me and Blake are hula dancing when the boys come and join us
Jordan: Oi gals may we join you?
-Jake smiles- Jake: he just wants to dance with you Cry-
-Jordan elbows Jake-
-I laugh- "Alright"
Mysterious person: hate to break up the moment but it's time for your training
"Training what training you never told us we had training when we came here months ago"
mysterious person: You just got here a few minutes ago!
-we all look at eachother-
"we've only been here for 5 minutes. were loosing it."
we head to the place where were going to train and It was very hard to stay still and listen until we all heard we had magic in our bloods and of course we didn't believe it until we saw the look in the mysterious guys face was serious and we all thought we were dreaming and that's when we knew that this wasn't a dream and the weren't lying and they weren't kidding. soon they decided to practice on the people who needed help the most which was me and Jordan.
mysterious person: ok just think of anger inside you
immediately Jordan forms flames around himself so I thinking of my anger and
soon vines start to form around me
mysterious person:good,GOOD!!
I look to the side of me and notice Jordan is staring me the the whole time and his face starts turning red so he turns away