"And why have you been waiting for me?"
"And that's what I don't understand! IF you are my dad then why did you take my friends and why do I have a person saying they're my dad outside the village!"
???: Well you see humans created a war against us-
"What the heck do you mean! I'm human!!"
???: that's where your wrong me and you are no where close to being human well nevermind you have a little bit of human blood in you but that's beyond the point. I need you and your friends help
"And why should i help you"
???:goodness I don't remember you asking so many questions when you were younger but if you need proof then here.
"what is-...."
+he hand you your birth certificate and a picture of you and him and your mom+
"you weren't lying..."
Dad:yes I kno-
"I'm a daughter to a monster...."
Dad: no-
"I must be a monster!"
+your about to cry+
Dad: oh no my dear please don't cry! JACY, LAKE HURRY AND GET HER SERVANT PLEASE!
Jacy & Lake: Yes sir!
+they go get your servant+
Angel: Sir have you gotten someone for me to serve?
Dad: Yes, Crystal this is Angel, your servant, Angel this is Crystal, my daughter that you will be serving
+Angels cheeks turn bright red which makes your cheeks turn red+
"Angel c-can you show me my room?"
Angel: o-of course!
+you follow Angel to your room+
Angel: so umm have you had a boyfriend before
+You look around to make sure your dad's not around+
"Actually no I haven't but who knows you could be the first! haha"
+Angel turns red again and looks at you+
"It was a joke!!"
Angel: hahaha
"What about you?"
Angel: I was forced into a relationship once until your father found me and saved me from her but in return I would have to be his servant
+you both sit on your bed+
Angel: but when I first found out I was being forced into a relationship I was like WoAhHhHhHhH
+ We both laughed and continued conversations forever+
Angel: well I have to go or else your Father will be very mad
"Oh well I had fun talking to you!"
Angel: I did too!....but may I ask why you just came here?
"I didn't know he was my father until today but if I knew that you would be here and we would become such good friends I would have come much sooner!"
Angel: You consider me your f-friend?
"Yes! you might be my only friend if I don't find my other friends"
Angel: well I'm glad were friends just call my name if you need me
+your cheeks turn red again+