Side story continued- precious to horror.

* The day before sakashi's kidnapping.*

Sakashi and kalebize had been walking down the path headed towards the mountains for a couple of days of hard training. Sakashi being sakashi; kept running back and forth smelling every single flower she saw. With her adventurous personality, she became more intrigued with new plants and animals she has never seen before. Kalebize watched her and smiled softly falling more and more in love with her. Kalebize thought about sharing his feeling with her but every time he thought about it, fear of rejection filled his thoughts. Intrusive thoughts that always screamed louder in his head killing every ounce of confidence to tell her. He frequently stared at her hand wanting to hold her soft-looking hand but resisted to prevent an awkward situation.

Sakashi on the other hand secretly wanted kalebize to make a move. Because she was too shy to make the first move. She still wasn't sure how he truly felt about her. Sakashi began to calm down in energy and stopped running back and forth. She began to walk beside kalebize silently enjoying the fresh air. " I can't wait to see what you can do with your power sakashi!" Kalebize suddenly began talking. Sakashi looked at kalebize and smiled. "Me too."

After a couple of hours of walking. They both arrived on top of the mountain and kalebize looked for a spot to shelter down in. After a small search, he found a spot that had a flat space and perfect to set up camp. He glanced at sakashi and noticed she was already exhausted looking. He smiled softly as he then focused. His hands began to light up and started to create a bunch of camping materials. A tent, fire pit, sleeping bags, pillows, food, and water. "It is a bit late to test some training out. So let's just lay down and train tomorrow. Besides you look exhausted hun." Kalebize told sakashi calmly.

Sakashi looked at kalebize and smiled softly before she heard her stomach growl. Sakashi held her stomach and had a very embarrassing facial expression on her face. Kalebize giggled and began to make some food to quickly eat. While kalebize cooked food, sakashi watched kalebize sitting on a medium size rock. She felt her eyes getting heavy and began to yawn. Kalebize stood up carrying some cooked fish over to her and smiled softly. "Here hun, eat first then we can head to bed." He told her before handing her the fish. "Thank you, love," Sakashi told him and began eating. Kalebize immediately blushed and looked in the opposite direction. He couldn't process the sudden nickname. Sakashi wasn't intending anything. She just spoke from habit. She thought the nickname of 'love' meant 'friend'. However, kalebize did not take it that way. His heart raced and pounded hard inside his chest.

After a couple of minutes, kalebize got close to finishing his food until he felt a flop on his shoulder. He looked over at sakashi and saw how she had been more exhausted than expected and fell asleep on his shoulder holding her half-eaten fish. Kalebize smiled softly and wrapped his arm around her pulling her into him closer and rested his head on her head. He could feel his heart crave for her. Kalebize gently wrapped his arm under her legs and around her back lifting her and carried her over to the sleeping bags. He gently placed her inside a sleeping bag and zipped her up. He didn't want her to wake up cold or wet so he quickly created a soft yet sturdy table to keep her off the ground. He placed the table underneath sakashi and stood up straight and watched her sleep for a few minutes before leaning down and kissing her directly on her lips. After a moment he slid his lips over to her right ear and whispered "I love you."

Sakashi was in a heavy sleep and only moved to adjust and get more comfortable. Kalebize smiled and kissed her forehead before he pulled away and slid into his sleeping bag. He kept a decent distance from her but close enough to protect her. Kalebize snaps and flicked his fingers that caused a small fireball to land in the pit with wood and watched the fire grow bigger. He layed down on the cold ground and closed his eyes. Slowly began to fall asleep. Until she heard sakashi mumble. "I love you to kalebize."

Immediately kalebize opened his eyes and looked at sakashi and smiled softly before he officially drifted off to sleep.

*day of sakashi's kidnapping*

Morning arrived and sakashi opened her eyes and sat up stretching as she arched her back with a morning yawn. She looked over at kalebize and smiled softly. He was still asleep and curled in a ball. The fire had gone dimmer and about to go out so she went ahead and grabbed some water and put it out. "Get up lazy! Time to train!." Sakashi said excitedly. Kalebize began to roll over with a grumble and didn't want to get up yet. "Five more minutes." He mumbled. Sakashi rolled her eyes and stood up. She began popping her knuckles then suddenly tackled him. "No, it's time to get up." She told him as she laughed. Kalebize woke up immediately. His body felt tense and numb from the sudden wake-up. His heartbeat raced fast and he had a slightly panicked feeling. "Ok ok, I'm up, no need to jump on me." He stated before looking at her firmly. Sakashi mellowed down fast thinking she had upset him. She apologized and looked down with a frown. Kalebize looked at her sternly then smiled suddenly and wrapped his big arms around her pulling her into him for a hug. "Relax hun. I'm not mad." He assured her as he began giving her a knuckle rub on her head. Sakashi quickly pulled away fast and started fixing her hair. "Stop, your messing up my hair." She told him with a grumpy expression. Kalebize smirked and stood up asking her curiously. "Should we eat and then train or eat in a couple of hours?" Sakashi looked at him and slid her boots on. "Eat later I wanna see how strong I am without food, you know? my weakest with no energy." Kalebize nodded and smiled before pointing towards the lake. "Then we are also gonna test your strength in cold water. Any dangerous moments can happen so we need to prepare you for anything." Sakashi nodded and began walking to the lake. Kalebize followed her and hoped to see her at her full capacity soon. All he desired was for her to protect herself if he's not always going to be around.

They both stepped into the water and shivered at first. "Holy shit it's cold," Sakashi stated and tried to walk out only to bump into kalebize who grabbed her wrists and kept pushing her into the lake. "It may be cold but no chickening out hun," Sakashi grumbled and blushed. She felt a sudden turn on with his strong grip. All she could think about was his body all over her. She loves getting manhandled but dare not tell him, She had training to do. She sighed and moved forward. "Alright so I um, don't know where to start." Sakashi stood in the lake shivering. Kalebize smiled. "Well since it's Wednesday let's work on more fire-wielding control." Sakashi looked around confused. "Kalebize... IM IN WATER! The one thing that kills fire." Kalebize folded his arms. "I know, but I told you to be ready for any situation. I'm going to come to you and I need you to give me your best. I'll be fine. You can even convert if you want to fly and help yourself. Just imagine this is a real battle. Use your weakness to improve your skills!"

As he got into a fighting stance causing blades to form into his hands sakashi closed her eyes to focus. Once she opened her eyes they became the shape of dragon eyes. She inhaled and exhaled as a gush of fire flew from her mouth towards kalebize. Diving into the water Kalebize dodged the fire and sprouted behind sakashi and went to hit sakashi with his blades. Sakashi flipped around fast and arched backward dodging the swing before kicking kalebize in the face. "Oops sorry."

Kalebize smirked and teleported behind her and wrapped his arm around her neck. "What now hun?" Keeping a grip around her neck sakashi's body began converting into a dragon. Wings shot out and knocked kalebize back and claws grew on her fingers. Sakashi flew into the air and she began flapping fast causing a great amount of wind.

Kalebize flew into a tree and lifted his arms to guard his face. He was pleased at sakashi putting in more effort.

However four hours passed and kalebize kept teleporting to her finding new ways to defeat her but Sakashi wouldn't give up. Between using new fire methods and air attacks, sakashi progressed abundantly. A couple hours later sakashi felt tired and couldn't fight anymore. She had been in the air until her wings vanished from her forcing her back into normal human appearance. She began falling from the sky but kalebize teleported to her and caught her and landed on the ground. Sakashi breathing heavily leaned into him and gripped his shirt and began to weep. "Im still so weak. You always kept up and stopped every attack! Im worthless." Kalebize sighed and held her closely. "If only you can see how much you have progressed. I actually started to have a hard time figuring out how to beat you, so cheer up, Your almost there." Sakashi's stomach growled and she giggled. "Well i guess that was all on a empty stomach and overcoming my biggest weakness." Kalebize chuckled. "See? Now stay put, ill walk back and grab us some lunch, I shouldn't be gone longer then an hour. That way you can rest and regain your strength." Sakashi nodded and jumped down from his arms and sat on a rock.

Her body shivered and dripped with water. Kalebize smiled and lifted his hand and created a towel and a blanket. "Here hun use these till i get back." Sakashi nodded and wrapped in the towel to start drying herself. "I love you sakashi" sakashi stopped drying herself and froze. She kept silent and continued to dry herself acting as if she didn't hear him. Kalebize smiled softly then began walking back towards camp. But little did he know three men had been around watching them the whole time.

Azusa watched sakashi get undressed to dry herself before she stood up wrapping her towel around her head to dry her hair next. His face lit up and released an evil grin. Wesley placed his hand on Azusa's shoulder and whispered. "Its time, go get her, Matt confirmed the male shes with is not in sight. We have maybe 30 minutes to restrain a girl who's weak." Azusa chuckled. "Not a problem."

Sakashi lifted her body and inhaled in some fresh air. Sakashi walked over to the blanket and reached for it to cover up in when suddenly she found her self wrapped tightly in a different man's grip. Her mouth covered aggressively as his hand pressed harder every second over her mouth. His other strong arm wrapped around her arms. Sakashi struggled at first and wanted to scream but when she tried it was muffled. Sakashi had then forced herself to convert. Her wings sprouted from her back and pushed Azusa back. Sakashi flipped around looking at the man. Breathing heavily, she felt her body tremble from exhaustion. She thought about how she had no more strength from training but had to push past the pain, Her life was now in danger.

She couldn't find the strength to scream so she began to build up for a fire ball. Azusa stared at her naked body and chuckled before he suddenly used speed to move forward and push her into the water. Sakashi flew back into the water and sprouted up fast gasping. She looked around before she felt her body getting forcefully dunked under the water. Sakashi struggled to breathe as she was kept under the water. Once Azusa felt less struggle he lifted her up from the water and allowed her to breathe. Sakashi gasped and felt so weak she couldn't stand anymore. She collapsed but found herself being held up into this man's arms. Azusa groped her breasts and whispered into her ear. "Maybe next time don't be alone. Now come i want to taste you." Sakashi began to pass out and went unconscious. Wesley walked out and chuckled. "Did you mean to make it that long? She was at her weakest point already." Azusa lifted her into his arms and nodded. "I did, just wanted to see how much she had left." Wesley rolled his eyes. "Whatever lets go."

Azusa and Wesley left with sakashi and left no trace of the direction they went. The only evidence they left behind was sakashi's shoe floating in the water.

Several hours later sakashi began to open her eyes. As her vision adjusted she looked around noticing she's in a cave. She began to try and sit up only to realized she couldn't move. Her wrists had been tied above her head and ankles tied to a bar. Immediately realizing shes tied to a table. She however thankfully had clothing on. But that was the least of her worries. She looked around as tears began to flow and fear increased When she heard three different male voices entering the cave. She decided to fake sleep and close her eyes. She began to feel nervous and unsure whats about to happen to her. "Well, looks like shes still asleep." A voice spoke. "Hmm well not for long, lets just get started." Another voice replied. "Hmm sounds good to me, i want this part." The third man spoke. Sakashi's heart began to race as she started to give away she was awake by her nervous breathing. The men chuckled. "Hmm looks like someone is awake after all." One spoke while he placed his hands on her chest and began activating a sudden power. Sakashi's chest felt a sudden shock and began feeling her power being drained. She opened her eyes and screamed before finding one of the other men placing his mouth over hers causing her scream to muffle. She felt her fire magic leave from her mouth while her dragon power left through her chest. Tears fell hard and wanted kalebize. She was scared and helpless. After about thirty minutes of loosing her power they pulled away from her. Sakashi felt no power and felt like an ordinary human girl. "What did you do to me!!???." She screamed. Matt chuckled and shoved his cock into her mouth and began thrusting. Sakashi's eyes began to water and she felt like she was gonna vomit. Azusa walked around the table and slid into sakashi's vagina with no mercy and moaned. "Damn, your so tight! Are you a virgin?" Sakashi's body shot in pain and she began to bleed from her vagina. Azusa gripped her legs and began thrusting harder and faster. Matt kept his cock in her mouth as he untied one wrist and turned her body to the side and allowed Wesley to get underneath her. Wesley laid comfortably on the table with sakashi laying on top of him. Azusa kept thrusting holding her legs firmly.

Wesley suddenly slid his cock into her anal, at first it was a little hard to go in until he forced and shoved it into her and thrusted hard. Letting out a giant moan. He ripped her and she began to bleed from the anal. Sakashi went lightheaded and couldn't make a sound but hunched forward as tears fell rapidly in pain. She felt her clothing being torn and every part of her body violated. By that time she wanted to die.

*hour after the kidnapping*

Kalebize returned to the lake and looked around. "sakashi?" He asked in a slight panic. Kalebize noticed her shoe in the lake floating and began to frantically look around. "Sakashi??." He yelled out for her. He thought maybe she drowned so he dove into the water and searched; He found nothing. He swam back up to the surface and began searching the area and called her name. He noticed the sun going down and refused to leave without sakashi. She began to search the whole forest as he called for her. He wasn't sure if she was in real danger or just playing a game with him. He always knew sakashi is a prankster sometimes. He took a deep breathe to calm himself and continues to search.

Nightfall arrived and he still has not found her. He began to panic and anxiety started to grow on his chest. About two hours after nightfall he finally stumbled upon a cave with a light flicking. He sighed and wondered if it was just sakashi's way of training him by testing his searching abilities so he smiled and walked to the cave. Just before he was gonna walk in, he stopped at the entrance and hid quickly. He heard a few men laughing so he peaked inside silently only to see three shirtless men around a table. "What the hell are they doing?." He mumbled to himself before he heard a girls cry. Kalebize knew immediately what they where doing.

Are they raping a woman?." He stood up furiously. Not realizing it was sakashi he stormed in to help a damsel in distress. "Hey!" He yelled. The three men had gone into straight defense mode and stepped away. After they saw who it was they all smirked and began laughing.

Kalebize looked at the girl and became wide eyed and felt his heart sink.

Sakashi covered in cum and ripped clothing she looked at him is terror and torment. "Kal...." sakashi tried to speak his name but couldn't find the strength. Kalebize grit his teeth and closed his eyes. Just as he was about to attack and fight them he found himself ganged up on and beaten down to the ground by matt and Azusa. Kalebize being weak in his emotions felt powerless. He felt their blades and knives stabbing into his back and slicing him open.

Sakashi closed her eyes and wept watching the man she loves getting beat up. Wesley chuckled and unwrapped sakashi and yanked her off the table by her hair and held her to her feet before slamming her to her knees and placed a knife to her throat." Dont need you anymore." He spoke out loud. Kalebize being held face down into the ground he looked at sakashi. Noticing her ripped clothing revealing every ounce of her figure. Once he noticed the blade to her throat and the man about to kill her, He grit his teeth. He Wasn't gonna let her die, He forced his body to stand up and push past the pain. He grabbed the heads of Matt and Azusa and slammed them together as hard as he could before dropping them. Azusa and Matt fell on their ass's holding their heads. Kalebize teleported behind wesley and created enough strength to create a sword and shoved it through Wesley's chest then pulled out shoving it through his heart. Wesley coughed up blood and wobbled before getting shot in the brain from a gun kalebize created shortly after.

When kalebize looked over he immediately saw Azusa running out the cave holding sakashi over his shoulders And Matt following shortly behind. Kalebize huffed and teleported infront of Azusa holding his blade. Azusa became frightened and dropped sakashi and shoved her. He snapped and a bright light shinned that blinded kalebize for a second. When kalebize could see again Matt and Azusa were gone and he looked over at sakashi. She had lost her balance being pushed back and was tumbling over. He tried to catch her but failed and missed her. Sakashi's slammed into a giant bolder knocking her unconscious. Some blood began to spill from her head and kalebize began to panic. He tore part of his shirt and wrapped her head to stop the bleeding. Thankfully she didn't bust it open enough to die or bleed out. She was stable but he knew he needed to get her to the hospital. Even though he hated the city. This was nothing to mess around with and ignore.

He gently lifted sakashi and began walking down the mountains. He looked at the sky and saw thick gray clouds. And he knew it was going to pour soon. He sighed and kept going. Little did he know that he was going to face a bigger problem. The moment he learns sakashi has lost her memory and will not know who he is.