Side story continued - glance from the past -sakashi’s perspective

"kalebize! Look!." yelling out with an anxious and overwhelming tone of voice. I felt nervous at what I had found. Memories from that horrid time kept filling my head. I watched as he ran up the hill to see what I had discovered. I could see him becoming puzzled and hurt. Wanting to comfort him but just didn't know how. After all; he became a stronger boy who hid his feeling well. When I looked back towards the house where it all began. I remembered I had always hid there from men trying to kidnap me all the time. I never had a family and alone back then. I was so scared that day. But I felt a sudden relief the time this boy became my hero and wanted to help me. But because of me, he lost his brother. They had taken him away from his family.

I glanced over at kalebize silently and watched him as he trembled and looked towards the ground. "hey? Are you ok?." Was this all my fault? If it wasn't for me, none of this separation would have happened. I looked at kalebize as he looked at me grabbing my hand then gave me his sweet smile. However, I knew it was fake. He's hurting inside. It's obvious he's trying to hide his feeling and be strong for me. I wanted to tell him to just let his real sorrow out but instead, he said something different. "yes darling, we found our way home, I used to live up that hill. Let's go see if my parents are alive!" he told me calmly so I just nodded.

I couldn't tell if he knew that his parents are most likely dead or if he had false hope that they are somehow still alive. He began running with me towards his old home only to stop immediately. I looked at him as he became devastated at what he had seen. It wasn't too long ago we were just small runts. But now we are grown teenagers. and to see such a devastation in his eyes caused grieve to my heart, I wanted to take his pain and help him feel comforted. But I just didn't know how. His home, it had burned up in flames until there was little to nothing left. I followed him down to investigate only to find two deceased skeletons under a bunch of burnt up wood. I gasped and wondered if they could be his parents. I looked at his sorrowful face and noticed his breathing increasing in a hidden panic. I sighed and closed my eyes. Then I heard him sniffling, I opened my eyes and looked at him only to see his eyes full of tears. He began crying heavily and his expression was obvious pain. So I grabbed his hand and squeezed as hard as I could. My heart ached for him. I wanted to fix him, I wanted to handle his pain so he can feel happy, But I couldn't. I began feeling an urge to take his mind off of it so I slowly began leaning towards him to kiss his forehead, but as I attempted I felt his warm arms wrap around me with a firm embracment. I wrapped my arms around him gently and didn't a word. But I began to feel a yern for him. I wanted to make it all better. My heart began to flutter and I felt safe. He's strong. handsome with a great personality. He's very protective and makes sure Im ok. But what is this sudden feeling that I was feeling? I'm so confused. Is this love or just a random desire of lust? I need him, I want him, yet I can't have him. I became weak and vulnerable. He suddenly hugged me tighter and I could feel his body tremble.

"I'm sorry. But I will always be by your side," I told him calmly into his ear. He squeezed me a little tighter before he pulled away and began walking silently away from me. so I just followed close behind him. " let's find some shelter it's getting late." I stated calmly. "All alright, let's stay in That house. I doubt they will come around again." he responded to me. But then I couldn't help but remember all the horrors I had in that home and shouted at him. "no." and stopped walking immediately, my nerves shot up and i felt scared. "I refuse to sleep there again," I told him firmly. I looked at kalebize and he just nodded at me. "come here." he told me and reached his hand towards me. I gently took his hand and I felt a sudden pull into him with a sudden lift off my feet until I found myself being carried. I smiled and rested my head into him. This felt nice, I felt a warmth and security. "get some sleep. I'll find shelter and when I do I'll wake you." he told me calmly. It made me smile because I was already exhausted and tired and it wasn't long before I passed out. I don't know what happened while I was asleep but I don't care. I trust this man with my life.

The next day when I woke up, I immediately noticed kalebize asleep very close into me. My heart began to flutter and I began to stare at him. I became infatuated with his features and couldn't stop staring at his soft-looking lips. He was asleep for about two hours after I had woken up but I didn't mind. As soon as he woke, he pushed away from me so fast it was kinda cute at how he got all embarrassed. and became awkward. "I'm so sorry! I uh didn't mean to make it weird. I just didn't want to wake you up and I was pretty tired myself." he told me. I could tell he got completely nervous but I didn't mind at all. I couldn't help but giggle at him. He was so cute and for once I had a reason to smile, a reason to laugh again. "it's ok." I told him. I looked out the cave and watched the squirrels run up the trees and the sun shining down so brightly. It was nice. I smiled as i enjoyed listening to the birds chirping. I glanced over noticing he was staring at me oddly. Do I look weird? Do I have something on my face? Why does he look at me like that? But he never gives me a straight answer. I guess I'm just not that attractive to him and never will be. I want to tell him I think I like him more then just our friendship. But I can't risk losing this friendship.

"cant keep up?." he teased me annoyingly. Stop pissing me off! *fwap* *clash* *punch* "pfft." I tried to act cocky but found myself breathing heavily instead. "It's nothing," I tried to ensure him. But he chuckled and stopped for me to catch my breath. " you're getting better." he told me but it wasn't true. I suck at fighting. I have no strength and I keep losing. . "yeah ok very funny." I sarcastically told him and bent over holding myself up with my hands resting on my knees. "alright again." I told me when I felt ready and formed myself into my next fighting stance form and ran at him before I began to attack him again. From then on kalebize has been my partner to help me train for months. I wanted to fight properly and learn how to defend myself against all these hateful people in the world. I can remember when I began discovering my powers and abilities. So he helped me focus on strengthening my abilities and each day I began to grow closer with kalebize. We never fought. We had romantic moments and hard days of training. Unfortunately; there was one fight i remember. A fight over a stupid boy.

I was out exploring when I met a boy named kaname in the woods one day. But knowing how protective kalebize is, I decided to never tell him. I snuck out often to bring this boy some food or just to hang out and talk. He was a very sweet boy and never seemed dangerous. It felt nice to talk to another human. I learned how similar we were yet so different at the same time and wanted to learn more about him. He has asked me what kind of powers I learned and how I would live if I lived a different life in the city. so I told him about being a dragon. And told him how I wouldn't know how to live like a normal person because all I ever known was being uncivilized and lived in whatever shelter I can find. "that's awesome! Say wanna come to the city some time? I'm sure I can find you a place." he offered. I wanted to see the city but sighed and shrugged at this boy. " maybe I don't know. My best friend doesn't trust anyone right now." I told him in a slight let down. I wanted to see how normal humans live. That's when the boy got weird. He grabbed my hand and then gripped my right leg. "sounds controlling sakashi." he told me but I just look down and kept silent shrugging. He did have a point. "we had a difficult past I..." I began to reply but got interrupted. "doesn't matter, someone who can't trust anyone just doesn't want you to learn the world." he told me. I began to feel off and nervous as his hand began moving up my leg. His eyes began to glow at me and I could tell he was leaning closer into me. What does he want? He's making me nervous. That's when kalebize found us. "I beg your pardon and you are?." he approached us and began showing dominance. Kaname immediately let go of my hand and leg then looked towards him. I felt a slight relief but frustration at the same time. Was he following me and monitoring my every move? "oh uh you must be her friend?" kaname responded and showed little to no fear or nerves towards kalebize.

I immediately felt this guy could be trouble. But I wasn't for certain. I stood up as i became nervous looking down to the ground. He's gonna kill me later. Or he's going to be furious with me. So I should just get ready for his anger outburst. "sakashi who is this man? And why am I just now meeting him?" he asked me, his tone meant he was serious and angry. I pissed him off and I wanted to cry. "he's... He's a new friend. His name is Kaname." I told him calmly. But he looked at Kaname and glared. "you don't seem normal at all! I feel like I know you! Your one of those teenagers who helped some bad men years ago, so you must now be in your 20's or early 30's." I looked at kaname and realized he was right. He did look familiar and that would explain his touching. Kaname just stood there silently before smirking at kalebize. " I gotta go, you can think want, but I was just being friendly." he told me before walking off. "take care sakashi," he told me before walking off. I looked Back down to the ground and felt nervous. "sakashi, I feel off about him. Don't talk to him anymore." he told he calmly yet I get irritated at his sudden bossyness. So I began walking off angrily to avoid a conflict with him. We walked silently for a while but still wanted to hold his hand. I feel so stupid for trusting a random man. "sakashi just tell me what your thinking, your mad." I heard kalebize say calmly. I turned around and began yelling at him in defense mode. "oh maybe because you can't trust any other human on earth! I trust him. So why can't you trust me and my judgment? I'm been seeing him for two weeks now. Never once had he tried to hurt me!." I told me before I realized he was attempting a few times by trying to convince me to leave with him the first day I met him. When I looked at kalebize I could see his frustration and become nervous and tense. I never seen him this angry. "two weeks? Sakash how can you not recognize his clothing. He has the symbol those kidnapping idiots use!" he told me and I could hear his concerned angry tone. I wanted to look tough and not show him my fear so I flipped him off and walked into a cave we stay in. I wanted to feel punishment for my stupidity so I started to punch the wall. But little did I know he would follow me inside. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "let go!." I firmly told him. But when I looked at him his face wouldn't stop looking at me sternly and I grew weak. I saw a worried little man instead of anger. He wouldn't speak to me but after a few moments of staring at his calm face. He leaned towards me and kissed me suddenly. he kept a tight grip on my wrist and held my waist with his other hand. I wasn't sure how to process this. My heart began pounding hard and my mind lost focus. I didn't want to separate from him. His kiss sent chills and a sudden intoxication through my body. He released my wrist but kept silent and just walked away from me. Why did he kiss me like that? Did he do that to calm me down? it was probably nothing. I decided to avoid him because everytime I got closer to him. I wanted more of his kiss. Occasionally wanting to rip his clothes off. But for now, I realized I need to avoid this other man. He's dangerous. If kalebize is uncomfortable. Then I trust his judgment. So I will never see Kaname again. He waited and waited for days for me. I watched him daily from a distance. He came to the same location every day and waited for hours for me. But he realized I'm never coming to see him anymore So he left and never returned.

Who am I? My name is sakashi! And I'm just a simple girl living life with my best friend.

I have to honor the man who saved me. The man I believe is the love of my life. I will be by his side. I will do what he wants. Why? Because well;

*looking out to the mountains standing on a tree branch was wind is blowing her hair around*

I love him.

*kalebize teleports next to sakashi and gently grabs her hand calmly and doesn't look at her keeping a normal face expression. *

I looked up at kalebize and smiled and locked my fingers with his. This was normal, this felt right. Whatever we have. I never want it to end. I looked back towards the mountains and closed my eyes to enjoy the breeze.