Preparations (3)

Jiang Shiqin received Sect Master Su's firsthand reply at the light of dawn. There were two simple, cold words on the smooth piece of patchment: "Last time."

He let out a relived breath. He had expected that solemn man to have callously refused, perhaps include a warning or two to know his boundaries, but it appeared that his love for his daughter left him unable to harshly forbid her to have any remaining contact with Jiang Shiqin. Certainly, her fondness for himself had been totally unexpected to the Sect Master, which would explain why his daughter was Jiang Shiqin's first contact point with Thousand Blooming Lotus Sect.

Jiang Shiqin glanced at his jacquer brush, the tip still slightly stained with ink, a feeling of helplessness rising in his heart. This entire incident was definitely one of Xia Jingming's terrible jokes - knowing his liking for 'spicing things up', the prince had probably introduced Jiang Shiqin as a sickly scholar or something in his reference letter to Sect Master Su. As a result, the older man would have felt secure enough to delegate the responsibility of receiving the supposedly unattractive Jiang Shiqin to Su Dai, who was widely known to be partial to beauty. The ending was a hearty laugh for the prince and extra emotional baggage and restrictions for his unfortunate self.

As he slowly folded the parchment, Jiang Shiqin recalled Master Wu's claim that his appearance signaled trouble. Perhaps he should seriously consider making himself look more ordinary during subsequent missions?

A sense of crisis abruptly appeared, as the playful face with a slight curl to the lips of his liege drifted in his mind. He faintly shivered and looked around for the sign of wind, only to find the still figures of evergreen trees with not a leaf fluttering outside. Why... did it feel that his previous thought was precisely the prince's aim, arranging all this?

Shaking off the unsettling feeling, Jiang Shiqin picked up his sword, the slightly chilled tiny emerald veins on its handle touching his palm. He walked outside under the pleasant sunlight of a fresh new day and took a deep breath, the indistinct scent of mohur flowers permeating the air, and started his morning routine.

Or at least, he tried to. Before he was able to swing his sword, a servant stepped into the courtyard.

"Young Master Jiang, Miss Su Dai is here to find you."

That was certainly quick. Jiang Shiqin calmly nodded, as if he had already expected a young, attractive maiden to come find him first thing in the morning, as he went back inside to put on a more formal attire. The servant, her head still lowered, was extremely curious about the affair, but she soundlessly fulfilled her duty by leading Jiang Shiqin to the guest chamber.

The first thing in his sight as he entered the chamber was a head of silky hair flowing downwards, a ruby and pearl hairpin shaped like a paper fan tying the soft strands together. Upon hearing the sound of footsteps, Su Dai lifted her head upwards, her purple eyes as brilliant as amethyst fire.

"Brother Qin, have you missed me?"

The servant behind Jiang Shiqin was sucking her breath in awe of Su Dai's magnificent beauty when she heard the words filled with tenderness and enticement. She immediately stole a glance at Jiang Shiqin, only to find an undisturbed, elegant smile on his face.

Both women present, unknowingly, displayed a rare moment of synchronization as they inwardly questioned whether Jiang Shiqin was a real, blooded male.

A shade of disappointment flashed across Su Dai's face, only to dissappear as quickly as it came.

"It is Qin's honor to receive you, Sister Dai," Jiang Shiqin courteously replied without the slightest hint of embarrassment as he sat down in front of the charming woman. "Qin has just planned to invite you on a stroll tomorrow morning."

"My father told me about your invitation once he received your message." Her eyes were clear, and in the same nonchalant tone, she said. "Brother Qin, did meeting my father scare you?"

The atmosphere stilled.

Jiang Shiqin noted the hidden anger and irritation behind her words. He deliberated for a period of time even as the awkward silence gradually turned cold.

Contemplating the correct words to say, he finally spoke with some hesitation." Sister Dai, if I may, what has Sect Master Su told you about my identity?"

Su Dai flicked her wrist in faint impatience. "He only told me that you are from the capital, and that you're here on a mission on behalf of his friend."

Friend... Jiang Shiqin could not help but find the situation rather humorous as he imagined the prince hearing this unprecedented description from Sect Master Su, who was from the same generation as his mother.

He glanced at the figure across of him. Su Dai had proud and intelligent eyes, yet there was a almost childlike hint of expectation within, and they were as pure as an untainted jewel encased in a glass case.

His smile turned a tad desolate.

"Sister Dai, my position right now is like a piece of wood in the middle of the oceans. It's fine if your relationship with me is like before, Sect Master Su can still protect you, but once you've truly entered my world... even he can't forcefully reverse the flow of the currents. Your father cares deeply about you, and that's why he's placing restrictions on our interactions."

The atmosphere froze further, as neither of them made any movement but stared at each other, one as tranquil as an icy lake while the other tortured by a conflicting mix of indignation and frustration. A slight breath of wind disturbed the fine strands, lightly covering those radiant eyes for a brief moment.

Su Dai bit her lips. "Jiang Shiqin, who are you really?"

"It is as Sect Master Su said. I've travelled to the Distant Lands to fulfil something for my lord. My apologies for not being able to reveal the details of my mission, but I can tell you that it has something to do with the Five Great Sects, which is why I need your father's help."

"Ha," her lips curled. "So it was indeed all work."

Nonetheless, the mocking sentence lacked substance, and Su Dai's vexation had faded, replaced by a mulling sadness. Looking at her expression, Jiang Shiqin knew that she had already guessed most of it, and her previous irritation was merely a bout of overflowing emotions. Her beauty shone so brightly that people often missed the cleverness masked within, but she was, after all, the daughter of one of the most powerful men in this land.

The chiming of jade wind bells filled the quiet air. The two cups of tea sat still on the mahogany table, cooled and untouched.

"I'm sorry," Su Dai closed her eyes. "Brother Qin, I truly am fond of you. It was admiration for your appearance at first, but I don't know when it changed."

The confession was as sweet as burnt sugar and sharper than a knife's jagged edge. Jiang Shiqin only smiled lightly. "Sister Dai, you don't know me."