Sect Master Su (1)

From the shifting crowd, an elderly cultivator with a white beard and marked lines on his face stepped up and showed the surrounding guards his healer tablet. They moved sideways, allowing him to half-kneel besides young master Lei and check his pause. Taut muscles highlighted the severity of his expression.

After a few moments, his face relaxed, and the crowd seemed to let out a breath in relief.

"No need to worry, he's just fainting from exhaustion. Carry him back and invite a physician for him," said the cultivator as he stood up.

The maids tried to invite him to come along, but he refused as he had some urgent matters to complete.

"Shall we go now?"

Su Dai nodded and they continued on their way. Neither spoke during the journey.

A young master, fainting from exhaustion... Jiang Shiqin sighed. There's somebody pulling the strings behind this prodigal son, but seeing as the person in the shadows, if he or she existed, mainly wanted to test him during the previous incident, coupled with the fact that young master Lei belonged to one of idle aristocratic families in the city whose influence was limited, Jiang Shiqin had not delved too deeply into this before. There was a high possibility that young master Lei was merely a pawn. Whether or not that pawn would be disposed of had nothing to do with him as long as it didn't affect his interests.

In any case, he was far too busy these days, thought Jiang Shiqin as he looked up at the sign with the words "Golden Lotus Pavillion" plated on it. The large pavillion with its magnificent-looking pillars appeared well-deserved of its fame as one of the most successful businesses under Thousand Blooming Lotus Sect.

Even immortals needed money. Riches and honor were things that every human being sought, regardless of whether they're beggars, cultivators or the lofty son of heaven himself. Even those noble characters who retreated into seclusion looked down on the vulgar mortal world, didn't they? In that sense, they were pursuing honor of a different type - the honor of being unsullied and incorruptible - and were of little difference to the people they viewed as inferior.

The creaking sound of a heavy wooden door being opened brought him back to reality as a servant invited them inside. They passed the cluster of mahogany tables and chairs, which were shaped like blooming gardens, and went straight up to the second floor. The light scent of fresh lotus leaves permeated the air, bringing a sense of comfort and relaxation to visiting patrons.

They arrived at a beaded curtain made out of mini-sized flowers, their hues fading from deep red to mandevilla pink akin to a coloured waterfall. Su Dai stepped inside first with a respectful expression, and after a few moments, it was announced that the Sect Master was ready to receive him.

As his hands lightly separated the curtain, the overwhelming smell of burning incense soaked his nose.

It was a prayer room, with a sizeable altar in the middle and bamboo mattresses spanning the tiled floor. Two figures, one with a broad back and one with a smaller figure, were kneeling on the ground.

Without another word, Jiang Shiqin followed their lead and knelt, as motionless as the gold statue of Buddha Statue of Avalokitesvara, which was placed among a sea of lotus-shaped crystal lamps on the decorated altar.

Two hours passed in silence, yet there was no indication from Jiang Shiqin that he was feeling uncomfortable or impatient in any way.

When Sect Master Su finally bowed three times to the benevolent figure of Buddha and stood up, Jiang Shiqin and Su Dai followed suit. They left the prayer room, the two juniors falling behind, keeping a respectful distance.

When Jiang Shiqin saw that they were truly entering a guest room this time, he almost sighed in relief. He was not particularly religious, and neither was he masochistic enough to appreciate the dullness of kneeling for such a long period of time.

Nonetheless, when Sect Master Su gestured for him to sit in an uncaring manner, the older man only spotted an elegant and serene-looking Jiang Shiqin without any hint of complaint in his tranquil gaze.

After a few seconds of assessment, the stern-faced man flicked his sleeves, gesturing for his daughter to leave. That retreating figure, a hint of desolateness in that fluttering dress, did not cause any disturbance in the auras of those remaining.

"I've heard that Su Dai has been enthusiastically accompanying you for the past few days."

Jiang Shiqin kept his composed smile. "Miss Su has been great company ever since my arrival in this city."

The man frowned. "She is still young and rash. From tomorrow onwards, I will assign some servants instead to facilitate your stay in the Distant Lands." There was a hint of hostility in his voice.

Jiang Shiqin did not reply. Most likely, Sect Master Su had heard of his daughter's apparent infatuation with him, and decided that it was far too dangerous for her to continue associating with this kind of person who was destined to live a turbulent life. It seemed that the Sect Master's care for his daughter was genuine.

Seeing the youth's unchanging expression, Sect Master Su felt even firmer in his decision to separate the two. This Jiang Shiqin, though talented, was far too unfeeling and heartless to treat his daughter with sincerity. Moreover, he didn't wish for Su Dai to be involved in the murky political currents that both himself and Jiang Shiqin were bound to.

"What does the prince wish to do in the Distant Lands to have sent you, of all people, here?" The man's harsh gaze seemed to drill into Jiang Shiqin's soul.

"His Highness has received information that one of the five great sects may be helping the Prince Qing in secret, and has ordered this subordinate to investigate this matter."

Sect Master Su had an even deeper frown on his face. Normal people might not know, but he, as a person with deep ties to the prince and the imperial household, was more than aware of Jiang Shiqin's history. Why would the prince delegate this kind of important responsibility to a person with such dubious loyalty?