CHAPTER 60 -Evil plans before a finding.

Weeks have gone by and Azusa and sakashi were becoming closer. Sakashi had decided to forgive him for everything he's done to her and restart a romantic relationship with him. For a while Wesley and Luke kept getting disgusted with how sakashi and Azusa are together. Wesley had been getting angry at the fact Azusa hasn't been acting like his old self lately. He refuses to get involved with their victims, and spends most of his time with sakashi as if he's not a criminal anymore. Luke was on edge because he feels like Azusa is choosing to leave them behind for a girl. However Luke does adore sakashi and Ayato, He just misses the old habits and life working and committing evil doings with Azusa and Wesley. Azusa has changed to them and Wesley especially doesn't like it. He's tried to convince Azusa several times to get involved with more crime but Azusa always made excuses and rejected.

One day Azusa left with sakashi for a movie date at a movie theater. Wesley and Luke began talking. "Do you think he's going to betray us?" Luke asked. "He knows better not to. However I feel like sakashi needs to finally die, shes distracting Azusa and destroying who he is. We need to plan a way to get rid of her without Azusa thinking it was on purpose. The kid he needs to stay because I need him for the future. He is Azusa's offspring that could help us later." Wesley told him as he smirked. "Alright, poison her?" Luke suggested. "can you do it as you didn't know a food product was poisonous?" Wesley asked. "You bet." Luke replied. "I'll go to the store and get some food supplies and stuff." Luke added. "Excellent." Wesley replied. Wesley walked to the smaller room and began watching Ayato.

An hour later Luke had began heading to the store. Once he arrived he began grabbing ingredients for a delicious meal. He chose food items that he knew sakashi really liked. Luke wasn't in a disguise, He didn't think he needed to. No one knew who he was on the side of town he went to. Luke began checking out at the register and began talking to the register lady. Moments later kalebize had walked into the store for some items as well. He immediately recognized Luke and glared directly at him. He turned and walked behind one of the isles and continued to watch him. "Oh thank you mrs. This meal is for my friends girlfriend.." Luke told the lady at the register. "Oh? Special day?" She asked. "Oh no, just random. She's just the sweetest and we want to give a random surprise." Luke replied. "Oh well isn't that sweet." The lady told him with a smile. Kalebize listened and kept silent. Once Luke walked out and left. Kalebize slid glasses on and threw his hood over his head and walked out shortly behind him. Kalebize immediately informed chandler spike and Leemodo he had found Luke. For about twelve minutes kalebize followed Luke on a trail before Luke realized someone was following him. He stops and sets the food down and sits down on a bench. Kalebize didn't want to give his identity away so he kept walking until he passed him. Luke glanced at him as he walked by but couldn't recognize him. 'Hmm no one I don't think I know.' Luke thought to himself. Kalebize eventually walked until he knew he was far away enough before he jumped into some trees. Luke continued to walk and assumed he wasn't being followed. However kalebize decided to continue following but stayed out of sight, out of mind.

Back at the movie theater Azusa was sitting in the very back of the room waiting for sakashi to come back with drinks and snacks. However; Azusa was trying to contain his hormones. The dress Sakashi had put on for the evening had gotten him Aroused. When sakashi returned she had some drinks and snacks in her hands. She began placing the drinks in the cup holders and set the snacks down next to Azusa. "Did the Movie start yet." She asked. "No," Azusa replied as he couldn't contain himself much longer. "Ok cool." Sakashi replied before she was about to turn around and sit down in the chair next to him. "Sakashi, I'm sorry but." He told her before grabbing her hip and turned her around fast facing her back towards him and pushed her directly onto his lap. "Azusa what are you doing? I can sit in my own chair." She replied in slight confusion. "No i." He mumbled before lifting her dress up slightly and lifted her up a bit before pushing her back down and suddenly slide up into her. Sakashi became wide eyed and jerked up before trying to stand back up. "Azusa no, there are people in here." She mumbled before feeling his arms wrap around her waist holding her down tightly into him preventing her from getting up. His face leans over close to her ear and whispers. "You don't have to do anything but sit and let me stay inside you.. your dress, your smell, just you I." He mumbled as he was clearly intoxicated and drowned in his hormones. Sakashi sighed and leaned back into him and moaned slightly at his penis sitting hard inside of her. She felt herself getting wetter and got nervous watching people so close and could see them at any time. Azusa seemed to not care, he wrapped his jacket over her legs to help her feel more at ease. But she knew he didn't even care if they get caught and kicked out. However sakashi just focused on trying to stay normal. Half way through the movie Azusa was still inside of Sakashi just watching the movie. Sakashi was focused on the movie leaning into Azusa feeling wetness drip down her legs. She suddenly adjusted her body to get more comfortable and slightly forgot about Azusa inside her until she heard a sudden moan from him and his head press into her back shoulder. Azusa squeezes his arms around her waist tighter and began thrusting slightly. Sakashi tried to lean forward and shut her eyes in sudden pleasure. Azusa smirked and whispered. "Time to get fucked." Sakashi went wide eyed and whispered back. "No not here.." Azusa smirked and covered her mouth with his left hand and slid slightly back and lifted sakashi up a small bit and kept his right arm wrapped around her so she doesn't stand up from him and began thrusting hard. Sakashi monitored everyone with her eyes the best she could before rolling her eyes back and let her arms flop around, Thankfully no one noticed or heard them. They kept laughing and watching the movie instead. About 15 minutes later Azusa had finished and allowed sakashi to sit up. Sakashi however didn't want to stand up so she kept still allowing Azusa to stay inside her. "You can get up now I'm good." He whispered. "I know but I don't wanna move.." she replied with a smile. She felt embarrassed but yet satisfied. She giggled a bit and lifted her hips until he slid out of her but sat back down onto his lap. "What are you giggling about?." He asked her holding his arms around her tightly. "I'm a bad girl doing it in a movie theater." She replied. Azusa smiled and kissed the side of her head.

After the movie had ended and the light came on Azusa looked at sakashi and noticed she had fallen asleep and giggled. He gently lifted her up as he stood up and began headed back home.

Luke had arrived home and walked inside. He immediately went to the kitchen and began prepping food. kalebize sat in a tree near the house and wrote the location of the place and sent it to the other boys. Kalebize kept silent as he watched the house waiting for backup to come. He then noticed Wesley coming out with Ayato and started to show him how to kill targets with his magic. Kalebize then understood Wesley is planning to use Sakashi's child as a tool. He wanted to attack them but needed to wait. Not to long after watching Wesley and Ayato train a bit. Azusa arrived with sakashi. Kalebize looked over and looked at sakashi as he could feel his heart beat faster. "Asleep? What the hell did you do?" Wesley asked. "She passed out during the movie.." he replied. "I see, Luke is making dinner." Wesley replied. "Great." Azusa replied. "Daddy!!!." Ayato said as he ran and hugged Azusa's leg. "Hey son." Azusa smiled and looked at Ayato. "Daddy uncle Wesley is teaching me to magic." Ayato said in excitement. "Oh is he now?." Azusa replied. "Cool, well I need to get sakashi inside. Be right back." Azusa told Wesley before walking inside. Kalebize began feeling anger and his emotions began to scatter as he closed his eyes. For about an hour he watched Wesley teach Ayato some terrible ways to kill people. He was only a young child. He shouldn't be taught this now. Once he realized Leemodo and spike had arrived and met kalebize in the tree dressed in black he began discussing a plan with them.

Inside the house Luke began setting up the table and quickly mixed some poison into Sakashi's mashed potatoes. Wesley sat at the table and waited, Ayato and Azusa has also sat down at the table. Sakashi had slowly walked out of the room Stretching before she sat down at the table with a smile. Luke then began setting the plates of food down before he sat down. "Alright guys, lets dig in." Luke said before he began eating. Everyone started to eat. Sakashi began eating her vegetables first and smiled as she really liked the flavor. Wesley and Luke watched sakashi here and there making sure she would eat the food with poison.

"Alright so that's the plan, got it." Spike said as he smirked and suddenly jumped from the tree and appeared by their door and knocked. Kalebize placed a black mask over his face and kept his hood on. Leemodo placed his hood over his head and adjusted his glasses. Sakashi looked over to the door. "Someone is here?" She said curiously as She had the fork of mashed potatoes in her hand about to eat a bit. Wesley stood up, "keep eating I'll see who this is." He said before walking to the door. Sakashi set her fork down and looked at the door. She was curious who found their place since it was well hidden. Azusa was curious aswell and looked at the door. Ayato was eating because he didn't care. Luke watched sakashi getting anxious for her to eat the food with the poison. Once Wesley opened the door he glared around seeing no one and walked outside. Sakashi stood up and took a step. Azusa grabbed her hand and smiled softly. "Don't worry it's probably just a traveler that's lost." Sakashi smiled softly and sat back down. "LUKE! AZUSA! Get out here now!." Wesley yelled. Luke sighed and stood up walking to the door. Azusa quickly kissed sakashi before he walked out shortly behind Luke. Sakashi sat there and looked at Ayato and smiled. "I'm done momma." Ayato told her. "Alright let's go get you cleaned up." She told him before standing up with Ayato and took him to the bathroom. She began giving Ayato a bath and helped him get cleaned up before getting him ready for bed. About twenty minutes later she just got Ayato dressed for bed and realized the boys were still gone and wondered what happened and what's taking them so long. She put Ayato to bed and kissed him goodnight before walking out to the living room and began putting the food away so they can reheat and finish when they get back. She took one bite of the mashed potatoes before she placed her food in a Tupperware and put it away also. She didn't want to eat without them and decided to Wait till they got back. When she turned around, she noticed their living room window was wide open and got confused. She slowly walked over and looked out the window for a few seconds before leaning her head back inside and closed the window, locked it and stepped back "Hmm weird. I don't remember this window open this wide open." She mumbled to herself. Sakashi wondered where Azusa and the boys were and got alittle worried about them. She turned around and suddenly got startled and gasped becoming wide eyed and frightened.


1.) what do you think happened to Wesley, Azusa and Luke?

2.) what do you think startled sakashi when she turned around?

3.) what do you think will happen?