CHAPTER 61 - Attempted attack.

Sakashi stood still blinking as she looked straight ahead. She slightly backed up and began trembling. "Who... who are you?." She asked in terror trying to hide her fear. All she saw was this man dressed in black with a mask over his face. He didn't looked armed with a weapon but still rather looked dangerous. "Sakashi, it's me." The man spoke as he pulled his hood down and pulled his mask down. "Sakashi, I found you! Spike is distracting the other three. Here's your chance to finally escape." He told her as he reached his hand towards her. Sakashi stood there and blinked at him as she saw it was kalebize and looked away. "I said no, please leave. I don't want to leave." She told him. Kalebize looked at her and moved his hand down to his side. "Sakashi, stop lying to yourself. I know you want freedom." He told her firmly. Sakashi looked at him and got slightly angry. "I said leave!!! I don't love you anymore!!." She yelled before finding herself being muffled by someone else behind her. She felt herself being restrained and held against him to firmly. She tried to fight it but couldn't move. She tried to scream but couldn't make a sound with a hand holding a cloth over her mouth that gradually started making her feel drowsy. Sakashi watched Kalebize close his eyes and look away from her as he had plans to force her to come with him. As her vision became harder to see clearly she let out a few tears before falling unconscious. "I'm sorry sakashi. Please forgive me.." he said as he walked over and took sakashi from leemodo. "She doesn't know it was you who put her to sleep so don't ever tell her you did this. I don't want her hating you to." Kalebize told him. Leemodo sighed and nodded. Kalebize held her close into him and placed his head on her forehead. Leemodo walked to the room Ayato was in and gently lifted him up and walked out. "I'm headed back with Her boy, you coming or gonna wait for spike?." Leemodo asked. "I'm not leaving spike behind, don't worry I'll keep sakashi hidden if he needs my help." Kalebize told him. Leemodo nodded and immediately left. Kalebize waited a few minutes as he walked around the place making sure they were not forcing sakashi in anyway to stay and noticed nothing was keeping her. He realized she could be telling the truth and being serious about her not wanting to leave and felt a heartache. As he was about to walk out the door Azusa, Wesley and Luke returned holding spike half beaten. Azusa looked at kalebize holding sakashi and noticed Sakashi's body not looking right. By that time the small amount of poison had spread through her body. Sakashi began coughing up some blood as she laid in his arms unconscious and Azusa became furious. Wesley smirked. Luke held spike to his knees and kept a gun pointed to his head. Spike groaned as he was half conscious. Kalebize looked at sakashi Then back at spike and grit his teeth. "What did you do to her?" Azusa yelled! Kalebize sighed and looked at Azusa. "I did nothing to her." Kalebize replied. Sakashi suddenly began coughing harder and harder struggling to breathe as the poison was slowly traveling to her heart. Kalebize knelt down and placed sakashi down to the ground and suddenly slammed a needle into her injecting something into her chest. "What are you doing to her?" Azusa yelled and suddenly ran towards kalebize. Sakashi began breathing better and stopped coughing and laid on the ground. Kalebize quickly lifted sakashi up and was about to teleport with her and leave. "You leave! And spike dies immediately." Wesley threatened kalebize firmly. Kalebize stopped and looked at spike and grit his teeth. "Fine! Give spike back and I'll give sakashi back." He told them. Azusa stopped and glared at him. "You first!." Wesley demanded and folded his arms. Kalebize hesitated but slowly walked over to Azusa and gently handed sakashi into his arms. Azusa immediately grabbed sakashi quickly into him but secretly placed something into his pocket. Wesley nodded at Luke to release spike Luke nodded and pushed spike down to the ground. "Now beat it." Wesley told him. Kalebize walked over to spike and lifted him up and teleported next to Leemodo and Ayato as he gently laid spike down and punched the ground. "What happened? Where's sakashi?" Leemodo stopped and asked. "I had to give her back in order to keep spike alive. We need to act fast now since we know there location and they will most likely leave immediately." He told him as he stood up. Ayato woke up from the noise and sat up and got frightened. "Mommy!!! Daddy!!! Help." Ayato screamed suddenly and tried to wiggle out of Leemodo's arms. Leemodo sighed and got a better grip on him refusing to let him go. The more Ayato struggled the firmer Leemodo got until Ayato gave up and just cried in fear. Not knowing what's going to happen to him he kept silent in tears. Kalebize carried spike as he walked back with Leemodo and Ayato.

"Looks like she was poisoned! But kalebize gave her a medicine?, I don't get it. Did he poison her and when he saw us, he cured her?." Azusa asked before laying her gently on the bed. Luke shrugged and glanced at Wesley. "You sure she was poisoned? How do you know?." Wesley asked. "I can sense it, she's also pregnant. Remember I can sense something wrong or even life inside someone?" Azusa told them. "Oh yeah that's right my bad." Wesley replied. "Well she's going to be fine, let's just get packing to leave. I have a feeling they will be back with more backup." Wesley added. Azusa nodded and walked to the room and became wide eyed and growled. "Damnit!!!!." Azusa yelled. Luke looked over and glared. Wesley walked into the room. "What?" Wesley asked. "Ayato! He's gone. They took Ayato." Azusa yelled in frustration. "I see, well next time, let's just kill them." Wesley added with a smirk. "Fine! Kill them! At this point I'll do it myself!." Azusa replied in anger. Wesley smirked "hmph." Wesley walked out and informed Luke about Ayato and Luke sighed. "How are we gonna get him back now?" Luke asked. "Hmm well we are going to figure out where they took him and then raid them and save him." Wesley suggested. Azusa stormed out and walked to his room. He looked at sakashi in anger and closed his eyes and grits his teeth. Sakashi slowly began to wake up and lifted her right hand until she wrapped her hand on her forehead and rubbed softly sitting up. Once she focused and adjusted her eyes she looked around and saw Azusa and immediately began to cry. "Azusa? Thank goodness." She said before leaping out of bed and ran towards him and slammed into him and hugged him tightly. " I hope you didn't kill him but I'm glad I'm still here with you.." she mumbled into his chest gripping his shirt. Azusa kept silent and wrapped his arm around her and closed his eyes he focused to monitor her and couldn't sense anymore poison. It's all removed and cured and relieved Azusa. He felt her pregnancy was going to be fine to and smiled then quickly frowned. "Your still here but he took our son!." He told her. Sakashi immediately looked up at him and looked distraught. "What?!" She yelled. "Damnit, take me to kalebize right now!!! I." She yelled in frustration. "I'll settle this once and for all." She added. "Hmm no, sorry I can't. We are leaving here shortly. But I promise we will get him back. You really think they will hurt him?" He told her calmly. "Well.." sakashi looked down at her feet. "No." She replied. "Then calm down. Ok?." Sakashi's eyes filled with tears knowing Ayato is probably scared and confused.

A couple hours later Wesley had loaded up their van with the last few belongings. Sakashi sat on Ayato's bed still weeping. "Sakashi lets get going shall we?" Azusa calmly told her. "Can I just have a few minutes by my self taking a quick walk before we leave? I just need to have a moment with myself. Don't worry. I'm not leaving you. I just want a five minute walk." She asked him calmly as she looked at him. "Sure, I know you won't. I'll distract the boys for a minute." He told her as he walked away and occupies Luke and Wesley with questions and plans.

Sakashi walked out and began taking a short stroll around the area to relax and clear her mind. She then heard a branch crack behind her. Sakashi stopped and turned around. She started to get nervous and shifted her body to face the location the noise came from. She backed up slowly and could feel her heart beat rapidly. After a while it seemed nothing was around so she sighed and turned around only to let out an attempted scream.


1.) who or what do you think is following sakashi?

2.) did Azusa follow sakashi?

3.) do you think Luke or Wesley followed her and are trying to kill her still?

4.) do you think kalebize is following her?