"Be very careful to not get any close to the people here or else the happy disease will spread to you then it will be game over"
+Blake nods+
Blake: hey what's this? +she points to a canvas on the ground+
"hmm idk let's see"
+you pick up the canvas as you and Blake look in fear at the painting+
Blake:is that us?
"seems like it.. and look Jake and Jordan is there too!"
Blake: so we'll rescue them!
"it's kinda weird because the place that were at in this picture seems like the village (place behind the bushes) but on fire...basically it looks chaotic"
+you and Blake leave the canvas behind and walk to the diseased town+
+A letter drops next to the canvas that reads "Your death awaits in the end you shall not win this battle no matter how many people will help you because in the end you will never achieve your goal and here's how everything will fall into place..
1. You will think you've won
2.your friends will slowly drift
3. You will be left with only one choice
4. You will join us
5. Your friends will stop anything to try to save you
hahahaha I'll see you in the future hmmmm...nvm you'll be dead HAHAHA"+
Blake: Hey I think that building is where they are!!
"then let's go!"
+diseased people start running towards you and give Blake the disease+
+You run fast around the diseased friend and citizens+
+??? is looking out the window at you+
???: it's falling perfectly.. Jacy demand the diseased to return to their homes
Jacy:y-yes sir!
+diseased people gather around you but they walk away+
"what the..."
+you start to use your magic to break the doors of the building+
???: she's incredible we need her now!!
Lake: but sir we can't get her yet you-
???: SHUT UP
Jacy: s-s-shes right sir
"This is so stupid, watching you all fight"
+he turns around+
???: we've been waiting for you, Crystal.