CHAPTER 54- Introducing the baby and happy to be home.

Sakashi ran into the living room and looked at Luke holding the baby. Luke's eyes looked bloodshot and dark. He hasn't gotten much sleep trying to care for this baby, Sakashi walked over. "I'll take him now.,Get some sleep you look exhausted." She told him. Luke smiled softly and handed her the baby. "It's ok, he wasn't hard. Just wouldn't let me sleep much. But aye welcome home." He told her as he laid down and passed out on the sofa almost immediately. Sakashi smiled and walked back to the room with the baby and held her son close to her and began crying in relief being able to see him again. The baby cried for a while until sakashi began breastfeeding him. At first, sakashi felt a slightly painful sensation but after a while, it didn't bother her at all. She sat down on the bed next to Azusa and leaned her head on Azusa's shoulder. "What should we name him?" She asked. Azusa smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Anything you want hun." He told her softly. The baby was about 17 inches long and weighed about 8 pounds and 4 ounces. He has green hair and blue eyes. He wasn't much of a fusser, he only cried when hungry or needed to be changed. Most of the time he just sleeps. "Hmm how about Ayato?" She asked. "Perfect," Azusa replied with a smile. "He looks a lot like you." He told her passionately. "Uh, just my eyes but the rest he looks like you. Green hair, his nose, his mouth, he looks like you more." She told him. Azusa smiled and pulled sakashi closer into him and leaned his head against her head. After about a twenty-minute feed sakashi laid the baby down on the bed gently and swaddled him before placing him in a crib. Sakashi had completely forgotten about what had even happened to her. Seeing her baby seemed to distract her mind and heal the damage done to her. Azusa looked at her and watched her get dressed silently. After she was dressed she walked over to Azusa and began to smile. She began rambling on about the future together as a new family. She never talked about anything else. Azusa however, couldn't stop thinking about what she could have felt and even went through after she was taken to the auction. even how she could have felt when he took her from kalebize. He began wondering if kalebize felt what he felt when sakashi was kidnapped. Was this how kalebize felt when he took sakashi from kalebize that day. He began hating who he was again and wanted to fix it all. However, he doesn't want to lose her either. He didn't want to let her go and return her back to kalebize. He only wants a happy life with her. Azusa got lost in thought and spaced out. "Azusa? Are you ok? Did you hear what I just said?" Sakashi asked. Azusa looked at sakashi and slightly shook his head and sighed. "Sorry no, I got lost in thought. What did you say?." He told her and looked down. Sakashi smiled softly and kissed him suddenly wrapping her arms around his neck. Azusa closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer into him. Sakashi pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Forget about the past ok? I don't want to talk about the past. Let's just move forward ok?" She told him. However, Azusa still saw the pain she holds behind her eyes. He sighed and rested his head against her head. He stayed silent and gripped her sides. He began shaking before he let his emotions out. He wept suddenly and began apologizing about everything. Sakashi smiled softly and wrapped her arms around his head. "See, your not evil, your just broken. Let me fix you. So time to focus on our future ok?" She whispered into his ear. Azusa kept silent and embraced her closer until he was drowned into her and felt a strong love for her. He had gotten intoxicated by her and laid back pulling her above him tightly and kissed her. Sakashi smiled and kissed his lips tightly. Moments later sakashi could feel Azusa getting to excited and suddenly sat up then grabbed his arms and pulled him up. "Let's go eat!" She told him with a smile. Azusa smiled and stood up with her and walked to the kitchen. With the baby asleep and Luke still passed out sakashi smiled as she walked hand in hand with Azusa and began looking for some food to cook. Wesley walked out of his room still wearing his clothes full of blood and stopped. "Well, you two look happy." He stated with a smirk. Sakashi looked at Wesley and smiled. "I'm just happy to be home with you guys.." she told him and noticed his clothes. She looked away silently and grabbed ingredients. "I'm going to try and make som food by myself, is that ok?" She asked. Azusa smiled and nodded. "Go for it." He told her. Wesley chuckled and walked to the fridge and grabbed some rum. Azusa sat down and watched sakashi while she cooked. He realized she has now completely agreed to be his woman. She's changed and he wondered why she was so willing to forget about her best friend and love a criminal like him. He couldn't understand it and wanted to know why she would stay with him and act so happy after all he's done to her. Wesley drank his rum until he felt tipsy. He then went to his bathroom and began to shower and clean up. Azusa began reading upcoming events he would like to go with sakashi to add more romance. He noticed a Karaoke night coming up soon. However, he saw it was in the town where he knows kalebize and Leemodo are in. He sighed and knew Wesley wouldn't allow it and ignored it. Once the food was ready sakashi set the table for three and prepared the plates of food. "It's ready. I hope I didn't do bad and you like it." She told him and sat down. Azusa looked at it and smiled. "You created animal faces with rice? It's cute." He told her with a small chuckle. Sakashi smiled softly. Wesley walked out shirtless, only wearing boxers and his hair was wet and scattered. He sat down and looked at the food. "Cute." Sakashi started snickering at his hair until she just bolted out in laughter. Wesley looked at sakashi and rolled his eyes. "Laugh all you want." He told her and began eating. Azusa smiled as he began eating. Sakashi calmed down after a few minutes from laughing and began eating along with them.

As the day's passed on, sakashi took care of ayato. Wesley, Azusa, and Luke went out to do a few important things. Sakashi could have easily left with Ayato but she never left. She cleaned the house. And took care of house chores as they were out. When they came home Azusa walked into his room only to see sakashi asleep on the bed with the baby. He smiled and placed a blanket over them and walked back out. "Yeah, she's still here. She's officially one of us now.." he Assured them. Wesley smirked and walked to his room. Luke smiled. "Good. Now I'm going to sleep." He said before walking to his room. As days continued to pass they all raised Ayato together. They all became a happy family and sakashi felt happy again.

Unfortunately, this wasn't an easy and happy life for kalebize. He was struggling day by day trying to find sakashi and help Leemodo remember everyone. Thankfully Leemodo began remembering everything at a steady pace. But kalebize still refused to accept the failed plan spike had tried to do. He was sure the Auction trap would work. Spike was disappointed knowing his old boss and Erfan are now dead because of him requesting this plan in the first place. He had also been angered knowing his cousin Selena was missing and hasn't been found yet. However, kalebize offered to help spike find his cousin. Kalebize and spike became good companions and agreed to help each other and have each other's back. Their trust for each other increased and became roommates. Once Leemodo fully recovered his memory the first person he wanted to see was sakashi. When he found out what happened and how long it's been, He became angered.