CHAPTER 53- Don’t touch my girl.

"$10,000,000" Azusa shouted. The man from the front stood up getting agitated and looked back to Azusa and glared. "$15,000,000!" The man yelled out. Azusa looked at Wesley and sighed. "How high can I go?" He asked Wesley. Erfan smirked! "$15,000,000? Going once?."

"Get your girl back. Don't worry about that" Wesley said as he sat there in his chair with his arms folded. Azusa looked up and smirks. "Going twice?." Erfan waited for a second. "$20,000,000." Azusa yelled out. Erfan paused and grit his teeth. There was a long silence before Erfan sighed. "$20,000,000? Going once? The man in the front stood up and began to walk out the door. "$15,000,000 was my limit. Not worth anymore to me especially for a used toy." He mumbled. "Going twice!? SOLD to the man in the back. Come get your reward after the auction.." Erfan spoke. He felt anger and like he failed his number one goal. He immediately began to think of an ambush to kill off this man and still give sakashi to the man she was meant to go to. For the rest of the auction, Erfan continued to auction off three more girls. Wesley and Azusa stayed In the back discussing what will happen afterward in the back. During the remainder of the auction, Selena had drug sakashi into the waiting room. She sat sakashi on a chair and knelt down in front of her and tilted her head looking at her. "You must be some kind of special slice of meat for two men to fight over you!." She told her. Sakashi swayed back and forth from the drugs and tried to focus her vision but still couldn't see clearly. Selena got irritated and slapped her hard suddenly causing sakashi to fall to the ground. Sakashi face planted on to the ground and her trembled in weakness. Sakashi tried to push herself up but only collapsed flat back on the ground. "You're not even that pretty!" She yelled and placed her foot on her head and pressed down. Sakashi clenched her fists to the ground and grunted in throbbing head pain. "SELENA?!." Erfan yelled out as he walked through the door. "What the hell are you doing?." He asked. Selena stepped off her head and faced Erfan. "Sorry, I sorta lost my cool.." Erfan sighed. "We need to make sure the girl goes with the man that's meant to take her. I texted him just now to come get her so he's coming. Before that other man gets here. Let's make a plan to eliminate the man who bought her instead." Erfan told Selena. "Excuse me! I'm here to get my prize.." Azusa spoke as Wesley was standing behind him smoking a blunt. Selena lifted sakashi up to her feet. Erfan gulped and turned around. "I'm sorry sir but I decided to decline you. So keep your money and leave.." Wesley suddenly pulled his blunt out of his mouth and flicked it and smirked. Azusa glared then sighed. "I'm not leaving without the girl." He spoke firmly. Moments later the man who was going to buy her walked into the room and stopped. "I thought you said this man changed his mind?" The man spoke. Erfan sighed and looked at Selena. "Take the girl and wait for me. I need to deal with this stubborn man first." Selena nodded and yanked Sakashi's arm and left the room. Wesley sighed and slammed his blunt against the wall and took his hat and glasses off then looked up smirking. "Or how about you realize you messed up and give Azusa's girlfriend back that you stole from us." Wesley spoke firmly revealing himself. Azusa smirked and pulled his wig off and fake mustache off and grinned. Erfan's eyes widened as he stepped back. "What? How? I could have sworn I deceived you with that bear!." He yelled. "Who the hell are these guys Erfan? You ow me this girl!" The man became furious. Wesley sighed and lifted a sudden pistol up towards the man's neck and pulled the trigger immediately killing the man wanting sakashi. The man dropped dead on the floor. Erfan stepped back and became frightened. "Who the hell are you guys? That man was the boss of a gang! Do you have any idea who you're Messing with?." Erfan yelled out nervously and pressed the security button. The alarm went off loud. "Azusa go now and get your girl, I'll deal with this one and his so-called security.." Wesley told Azusa as he pointed the pistol directly at Erfan. Azusa nodded and left the room and began running down the hall. Wesley stood in the doorway and grinned. "One thing you need to know is that you just messed with the wrong people to take someone valuable to one of us. My name is Wesley from a little known group called the magic stealers." Erfan became wide-eyed and terrified. "Your? Your....?." Erfan couldn't get words out correctly from fear. "That's right. One of the biggest wanted known criminals, you're going to die! Along with everyone else who gets in my way.." Wesley told him. Erfan trembled in fear and realized this is how his life is going to end. His security came into the room and pointed their guns towards Wesley and began demanding Wesley to drop his weapon. Wesley chuckled and closed his eyes. The magic started to flow through his veins until he began to use some of his magical power. All that could be seen was a bright red light glowing out the door. Everyone's screams could be heard loudly, the sound of gunfire filling the room that eventually dwindled fast and bodies began dropping. Once that bright red light decreased and left. Skeleton bodies laid everywhere in the room. Erfan's face was in complete terror. He was on the ground on his knees shaking in fear and sweating. His teeth began Gnashing together. Wesley's voice of laughter could be heard clearly. "what's wrong Erfan? Cat got your tongue?." Wesley said before he transformed back into his normal self. Erfan began crying hard still staring at him in terror. Now Wesley's hidden power was revealed. He had stolen the power of a female demon from the past. A power that can suck the life from anyone and melt their flesh from their bones making them into skeletons. When he's in that form he has black wings, sharp teeth, sharp claws, black eyes, and 5 horns on his head. He can move at the speed of light and becomes immune to bullets. Only light magic could stand a chance against this demon power. Wesley walked over to Erfan and grinned. "Die." Wesley spoke before lifting his pistol to his head and pulled the trigger.

During the same time when Wesley was dealing with all the men and Erfan. Selena has thrown sakashi into a room and locked the door. Sakashi was still drugged enough to be out of her right mind. She fell and collapsed to the ground and laid on the floor as her body shook in pain.

Azusa was running and tracking Selena. After a few moments. Azusa ran into Selena and stopped. "Where is my girl?" He yelled out firmly. Selena smirked and grabbed a pole. "None of your business.." she replied and ran towards him. Azusa sighed and before Selena could swing and react Azusa dodger her attack and grabbed the back of her neck and slammed her into the ground. He then put her in a chokehold with his right arm and lifted her up causing very little airflow. Selena began choking and struggling to break free. "Don't touch my girl," Azusa said as he grinned and grabbed her right arm and bent back till it broke. He released Selena and watched her scream in sudden pain. Selena held her right arm and began grunting and squealing in pain. Azusa smirked and grabbed Selena, stood selena to her feet, and used magical power to more strength and began beating her for a while before breaking both of her legs. Selena screamed and coughed repeatedly. Azusa lifted Selena up and drug her to the auctioning room. He noticed some gang members and smirked. "Whatever you did to my girl, you gonna wish you never got involved." He told her and tossed her to the ground. Selena grunted in agony as tears flowed down her face. "Aye, want some fun? She needs some punishment. Do what you want. However, don't kill her. Just play around with her." He told the two gang members. They chucked and walked up to Selena and grabbed her lifting her up. "We got your back man! Thanks. And don't worry. We'll take good care of her for a long long time." They told Azusa before dragging her along with them.

Azusa nodded and walked back into the hallway and began checking every room. After a while he stumbled on a locked door and sighed. "found you." He mumbled before he took a card from his pocket and began sliding it around the crack of the door and used his skill to break doors in to open the door. After a few minutes, the door opened and he ran in. He found sakashi on the ground. He walked over to her and knelt down and gently wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up into his arms. "Sakashi? It's ok now. I'm here." He whispered. Sakashi's head wobbled back and forth as she groaned. She wasn't clear and aware of who it was. She tried to blink and clear her vision but couldn't make him out. She eventually passed out from drug overdose. Selena had injected her with more drugs and purposefully gave her to much as she was running to hide her. Azusa became angrier and held her close to his chest. Azusa suddenly kissed her and closed his eyes. He began sucking some of the drugs from her system so she doesn't die from an overdose. By that time Wesley found them and walked into the room and saw that Azusa was draining drugs from her. He sighed. "Azusa that's a good way to be drugged yourself..." he told him. Azusa pulled away and began feeling some effects. "I know but I'm not going to have her die from an overdose. Let's go home now. I will be fine. I'll just need to sleep it off.." he told Wesley and stood up. "Well, at least you don't have a weak immune system." He told Azusa before walking back. Wesley and Azusa headed back home with sakashi for about an hour and a half. Once they arrived home Azusa walked immediately to his room with sakashi, laid down with her and passed out. Wesley walked into the room and injected an anti-drug antidote into both of them and walked out. "What the hell happened? Is that sakashi?." Luke asked Wesley. "Yep. Turned out the doctor was a fake and kidnapped sakashi and tried to auction her off. So I guess it's good we went to the auction tonight. They are both drugged currently so just let them rest for now.." Wesley told him. "Oh, I see. Why are you so full of blood?." Luke asked curiously. Wesley smirked and explained how everything happened. Luke became slightly jealous of not being able to get into the action as well but shrugged. "Well glad she's back. Azusa can stop moping now. The baby wasn't bad at all. He slept most of the time.." Luke told him and smiled. Wesley rolled his eyes. "Soft spot for the baby now? I'm going to bed." Wesley said before going to his room and passing out in his filthy bloody clothes. Luke smiled slightly and continued to watch over the baby.

Once morning came sakashi opened her eyes and adjusted her vision before she looked over and became wide-eyed. She sat up fast and began crying hard. Azusa opened his eyes from her movement and smiled. "Azusa?." Sakashi said before falling into him and hugged him tightly. Azusa smiled and wrapped his arms around her tightly and closed his eyes. "Told you, you can't escape me." He told her calmly as tears left his eyes. Sakashi kept silent and stayed in his embrace. Sakashi closed her eyes as tears fell from her eyes harder. "Whatever you did.... thank you." She told him. Azusa kept silent and smiled. After about thirty minutes of embracement. Sakashi heard a babies cry and immediately pulled away and ran out of the room. Azusa smiled as he stood up. "Go get your son.... momma." He mumbled to himself silently.