weird gathering

we're all in a forest.

nobody notices were gone.

it's so weird why me and my best friends got taken. there's not even a way to yell for help anymore.

Mysterious person: Well now that your all here I would like to say you all chosen.

"mhmhmh mhm mhmh!"

mysterious person: yet I can't hear you but anyway your probably wondering why you were chosen and what you were chosen for. Well your chosen for being our heroes, Our legends....our Legendary heroes! wait that didn't sound as good..Our Legendary Teens!

-all look at eachother-

mysterious person:well anyway untie them and let's all follow me

-you are now untied-

"so you kidnap us! talk all crazy! don't even tell us your name! then want us to follow you?!

mysterious person:I could gladly tie you up again.

"And we're coming!"

mysterious person: you going to be the teens that save us but first your gonna need a lot of training.

-person opens a bush and there's a village seen in the hole-

mysterious person:may you all step in :)

-Jordan whispers-: this guy is wacko mate

"I know"

-all step into the bush-

what's going to happen in the bush?! you won't find out in this chapter! see you thursday! ;)