Chapter 68 - A sudden death

"I love you sakashi" kalebize spoke directly to sakashi before coughing up more blood as he laid on the ground. Sakashi being shoved into the cold hard ground by Wesley's foot, could do nothing but cry and try to reach towards kalebize. Unfortunately, matt aims his gun at leemodo and fired several times. Leemodo rolls and dodges then turns around and runs towards matt instead. "Your all gonna die by my hand!." Leemodo yells. Matt continued to shoot at leemodo. Azusa suddenly ran towards matt and tackled matt, shoving him into the tree and slapped the gun from matt's hands, then began to punch him as hard as he could in the mouth. Leemodo grabbed Azusa and yanked him back and threw Azusa back causing Azusa to fall back on his ass. "He's mine!" As leemodo begins to punch matt consistently Wesley watches for a moment before he chuckles. "Looks like he's more worried about matt and not you or kalebize! Let's make him regret that shall we?" Wesley told sakashi before grabbing sakashi by the hair and lifted her to her feet and wrapped his arm around her neck holding her close. He leans closer to her left ear and whispers firmly. "Say goodbye." Sakashi went wide-eyed and tried to move her arms as she saw his arm lifting, pointing his gun directly at kalebize. "No!." Sakashi said before getting muffled by his hand; Tears fell rapidly.

Kalebize looked up towards sakashi once more and smiled as he began feeling colder and his vision blurred. "Never forget me," Kalebize said before trying to stand up. Sakashi tried to bite Wesley's hand to break free. Unfortunately the second she bit his thumb was the moment her life completely turned upside down. Wesley pulled the trigger and shot his gun. Hitting kalebize directly in the head as he looked up at sakashi standing halfway up. Kalebize fell to the ground dead as a tear slides down his right cheek. Sakashi immediately became wide-eyed and threw her head back slamming her head into Wesley's nose and flipped around facing him before she kicked him between his legs as Wesley released her to hold his nose as he grunted. "You little bitch!" He mumbled and trembled in pain. Sakashi turned and ran towards kalebize fast before landing onto his chest and hugged him screaming.

Azusa looked over and felt heartache and guilt. He was angered immediately knowing the only person sakashi truly loved was killed. He couldn't prevent it nor could he stop this murder. He wanted to fix everything and realized how he's helped with all this trauma and pain. He wanted to hold sakashi but chose to let her be. He looked at Wesley and stood up in anger from the ground. Leemodo stopped punching matt the moment he heard the gunshot. He looked over and became distraught and began to weep in anger. His fist holding matt weakened and released matt before leemodo became completely weak. As sakashi cried hard and loudly over kalebize begging him to wake up. Wesley regained his focus and stood up straight aiming his gun directly towards leemodo. "Your turn," Wesley spoke as blood dripped from his nose.

Leemodo stands still and looks at kalebize and closes his eyes facing his head down towards the ground. Thunder boomed as clouds began getting darker. Matt slid over slowly to his gun and grabbed it and immediately aimed at leemodo. His face became swollen and bloody, but not enough damage to have killed him. Azusa looked at matt and grit his teeth. "Wesley, the one you wanted dead is dead now. Drop it and let's leave." Azusa spoke and stood up slowly. "Let me make up for my betrayal and show you that I can be your friend again." Matt looked at Azusa but kept silent keeping his main focus on leemodo. Wesley looked at Azusa and grinned. "Not till both are dead, then ill give you a severe punishment before I even consider trusting you again," Wesley spoke firmly. Azusa sighed and nodded. Matt stood up slowly holding the side of his head but kept the gun pointed at leemodo. "I say we have some fun with him first," Matt suggested. "Let's play with her Infront of him and when we are done, we kill him," Matt added. Leemodo looked up and directly at matt in anger. Wesley smirked and looked at sakashi. Azusa looked at sakashi and felt sorrow. He watched sakashi in so much heartbreak she began hyperventilating. She kept trying to kiss his lips hoping a true love's kiss would wake him up. Azusa sighed and looked away. Wesley began walking towards Azusa and reached his hand out until he placed his hand on Azusa's shoulder. "You want to be trusted again? you're the one that's gonna torture sakashi by inflicting physical pain on her before killing him in front of her when she's had enough. That's your punishment." Wesley spoke loudly. Azusa gulped and looked at Wesley silently. Sakashi looked up as tears fell from her eyes looking at Azusa before closing her eyes holding onto kalebize. Leemodo glared at Azusa and was tempted to run at one of them but held himself back knowing two of them to have guns. Leemodo began trying to figure out how to get out of this alive. He wasn't sure if he could trust Azusa but he told himself to trust that he was faking to earn their trust again and help him save her. Leemodo looked at sakashi and felt sympathetic and wanted to reach her. Leemodo cared about sakashi's safety and feeling more than his own life and wanted to save her.

Wesley handed Azusa a knife and pointed towards sakashi. "Well get started, Do anything you want. But do not kill her." Wesley spoke firmly. Azusa took the knife and looked at sakashi before walking towards her as his expression became cold and dull.

Sakashi looked at Azusa with a petrified facial expression. "no don't you dare!." leemodo yelled.

Question time:

1.) whats going to happen next? Will Azusa inflict pain or pull a surprise?

P.s. my deepest apologies for those who are reading my story. Life just got unexpectedly overwhelming and i didnt have time to write. But im returning now! I will try to update once or twice a week! Thank you for your understanding!