CHAPTER 70 - A Necessary Betrayal with a heavy burden.

"Wesley! Your crime stops now! Surrender peacefully and there will be no difficulties." Chandler firmly told Wesley. The police began to walk towards Wesley slowly with their guns pointed directly to his head. Wesley looked at chandler then looked at Azusa in anger and smirked. He knew he was weak at the moment but needed at least a distraction for five minutes before having some power back. Azusa looked at sakashi and closed his eyes and kept his hands lifted to the air still holding the gun in his right hand. Police approached Azusa slow as well being cautious not knowing if he's going to attempt anything due to the fact he was still holding his weapon. Matt laid on the ground dead as blood flowed in a slant on the dirt from his head. "Sorry my old friend, but it was a necessary betrayal," Azusa mumbled. Spike walked up behind leemodo and sighed. "I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough, I got a bit lost finding the way back and then I couldn't find chandler. And now I'm too late." Spike spoke softly with sympathy and sorrow. Leemodo looked at spike and grit his teeth suddenly turning his body and grabbed spikes right part of his shirt in a firm grip and began to tremble before looking down to the ground. Spike allowed him and expected him to feel frustration. Leemodo released his grip and turned back towards sakashi. "It's not your fault." He told him as he listened to sakashi weep in heartache. "All he wanted was to be my stolen memory breaker," Sakashi spoke in a mumbled cry. Leemodo and spike looked at sakashi and kept silent. Spike looked up and glanced over and nudged Leemodo's arm in a warning. Leemodo looked at spike before looking over. "Get ready," Leemodo spoke immediately as he saw Wesley walking with the police and suddenly stop before he began to use a sudden power he had stolen from a past victim and spit acid into one of the officer's face. The officer began screaming holding his face feeling his face burn. Wesley then began kicking and punching other police officers and sent them flying into each other before he turns to chandler and causes his hand to go into demon claws. Chandler could feel a sudden amount of fear overtake him to freeze and stop him from shooting Wesley immediately. Wesley then went to slam his claws through chandler. Leemodo was about to interfere. *bang.* Wesley stops and goes wide-eyed. Sakashi looks up with tears flowing, spike became puzzled and chandler began breathing heavily. Blood dripped to the ground and Wesley slowly turned his head towards Azusa as blood began dripping from his mouth. Azusa had the gun pointed at Wesley and smoke was flowing from the barrel. "I see. So you really are a betrayer! But you must realize ill haunt you when I'm dead." Wesley stated holding his chest. The bullet spread inside Wesley's chest causing him to feel a heavy burn and pain." Spike stood there puzzled with leemodo as sakashi looked at Azusa calmly. "That's fine, as long as your dead," Azusa stated before lowering the gun. Wesley smirked and suddenly turned to grab a weapon and once he grabbed a gun and pointed it at Azusa. *bang* Azusa shut his eyes but realized he wasn't hit, he opened his eyes and looked at Wesley. Leemodo keeping silent and glanced around puzzled. Wesley went wide-eyed and dropped to the ground dead. Azusa looked over In surprise along with leemodo, as they looked over at spike holding his gun up from taking a sudden shot. Spike smirked and glanced at chandler. "Sorry had to prevent more damage from happening," Spike stated as he lowered the gun.

Azusa sighed then faced the police and dropped the gun and walked towards the police willingly. As the police cuffed Azusa and grabbed him they all felt a sudden relief. Chandler watched Azusa and wanted to help him off punishment but couldn't with all the crime in his name. Police began walking Azusa towards the police van calmly and gently only because he showed change and wouldn't resist.

"An ache so deep, and I Can hardly breathe This pain You Can't imagine. AZUSA! Will this ever heal? " sakashi suddenly began speaking clenching her fists on kalebize's shoulders. Azusa stopped and looked back silently. The police tried to pull him forward but stopped and allowed a few minutes when they saw chandler silently signal to stop and give time.

Azusa looked at sakashi as tears fell in regret. Sakashi looked at kalebize as her eyes filled with heavier tears. "Kalebize, Your hand

So strong, held my whole heart So long.

All I could do, Was keep believing, But not enough. Azusa why?" Sakashi stated and looked at Azusa firmly. "I wanna scream

Is this a dream? How could this happen?

Happen to me? This isn't fair

My worst nightmare! Now This kind of torture

I just can't bear it!" Sakashi screamed towards Azusa. Leemodo looked away closing his eyes. Azusa looked down silently.

"Open your eyes!!! Kalebize open your eyes!!!! I waited so long For you to come for me! Then you were here and I remember!

And now you're gone! I was not prepared

For you to die now! Kalebize this is misery." Sakashi began yelling more trembling and gripping kalebize's shirt.

"Kalebize! Please wake up! I love you!! Breathe!" Sakashi kept yelling until she began to hyperventilate, her chest began to tighten in pain and her body became exhausted. leemodo couldn't bear watching her like this anymore and walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her and began pulling her up and away from kalebize. Azusa turned and began walking silently as his heart ached more than he has ever felt before. "I promise to find my right punishment for you sakashi, that's the least I can do." He mumbled while The police settled him into the van. Sakashi began to kick and scream not wanting to leave kalebize. Chandler and spike began to help escort the dead bodies up into another van. But the second the police approached kalebize sakashi bit leemodo and broke free from his arms and punches the policeman as hard as she could before passing out from too much exhaustion. Leemodo sighed and caught sakashi before she hit the cold ground. "Sorry about that." Leemodo apologized. The policeman smiled softly and shrugged. "It's fine. It didn't hurt. I understand her reason." He replied before placing kalebize into a body bag. "Could you have him cremated and his ashes formed into a heart model display for me? I want to give it to sakashi as a Memorial Gift. But after his funeral. She must not know about it." Leemodo asked the policeman. "Sure." He replied. Leemodo took sakashi into Chandler's vehicle and hugged sakashi as tears began to flow freely as he waited for chandler.