashi laid on the bed silently and felt like she couldn't stay awake any much longer. Tears began falling from her eyes and Erfan got slightly frustrated. "Don't be crying and messing up your makeup, dry it up." He yelled at her firmly. Sakashi kept silent and forced herself to stop crying to avoid a beating. As soon as Selena walked into the room with water and food. She placed the tray Infront of sakashi. "Ok girl eat!" She told sakashi. "No," Sakashi said softly. Erfan smirked. "Make sure she eats." He told her as he walked out of the room. Selena grinned and grabbed Sakashi's face aggressively and shoved some of the food into her mouth. Sakashi struggles and gripped Selena's wrist. "You better eat this food or I'll make your last few hours here a hell for you, then I'll go find your precious little baby and cut him off from existence." She told her firmly. Sakashi didn't want anything to happen to her son so she pulled away and coughed a bit before she took a few deep breathes and looked at the food. She willingly began to eat the food and drink of what was given to her silently. She wished she could fight and wasn't so weak. Selena watcher her with her arms folded leaning against the wall watching the time. Once sakashi finished, sakashi laid back on the bed. Selena walked over to the bed and grabbed the tray and grinned. "Thank you, now, you can sleep for about 4 hours before I wake you for the Auction. I'll make sure you still look presentable when you're awake.." Selena told sakashi before walking out of the room and closed the door. Selena locked the door and began walking to the kitchen to return the dishes. Sakashi laid there silently and couldn't stay awake much longer and eventually passed out.

After four hours passed by Selena opened the door and walked over to sakashi and grabbed her shoulder she shook her. "Wake up girl!." She told sakashi. Moments later sakashi opened her eyes and sat up slowly. Selena knelt down and observed her hair and makeup. She began making a few adjustments before she was satisfied. "Good. Now come, we now have 10 minutes before it starts. Your number three to be presented so we must get going now. But first Erfan needs me to do one more thing!." She told her before suddenly slamming a needle into her arm and injecting a drug into her arm called gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, then she brought out another needle and injected another drug called clonazepam (Klonopin). "Don't worry you will not remember much of anything once your back to your right mind.." she told her as she pulled and led sakashi to the auction. Sakashi walked and could slowly feel her body tingle and feel weird. She knew drugs had been given to her and could feel herself not feeling normal. She began feeling drowsy and spaced out. Selena walked behind the stage with sakashi and held on to her arm waiting for her call. The auction had started and Erfan began presenting the first girl.

Now in the crowd were several known men ready to buy new girls, the man Erfan needs to sell sakashi to was in the front row. Erfan saw newcomers and smirked. In the back sat Azusa and Wesley. However, they were in disguises and weren't recognizable. Azusa sat there uninterested and silent. Once the first girl was sold to a man that wanted the girl's virginity. Erfan began announcing the second girl. Wesley observed Erfan's voice and began realizing how similar it sounded to the doctor. He studied the man and realized it was the doctor who helped sakashi give birth and nudged Azusa. "Hey, notice anything off about the man doing the auction?." Wesley asked Azusa. With a sigh, Azusa looked up and looked at him and immediately recognized him and sat up straight. He glared and wondered why he's alive and not dead from the bear. "Hmmm." Azusa watched him and could feel a wave of anger. "Sakashi could still be alive you know," Wesley whispered. "If she is, he's dead," Azusa replied. Once the second girl was sold. Erfan began to introduce the third girl. "Now, May I present to you a girl who isn't a virgin, however, she's still a beauty. She recently gave birth, she's healthy and could work with being a slave or even a pleasure toy as well! May I present to you girl number three!." Selena began walking sakashi to the stage. As sakashi wobbled from the drugs making her body feel strange on the stage. Azusa eyes became wide-eyed as he grit his teeth. Wesley looked at Azusa and sighed. "Win her back. Once we go back to get her we will take care of him." Wesley told Azusa. Standing up clenching his fists together. He listened to all the males beginning to make sexual comments and began bidding on her. The man in the front who was going to buy sakashi originally began bidding high numbers. Azusa stepped forward and began yelling out higher numbers. Selena looked in the back and slightly glared. She wondered why sakashi was the first girl that began getting some high bids. She never witnessed this kind of high bidding for a girl that's not a virgin. Erfan deep down got nervous because someone else could win sakashi when he needed her sold to a certain man. Sakashi stood there silently. She couldn't see clearly and still wobbled and rocked back and forth, the drugs had fully kicked in and caused her body to feel drowsy and completely out of her right mind. Her body shook from standing and her head kept flopping back and forth. Now as Azusa kept competing with this man upfront. Wesley began marking his targets to eliminate. He chose Erfan, Selena, and the man trying to win sakashi in the front row, he smirked and sat back letting Azusa go back to his original self through selfishness and anger. Wesley worried he was getting too soft and knew this Auction for the woman he wants will reopen that hate within him. Azusa began feeling bloodthirsty as he watched sakashi up there drugged and spaced out. His eyes turned blood red as he started activating his magical abilities he had stolen from past victims. "Calm down, don't use that yet," Wesley told him calmly with his arms folded.

Azusa deactivates the magic and continued to bet high.


1.) do you think Azusa will win the bet?

2.) what do you think will happen afterward?