Ch. 5 He doesn't have a...

After having dinner with the Park family. Chae Won and his father left the house, heading back to theirs. His father returned with a big great smile on his face. While Chae Won look exhausted as if he had just came back from war. Both went into their chambers to rest.

Chae Won's house was huge with a large yard decorated with trees and flowers. The front of the house has a large porch with a table and a couple of chairs. All of the bed chambers are in different areas of the house. Chae Won's chamber is by the cherry blossom tree behind the kitchen. While his father's chamber is by the front porch. Both Chae Won's brother and sister have their own chamber by each other in the center of the big yard. Early in the morning, there would always be maids walking around the house doing their own thing. With bird flying around doing their morning calls.

Yesterday sure is a pretty long day. Good thing I got home the same time father got home or else I would have been dead. Anyway, what does father wants me to do with that chief whatever lady… And now dad wants me to what? Wants me to take her to that light festival. But it seems like that Chief Lady didn't seem to recognize me. Haa the disguise seems to have worked pretty well. I can't believe I can act so much like a female. Maybe Jonghyun is right about me being too pretty, even a female can't recognize her own kind. But let's be honest here, I think that Chief Lady isn't so dumb. She was being suspicious of me. Ahh whatever.

"Chae Won. Are you up yet? Get up, we need to talk" called his father, knocking at his chamber door.

Ahh shit!! No way father found out about it. Freaking Jonghyun, you're so dead.

"Yes, father. Coming!"

When Chae Won reached the porch, his father was already waiting while sipping on a cup of sweet honey tea. Chae Won sat down and also grabbed a cup. Both Chae Won and his father sat next to each other facing the front yard out to the front gate that is wide open, looking at that maid walking around and the grass waving at them. After a while of sipping on tea, Chae Won's father finally said, " Have you met a lady you like?"

"A lady. No. There hasn't been any lady of my liking."

"Don't tell me the rumors are true!?"

"What rumors, father?"

"You know what rumors I'm talking about. The one with you liking men"

"Hahaha. Father, you believe those rumors."

"Well, why can't I? We have met so many ladies already and there isn't none to your liking?"

"Okay, father. It's not that I haven't found anyone to my liking, but it's just that I'm not ready to settle in."

"Oh so you found someone to you like?"

"No, father. Not that. It's just that.. " Chae Won paused as he saw a lady with a mask, wearing a colorful hanbok(traditional korean dress) walked passed the front gate.

That what? That you, my son, will never find a wife because he is not ready for it. And then I'll never get to hold my grandchildren before I die."

Instead of listening to his father. Chae Won stood up in surprise of seeing that lady in the mask, hoping it to be Yoona, and ran out the front gates.

"Chae Won! Won't you ever listen!?" his father called out for him.

"When will this kid ever listen? Everytime I talk about grandchildren he would always run away. Don't tell me he doesn't have a…"Chae Won's father cleared his throat and said, " No way, he is my son. He has one. Yes, he has one for sure." Looking around to see if anyone heard him.