Side story continued - glance from the past -kalebize’s perspective

Have you ever felt like you were trapped inside a never-ending roller coaster of emotion? Have you ever loved someone so much you wanted to tell them but you just couldn't? Well, that's the story of my life. It all started that day when I first met sakashi. The moment I ever laid eyes on her.

My name is kalebize. I have been such a troubled kid ever since that day I lost my brother. Ever since those men came and took him away. However, sakashi saved me in an unknown unique kind of way. Sakashi, my dearest sakashi. You were so scared back then. I could remember how I felt on that day. I was scared, devastated, and shredded. But with a smile; I'm proud to say that After i met you sakashi, i felt a comfort in the mist of that tragic loss.

When sakashi and I managed to escape those men we could barely find shelter, food, and warmth at night. Some nights we went without food. About three years after hunter was taken by those God-awful men. Sakashi and I decided to train hard to fight off dangerous people. I often thought about what happened to my parents and the fear of then never finding us came to my mind frequently. now as I sit here staring at this fire with sakashi missing. I continue to think about our adventures! I continue to think about why I wasn't strong enough to protect sakashi! Why i couldn't save her and Why I left her alone for a split second! But What i truly want to know is Why she can no longer remember me and how i can fix it.

"kalebize! Look!." sakashi yelled with a troubled tone. I looked up at her as i ran up the hill to see what she was seeing. The moment I saw what she had found I became puzzled. It was an overwhelming moment looking at the house where it all began. The home hunter had been taken away from my family. Trembling and looking towards the ground with a blank expression, the pain became stronger as memories flooded my mind. "hey? Are you ok?." sakashi asked me. I had to hide my feeling and be strong for her. So, i grabbed her hand and smiled at her. "yes darling, we found our way home, I used to live up that hill. Let's go see if my parents are alive!" It warmed my heart to see her nod at me with a smile on her face. We began running towards my old home only to stop immediately. I was devastated that my home had been burned to the ground. We are only teenagers at this time and to see such devastation broke my spirit, making me hate the world.

Sakashi and i began to investigate the scene only to find two adult skeleton remains under a bunch of rubbish. I had no doubt they were my parents. One skeleton had my mother's ripped dress on and the other had my father's usual hat he had always worn next to him. My heart began to race fast as my emotions couldn't stop spilling out. Sakashi grabbed my hand and squeezed. I looked at sakashi and wrapped my arms around her clenching my hands on her back. Her comforting embrace was all i needed. We didn't say much but she showed her love by her comforting hug.

I began to feel a sudden yern for her that I never felt before. I knew I thought she was pretty the day I met her. I knew I liked her when I kept finding a heavy attraction and desire to protect her. But this feeling is new, This feeling made me vulnerable. I wanted more, I never want to let her go. I hugged her tighter while My heart ached. "I'm sorry. But I will always be by your side," sakashi whispered in my ear. That's when I wanted to tell her that I loved her. But the words wouldn't come out. Who can't tell a woman he loves dearly three simple words.? What's holding me back? I wondered. I pulled away and began walking away silently. she will never love me the way I do. She could never love me because she values our friendship. I can't tell her how I feel now.

She followed close behind me. " let's find some shelter it's getting late." sakashi stated with a calm tone. "All alright, let's stay in That house. I doubt they will come around again." I suggested. "no." sakashi yelled and stopped. "I refuse to sleep there again," she said firmly. I could hear the fear in her tone, I looked at her and nodded. "come here." I told her and reached my hand to her. Sakashi gently took my hand and I pulled her close into me. I lifted her off her feet and began walking away from this Wretched place. "get some sleep. I'll find shelter and when I do I'll wake you." I told her. Sakashi smiled and fell asleep. As i watched her sleep in my arms my feeling progressed more for her. I leaned down towards her forehead and gently kissed her forehead. After a couple of hours, I found a small cave. I went inside and gently laid her head down. She looked peaceful and I didn't want to disrupt her. So I laid next to her and propped her head upon my arm and wrapped my arms around her before I passed out.

The next day when I woke up sakashi was already awake staring at me, her face was flushed and seemed awkward. So I pushed away and became awkward. "I'm so sorry! I uh didn't mean to make it weird. I just didn't want to wake you up and I was pretty tired myself." I told her nervously. Sakashi began to giggle at me. "it's ok." she told me. I couldn't stop looking at her. Every time the light hit her face, her beautiful facial features shined and enhanced. I became intoxicated by her beauty and wanted more. Her skin so smooth and her hair so silky soft. Her smile caused my heart to skip and I became highly frustrated. She always looked at me confused and unsure. She always asks me why I was looking at her all the time. But I could never tell her. She brought fire to my cold soul.

"cant keep up?." I teased her. *fwap* *clash* *punch* "pfft." sakashi began to huff heavily. " It's nothing," she told me. I stopped and chuckled . Allowing her to catch her breath. " you're getting better." I told her to encourage her. "yeah ok very funny." she told me. I know she has low self-confidence and regardless of how much encouragement I tell her she will not believe it. "alright again." she told me and went into stance form before attacking me. From the start of that week of training, I helped her train for months. To fight properly and learn how to defend herself. I myself began training to increase my strength and fight to protect what I hold so dear to my heart and pray one day I would find hunter as well.

Years had passed, sakashi and I discovered our true powers. We began focusing on strengthening our abilities and each day grew closer with each other.

I Vaguely remember small pesky fights. We hardly fought and argued. If we argued it was over training.

The only fight I can remember was over another boy. I remember walking through the woods one day only to find sakashi talking to a stranger. "that's awesome! Say wanna come to the city some time? I'm sure I can find you a place." a males voice echoed. I stopped. "maybe I don't know. My best friend doesn't trust anyone right now." sakashi's voice was detected. I looked over and immediately saw this man! Who is this man? And why is he talking to her? I became furious. "sounds controlling sakashi." the man told her. I watched sakashi look down and kept silent shrugging. "we had a difficult past I..." she began to reply but got cut off. This man had the nerve to interrupt her. "doesn't matter, someone who can't trust anyone just doesn't want you to learn the world." he told her. I had enough and revealed myself. " I beg your pardon and you are?." I approached him and began showing dominance. "oh uh you must be her friend?" he responded but showed little to no fear or nerves. I immediately knew he was trouble. Sakashi stood up and became nervous as she began looking down like she was guilty. "sakashi who is this man? And why am I just now meeting him!" I asked her. The look of fear in her eyes puzzled me. The last thing I wanted to do was scare and hurt her. "he's... He's a new friend. His name is Kaname." I looked at Kaname and glared. "you don't seem normal at all! I feel like I know you! Your one of those teenagers who helped some bad men years ago, so you must now be in your 20's or early 30's." I questioned him. He just stood there silently before smirking. " I gotta go, you can think what you want, but I was just being friendly." he told me before walking off. "take care sakashi." he told sakashi before walking off. I turned to face sakashi and sighed. "sakashi, I feel off about him. Don't talk to him anymore." I thought she would understand. However that thought only backfired on me. She instead began walking off angrily. I followed behind and watched her. It was obvious she was furious. "sakashi just tell me what your thinking, your clearly mad." I told her calmly. Sakashi turned around and began yelling. "oh maybe because you can't trust any other human on earth! I trust him. So why can't you trust me and my judgment? Iv been seeing him for two weeks now. Never once has he tried to hurt me!."

I looked at her in frustration. "two weeks? Sakashi how can you not recognize his clothing? He has the symbol those kidnapping idiots use!" My tone of voice had come off angrily and i hoped i didn't scare her. Unfortunately, sakashi flipped me off and walked into a cave we stay in. I sighed and walked inside to find her punching the wall. I walked over to her immediately and grabbed her wrist to stop her. "let go!." she firmly told me. I felt jealous and worried about her. I want to be the only man in her life. I don't like sharing what belongs to me. I wouldn't speak but I decided to lean towards her face and kissed her. I kept a grip on her wrist and held her waist with my other hand. Sakashi became shocked and froze. Her eyes widened and her face flushed bright red. My heart became enchanted to her. I wanted more, so I pulled away and released her wrist. I kept silent and just walked away from her. I couldn't tell her my feelings. And that makes me a coward. Sakashi stood there blankly and kept silent. After that day she had been acting a bit different. She had become more distant with me. However, she kept my wish and never seen or spoke to Kaname again. He waited and waited for days, he came to the same location every day and waited for hours for her until he realized she isn't coming anymore. So he left and never returned.

*fire snap* *fire snap* *fire snap*

kalebize sitting at his fire in a cave he always slept in with sakashi shoving peices of wood around to keep the fire burning. It was the year he made a goal to find her and kill the three magic stealers regardless.

Hearing sakashi tell him she wants to willingly go with Azusa. He knew her memory was gone and that's not what she would want. Kalebize stood up from sitting at the fire and smirked for a split second.

" sakashi, I will not let these memories vanish. I will make you remember me again and tell you that I love you!" kalebize looked up as his sharp eyes shined in the moonlight. Cold, firm and serious. "I will be her stolen memory breaker!"