Chapter 64 - Unexpected interference

Sakashi immediately stepped back and began acting nervous. Kalebize looked at her confused. "Sakashi? You ok?" He asked before suddenly feeling a gun pressed against his head and a blade to his back. Kalebize immediately froze and sighed. "Alright are you Wesley or Luke?" Kalebize asked. Azusa kept silent and stood there and got slightly angry because he told Wesley to stay and Wait. Wesley chuckled. "You shouldn't of tried to come back for the girl. Now your going to die, right here and right now!" Wesley told him and started pressing the blade into his back. "No stop! Wesley don't kill him! That's the promise you all made me for me to come willingly." Sakashi told him with a glare. "Oh? So you were faking all this time for his sake?." Wesley questioned her. "Well no, it's not fake anymore. I truly do want to be with you all. But killing him won't make me happier! Killing him won't do anything but kill someone who's persistent about taking me back!." She replied. "Exactly. So why not get rid of the problem?." He told her. Kalebize stayed calm and looked at Azusa. "Wesley, please he already knows I don't need him. He was about to leave anyway.." she told him firmly. "Oh? It looked like you were about to go with him!" He yelled back at her. Sakashi looked down and sighed. "I was going to give him a hug goodbye. Ask Azusa he knows everything!." Sakashi replied. Wesley looked at Azusa and glared. "I thought you were going to kill him and be quick. I waited an hour for you!" Wesley spoke aggressively towards Azusa. Sakashi looked at Azusa confused. Azusa sighed and closed his eyes. "I did but when I was going to sakashi started yelling at kalebize and finally convinced him to leave her alone. You just happen to arrive when I was going to let him depart from us. So just release him and let's get going." Azusa told him calmly. Wesley glared at him firmly silently. "Hmmm." Wesley wasn't sure if that is true but trusts Azusa. "Azusa! Quit faking it already and just tell him how you really feel!! Time to man up! I told you I would help! We can easily take this looser down right here and now!" Kalebize suddenly told Azusa. "Excuse me?" Wesley said. Sakashi became worried the worst is going to happen now and got frustrated with kalebize. "I do not know what you are talking about!." Azusa denied. Kalebize sighed. "Then I guess you don't need my help to leave your criminal friends then huh?" Kalebize asked him. Wesley then looked at Azusa and smirked. "It's ok Azusa I actually heard your whole conversation. So I knew you were lying to me! I was going to punish you later but now should be good, you wanna leave us then you must die!." Wesley threatened him. Azusa gulped and became nervous. He began to back up as he watched Wesley activate his hidden unknown magic and began to transform into a demon. His clothing ripped to shreds as a dark red demonic body formed, his arms grew larger and long claws grew from his fingertips. 9 horns grew around his head and his eyes shined bright red. His legs grew making him taller. A few seconds later A long tail grew long and wrapped around kalebize fast like a snake claiming its prey tightly and began to squeeze him. Kalebize couldn't move and began grunting and shut his eyes having difficulties breathing. Kalebize could feel some of his ribs crack as he coughed in pain gritting his teeth. Kalebize tried to activate his magical powers for strength but couldn't focus and breathe. Sakashi screamed and ran at Wesley and began punching his side. "let him go!!." She screamed at him as tears fell rapidly. Wesley lifted his arm and smacked sakashi with his claws causing sakashi to fall towards the hard dirt at full force. Azusa quickly ran to sakashi and caught her before she hit the hard ground. Azusa grit his teeth and looked up. "Do you understand why I said he could kill me!." He told her and lifted her up. "Please Stay away from him!" He told sakashi firmly. "Help him!!! Please!!." She begged Azusa. "I know, I'll try." He told her and stood up straight. Wesley glared at Azusa and chuckled as his wings appeared on his back. His whole body began to glow bright red. Azusa became wide eyed. "Kalebize! Close your eyes!!! Don't keep them open!!!" He yelled as he quickly shut his eyes and wrapped his hands over Sakashi's eyes. Wesley's light suddenly shined brightly for a few seconds before it dimmed and cut out. Kalebize shut his eyes and kept his eyes shut as he continued to try and breathe. He felt a sudden release as he collapsed to the ground. Kalebize then slanted his eyes open as his body trembled in pain, he had difficulty breathing and his chest hurt. He saw Wesley standing near him breathing hard. "I see... so that's the unknown power... a demon's flesh melting elimination power." He mumbled. Azusa opened his eyes and uncovered Sakashi's eyes as well and looked at Wesley. "Kalebize!!!." Sakashi yelled and tried to run over to him. "Stop little girl this isn't over just yet!" Wesley firmly told her as he walked over to kalebize and grabbed his hair and yanked him up pointing the gun to him head. "This gun has two requirements before killing any magic user." Wesley began sharing. Azusa became nervous as he knows the weapon he got is dangerous. "This isn't good at all." Azusa mumbled. Sakashi stoped and looked at Wesley then at kalebize. She saw how much pain he was feeling. She could see blood drip from his mouth from broken ribs and had hardly any strength to fight. Kalebize kept silent and focused on building up some magic to try and fight, he just needed to buy a few minutes. "The first shot. Destroys every ounce of magic within the body, and since half his magic was stolen from him by us! He doesn't have much to diminish into nothing, then the second shot kills him completely." Wesley told her as he laughed suddenly pulling the trigger. The first bullet was a magic bullet going Through his head. Kalebize became wide eyed and felt his body tingle and shake as he could feel a heavy heat eating away at the magic he had. Once he couldn't feel any of his magic, his head flopped down and his body felt numb. Wesley yanked his head back up and pointed the gun to his head one more time. "And now for the finishing touch." Wesley yelled in excitement. "Stopppp. Please!! Don't kill him!! Let him go!! You done enough." She begged him as she fell to her knees. Azusa stood up and glared at Wesley. "Take my life instead. But just let him go." Azusa told Wesley firmly. Sakashi looked up at Azusa and wept rapidly. "Or how about you choose. I'll allow kalebize to live if sakashi becomes mine. Or I kill him and you keep sakashi and receive a small punishment then I'll forgive you and act like your betrayal wasn't real." Wesley told him firmly. Kalebize weak and powerless looked at sakashi as his vision blurred. Sakashi wept rapidly and held her chest. Azusa looked at Wesley silently. Thunder boomed louder and the clouds had become heavier and black. Kalebize managed to slid his hand in his pocket to push a hidden bottom calling for immediate help. Azusa sighed. "Are you going to hurt sakashi?." He asked. "Hmm well if she's mine I'm fucking her however and whenever! Maybe torture here and there!." Sakashi kept her head down weeping hard as she began gasping in so much heartache pain she started hyperventilating. Azusa closed his eyes and thought for a few moments.. Wesley kept silent looking at Azusa firmly keeping the gun pressed against kalebize.


1.) what do you think Azusa will do? What will he choose?

2.) will help come in time? Will kalebize survive?

3.) what do you think will happen?