In the world of Zamour
During the Year 2043
New Pokemons have been released in this world and people are living peacefully
This Stoey follows the Adventure of a young boy named Light Yuzuki
Who is starting his journey today
Mrs Yuzuki-Light are you awake? I have prepared Breakfast for you come down before it gets cold
Light-not today Mom,Today I will only eat my breakfast after I get My first pokemon
Mrs Yuzuki-Ugh,I know you would say that that's why I have packed you breakfast and your Backpack
Light-You know me too well,Mom
Mrs Yuzuki-Well I am your mom
Mrs Yuzuki-I remembered when you were young and I told you the Journey of You grandfather
Light-Mom,I want to talk to you
Mrs Yuzuki-Yes
Light-I am not only starting this journey for making friends with Pokemon,I want to find my dad who has been missing from 8 years
Mrs Yuzuki-I already know that,Light and I just want to say one thing
Light-Yes Mom
Mrs Yuzuki-Best of luck on your journey
And So our hero left his house
Light walks fown the road of his hometown Zed Town a town named after a great adventurer who caught the God Of Pokemon Arceus
Light-I am seriously going to miss this town
Light reaches Professer Zeko's lab
Light-Professer Zeko,Are you here?
As Light was looking around in the Dark Lab for a switch he found a source of light coming from deep down the hall he investigated it and foun a PokeBall
Light-Huh,A Pokeball wait this is not a normal Pokeball is it?
Light picks up the pokeball but suddenly a voice comes from behind
???-Who are you and wat are you doing in my lab
Light-In your lab,Professer Zeko!
Professer Zeko-Oh that voice is that Light
Light-Yup thats me
Professor Zeko-Oh sorry,I thought it was a thief
Light-Its Ok Professer
Zeko-I told you how many time Light Call me Zeko,I am you best friend
Zeko-So you are here for your starter Pokemon
Light-Well I was but I think I Will choose this
Zeko-Huh,Thats os not one of my Pokeballs,Actually I have never seen it before
Light-Well,When I found it,it had a light coming from it
Zeko-Huh,can you take out that Pokemon
Light-Ok,I always wanted to this,I Choose you
When The Pokeball opened a blast of Light was around the room nobody can see anything
Zeko-What is this Pokemon
Light-I dont know
An unknown Pokemon comes out of the ball
Zeko-What is this Pokemon,Light can you use the PokeDex
Light uses the Pokedex
Pokedex-No Data
Zeko-No way Light,You found a new kind of Pokemon
???-Yeah,I am a new kind
Everyone shocked
Zeko-He spoke
Light-I heard it too
Lekodon-I am Lekodon,But Call me Leko Nothing else
Zeko-Can I touch you?
Leko-No,Only my trainer can
Light-Who is your trainer?
Leko-Who else,you