Chapter 2 A Journey Begins

Last time on SuperPokemon A brand new species appeared before Light And Zeko

Light-Wait,I Am Your trainer



Leko-See,Only The People who are chosen are able to see the light coming from the Pokeball

Zeko-I still dont get how are you able to talk

Leko-Because I am a SuperPokemon

Zeko,Light-What are SuperPokemons

Leko-SuperPokemon are different from other Pokemons in typer,shapes and moves

Light-So you are one of those

Leko-Yup m,They are still super,super rare to find so you are very lucky

Light-So that means you you are MY STARTER POKEMON

Zeko-Well okay you can take him


Zeko-But You have to tell me about everything he does

Light-Yeah-Yeah Whatever,Lets go Leko


Zeko-I am serious,pleade send me the reports

Light and Leko enters Route 901

Light-first lets see what you can do Leko

Leko-I am a SuperPokemon who differs in type and moves

Light-So what type are you

Leko-I am a Fire,Electric and Steel

Light-Wow,and what about moves

Leko-I know Zero blast,Electrical waves and Flame Stomrm

Light-Wow you are strong one

Leko-Oh please they are not so good


A wild grass jiggles

A Wendase apperas

Light-Yes,A Wendase a great Pokemon to test your Moves,Now Leko use Zero blast

Leko-You got it

Leko uses Zero Blast

A huge Blast happens

Wendesa is nowhere to be found

Light-What just happened

Leko-Well you-

Leko faints


after 4 hours

Leko wakes up

Light-Good,You are awake

Leko-Where am I

Light-In a nearby Pokecenter


Light-Now tell me what was that

Leko-Well Zero Blast is a huge blast that takes all my power but does a lot pf damage to the enemy

Light-did it kill Wendesa

Leko-No,Zero blast doesn't kill the person but leaves them fainted

Light-oh,thank god

Leko-nos please let me rest a little bit more,Good Night

Light-Good Night Leko

After a while Light Calls Zeko and tells him what happened

Zeko-Wow,Who knew that little guy had this much power

Light-Yup this guy is a full mystery,Ok See ya

Zeko-See ya

What will happen to Light And Leko in their journey,Find out next time In SuperPokemon