Ch. 4 Dinner with a Stranger

In the dining room filled with many beautiful vases and arts, which designs the room to look very luxurious just like their family name. Yoona and Chae Won sat awkwardly at one side of a long dinner table having dinner together while on the other side of the table was Chae Won's father and Yoona's parents chit chatting away.

I guess Eun Ji got divorced again. Feels bad man. This is why I'm not married yet. Being single is gonna be my every year resolution goal now. Hmm...This guy don't look so bad compared to her other ex husband..well ex husbandssss now that this is the third guy she is gonna marry. Now that I think about it.. He seems familiar have I met him somewhere before (looking at Chae Won suspiciously)

Chae Won saw the look Yoona was giving him..*awkward* he start off a conversation.

"Umm so how is your job thing going? I heard your sister is the queen now. Have you heard anything from her?" Chae Won ask so they wouldn't be in such an awkward silence. Yoona didn't respond, but gave off an awkward smile as she looked away.

Huh..curious about me and my sister's life?Wait he isn't trying to come at me is he. Oh hell nah that ain't happening. I need a plan I need a plan...Okay gotta start praising Eun Ji now and get her more on his mind. Sorry Eun Ji, but you can have him... He ain't my type**throws up inside**( While giving Chae Won a body scan)

After giving it some thoughts Yoona finally answered," I apologize, but I can't give out information on my personal know for security circumstances."

Chae Won nodded and said, " Oh it's alright, I get it… the government is always so private it's understandable. I won't make it hard on you."

"So is there is reason for you and your father to be here today?"

"Oh, no real reason. It's just that my father wants to talk to your fathers about some stuff. He won't even let me know about it. He told me its a secret until later."

"Oh okay, but you know my sister is so beautiful that everytime we go to the store she would always get messages from guys all over the place asking to wed with her" Yoona said as she stuffed her mouth with some dumplings.

"Oh really. That's good for her. Now your making me want to see her even more." Chae Won said. Although it was his excuse of wanting to meet the Queen for another purpose.

"Oh so your interested in my sister??" Yoona quickly questioned.

"Well you can say that. It would be interesting to meet her."

Phew now I know that I'm not targeted. I guess I can befriend this dude and probably even help him get with Eun Ji. He's pretty cool and chill to talk with.

From behind them, their parents were chattering about how beautiful they look together. Without Yoona and Chae Won knowing, they were both set in an arranged marriage and will be wedded soon.

"Oh my they sure fit each other well, but they aren't that close I don't know if this marriage can even happen. And you know how stubborn our daughter is" Yoona's mother said to Yoona's father.

"Oh don't worry in-laws , I got some things on my mind. And I know very much that my son will like your daughter very much" Chae Won's father said to Yoona's mother to relieve her worries.

"Chae Won!!"called his father

"Yes, father" Chae Won replied

"Since its the Light Festival tomorrow, how about you take Yoona there with you and see the beautiful scenery together?" Chae Won's father suggested.

" Umm, how about we all go together father"

"Oh no don't invite us, we are too old. Those festivals are only for youngsters. Come on, be the gentlemen and just take her. Don't tell me your scared"

"Umm, then I'll be coming back tomorrow afternoon to take Yoona with me to the light festival." Chae Won said to Yoona's parents.

"Don't ask us. We're not the one going. Ask Yoona." replied Yoona's parents

"Wait..what?" Yoona questioned with a full mouth. After swallowing everything in her mouth, she was about to decline the request. But after seeing the glare her mother was giving her, she said, "Umm sure". Although in her mind she didn't want to go with a stranger that she didn't even know. It's going to be so awkward. Sigh..kmnnnnn **internal screaming** Oh wait, I can just try to come up with an excuse to not go tomorrow then. Hehehee