Chapter 63- Azusa’s confession

Azusa hesitates and paused before speaking as he looked down. "Well? Are You going to speak or not?." Kalebize asked him. Azusa looked up at kalebize and sighed. "Ok fine you win kalebize, I have changed. I truly do love sakashi and want what's best for her, I have become a softy and want to stop the life of crime." Azusa told him looking towards the ground before glancing at sakashi. Sakashi looked up at Azusa as her tears fell down her cheek. Kalebize looked at him silently and became less tense and aggressive. "Then why continue to do what you do if your so serious about changing?" Kalebize asked. "Well you see, it's easier said then done. Just like how I explained to sakashi. Wesley is the biggest issue that keeps me from leaving them. He's got a unique power that even I can't beat. I could easily kill off Luke but I'm afraid Wesley will seek revenge and kill me an even sakashi. I don't want to put sakashi in a dangerous situation. I want to leave the group. I want to start over and become a better man! For myself and sakashi. I want to make real friends that don't make me do crime and destroy other people. I'm tired of it and want a change of life style." Azusa told him sincerely and firmly. "If taking sakashi keeps her safe then take her while I figure out how to get myself free." Azusa added. Sakashi looked at him silently as tears fall and shook her head no. She didn't want to leave his side. She began feeling heartache and wanted to be in his arms. Kalebize looked at sakashi and knelt down and cut the zip ties releasing her arms but grabbed her wrist and held onto her. Sakashi sat there with her arm lifted up held in kalebize's grip. She looked down and kept silent. "Why not seek help then?" Kalebize asked him. "You mean ask for help? Who the hell would help a criminal? It's easier said then done.." Azusa told him firmly.

Kalebize lifted sakashi to her feet then released sakashi's wrist. Sakashi stood there and looked at kalebize. "I'll help you." Kalebize offered. "I'm not scared of Wesley and if it means helping you for the better then I will help. But don't think I'll let you off easy with everything you did to sakashi." Kalebize firmly told him. Azusa sighed and looked down. "I know. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just want to be set free. I'm tired of being a trapped bird fearing my life if I walk away. Or even fearing the worst will happen to sakashi. So I guess what I want to say is." Azusa paused then looked firmly into his eyes. "Will you help me leave them and start a new life? Even if that means putting in my life in prison to pay off the debt I owe?" Kalebize looks at him and folds his arms and smirks. "Sakashi really did change your heart. Just cry already I see your holding back! And alright I'll help you." Kalebize told Azusa. Sakashi began weeping rapidly suddenly before she suddenly turned and hugged kalebize. Kalebize became wide eyed and immediately wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. "Thank you." Sakashi spoke loudly to kalebize. "Your welcome hun, if you trust him then I trust him." He replied. Azusa stood there and smiled softly before he looked around. "Sakashi go back with him! I promise I'll see you again! I just don't want you hurt." Azusa told sakashi suddenly. Sakashi pulled away from kalebize and looked at Azusa. "No I told you I don't want to leave your side." She told him firmly. Azusa sighed.

"Sakashi I'll come back for him and bring him home ok? I'll have help I'm sure we can get rid of two men." Kalebize promised sakashi. "I don't care! I don't want to leave ok?." She said firmly. "Azusa we do this all together ok?" She told Azusa. "Sakashi, your pregnant again. I can't loose both of my babies." He told her firmly. Sakashi became wide eyed and held her stomach. Kalebize kept silent and sighed. "That settles it then. Your coming with me to be placed in a safe area for you. Then I'll come back for Azusa." Kalebize told her firmly. Sakashi looked down and closed her eyes. "Azusa, please come back to me alive! I I can't loose you ok?" She told him. Azusa smiled as she finally agreed to go. "I will, don't you worry." He assured her.

The breeze blew and the aroma of rainfall could be smelt. "We need to get back sakashi, it's about to rain soon." Kalebize told sakashi calmly. Sakashi looked at kalebize and nodded silently. Azusa smiled and looked up at the sky. " I'll head back and tell Wesley and Luke I couldn't find sakashi. They will start making a plan to come raid but I'm sure they won't expect you to come back with help and raid us. Then I swear and promise I'll assist you guys. I trust you guys will have my back if I have yours?." Azusa spoke firmly. "Sure do partner! You have my word, the last thing I want to do is destroy Sakashi's heart and betray her trust in me." Kalebize said firmly. Sakashi smiled but kept looking at the ground. Thunder boomed and caused sakashi to jump slightly. She looked up to the sky and saw several clouds getting slightly darker as they emerged together. "Alright sakashi, shall we? Besides I'm sure Asha and Sasha would love to see you again!" Kalebize told her with a smile as he offered his hand. Sakashi looked at kalebize and looked back at Azusa, she looked unsure and hesitant but Azusa smiled and nodded at her. Sakashi looked back at kalebize and looked at his hand.

Sakashi looked back up at Azusa and took a deep breathe and slowly lifted her hand and went to grab take kalebize by the hand as she took a step forward.