CHAPTER 69 - blood, pain and a hidden fire.

"Wake up! Please kalebize wake up!!!." Sakashi mumbled into kalebize's ear as she began to shake him in a panic knowing Azusa was approaching her. Leemodo's anger Had begun to grow deeper. Tears fell from his eyes finding an eagerness to run and attack. however, he froze in his tracks and kept still knowing he's just one man against two men holding guns directed towards him. He glared at Azusa and grit his teeth. Azusa approached sakashi and aggressively grabbed sakashi by her hair and yanked her up to her feet and places a knife to her throat as he began to mumble something into her right ear. Sakashi became wide-eyed and trembled. Azusa smirked and suddenly stabbed sakashi directly into her leg. Sakashi began collapsing to the ground screaming in sudden pain. Blood flowed from her leg rapidly as Azusa twisted the blade deeper into her leg, opening her wound more. Sakashi threw up in pain and became lightheaded. Leemodo took a step forward in anger clenching his fist but stopped looking at Wesley pulling the lever back on his pistol. Matt giggled and looked at sakashi finding pleasure in her torment. Azusa suddenly dropped sakashi and threw a knife at Wesley before he ran straight into the trees and vanished fast. Wesley jumped back and dodged the knife and began to growl in frustration from betrayal once again. Wesley stands up and realized he feels a sudden pain in his arm and looked down. Wesley became furious seeing how he couldn't dodge fast enough. He got hit in his upper arm. "Son of a bitch, that fucking ass hole will pay with his life for sure," Wesley yelled as he held his arm. He suddenly pulled out the blade aggressively. Blood gushed out from his arm. "Hmm, still not that deep of a wound to stop me," Wesley stated as he tore his shirt and wrapped his arm tightly. While Wesley began tending to himself. Sakashi slid back over to kalebize's body and gripped his shirt resting her head on his head. Leemodo stood there silently wanting to kill Azusa for running and becoming a coward. His hate kept growing stronger for how much they are harming sakashi. Wesley looked at sakashi and approached her fast and lifted his gun at her head. "You might as well die with him." Wesley stated. Sakashi shut her eyes tightly but wouldn't resist and suddenly knelt down towards kalebize as close as she could and wrapped her arms around kalebize's head. "No don't!." Leemodo yelled wanting to move forward but would not move looking over at Matt focused on him and will not hesitate to shoot him. Sakashi however didn't care about Wesley's threat and slowly opened her eyes to look at kalebize once more as she wept. Wesley rolled his eyes and grabbed sakashi roughly lifting her weak body by the back of her neck, before he flipped her around and grabbed her throat as he placed his gun to her forhead. sakashi's lifeless eyes looked at him and lost the will to live. Azusa suddenly approached Matt from behind and wrapped his right arm around his neck and left arm around his arms and pulled him back. Matt struggled at the sudden surprise and fired the gun. However, it was directed to the sky. Azusa slammed Matt to the ground and disarmed the gun from Matt by griping the gun before he flipped the gun towards Matt's face. "It's time to change rolls Matt and turn yourself in with me! Fuck Wesley." Azusa told him. Matt became furious and smirked at the same time. "No Azusa! Fuck you! I will never betray him." Matt yelled.

Leemodo looked at Azusa and realized he planned something to help him and immediately appreciated him instead. He looked at sakashi and began walking calmly towards her. "Id stop there boy!." Wesley stayed clearly as he gripped her throat harder. Sakashi's airflow began to close off causing it hard for her to breathe, she began gasping and kicking her feet as she couldn't feel the ground. Wesley had lifted her completely off the ground and smirked. her vision became blurred and saliva fell from her mouth losing oxygen fast. Her body twitched several times before she began feeling as if she was passing out.

Leemodo began suddenly running at Wesley fast. With pure hate in his eyes he had unexpectedly unlocked a sudden power. The hidden power he never knew he had within him. The power of fire fists. His hands lit bright with fire and he formed his fingers into a flick form and flicked a fired bullet towards Wesley. Wesley dropped sakashi immediately to dodge the fire bullet. Sakashi's body dropped to the ground hard and caused her to cough up a small amount of blood. Leemodo continued to run towards Wesley and began swinging his fire fists at Wesley. Wesley kept dodging every swing the best he could before finding leemodo's speed getting faster and couldn't keep up to dodge and found his face meeting his fist and flew into a tree. Leemodo breathing heavily began walking angrily towards Wesley huffing hard. His fire firsts began to rise and consume his arms and began covering his body to become a fire demon. His eyes were shaped into a black diamond and his fingers formed into sharp demon claws. Wesley stood up wiping his face and couldn't find the strength to form into his strongest demon form. He decided to retreat, but as soon as he turned around he stopped dead in his tracks and immediately raised his arms surrendering. Chandler had a magic cancellation gun pointed at Wesley's head while several police were moving in surrounding Wesley. A helicopter arrived and began causing heavy wind and flashed the light directly on Wesley. "Damn! I finally lost." Wesley mumbled. Azusa looked up to another helicopter above them and shining their lights on him and Matt. "Looks like no one wins, sakashi is a piece of shit and I hope your baby dies," Matt spoke firmly. Azusa panicked and became angrier then suddenly shot Matt in the head, Matt dropped dead. Wesley looked back immediately and glared hatefully at Azusa and began planning an act of sudden revenge on Azusa for Matt. Leemodo's fire extinguishing fast immediately looking at sakashi then ran to her. The second he approached sakashi, his flames had vanished. He slowly reached his hand towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Sakashi layed on the ground weeping before pulling herself up and slid back to kalebize's body. Leemodo sighed in heartache. "It's not over yet." Leemodo mumbled.


Why did leemodo say "its not over yet?"

Do you think Wesley will give up and surrender?