Banquet (2)

As cultivators and honored guests in trailing robes streamed into the hall, the pleasant sounds of soft words and dangling jewelry flowing through the air, Jiang Shiqin felt the tingling feeling of being watched again. If his suspicion was correct, the stalker was the same person who had been hiding in the shadows whenever he went out in the past few days. Most likely, it was a spy sent by the other four sects, as the ones invited who did not belong to any sect were all powerful faces in the city, and should not have been concerned with a minor character like him.

The noise level gradually increased as the high-pitched shifting of chairs and greetings added an animated layer to the otherwise lifeless walls. While pretending to close his eyes and rest, Jiang Shiqin focused on identifying the spiritual energy around him. It was expected that the long table for the elders and the heads of the elite families would be akin to a concentrated bubble of qi - an overwhelmingly volatile one rifled with power that constantly emitted danger - in his mind. However, he was surprised at the sheer amount of qi gathering at his own table for inner disciples and lesser guests as well. The Distant Lands was truly a rally of top-notch geniuses.

Jiang Shiqin surveyed his surroundings in deliberation. From what he had heard, the tradition of having meals while seated next to each other regardless of allegiance had its roots in the earlier days, when cultivators had still been ordinary warriors in a harsh, arid land and festivals meant merry drinking and bonfires. Their ironclad bonds as children of the land had been forged through blood and sweat and barrels of wine. Even though the shared blood had been diluted through multiple generations, the five great sects still maintained this custom.

However, a long table it might be in the banquet, but it was still divided into sections reserved for disciples of the same sect. On the utmost left, Falling Stars disciples were talking to each other, their expressions composed with a barely noticeable hint of relaxation. Wearing light blue robes shimmering under their translucent cloaks, they were as stunningly radiant as their sect's namesake - it was as if luminous stars had descended on earth in mortal form, untouchable yet inhumanly exquisite. As he gazed upon the crystalline fabric of their outer cloaks, Jiang Shiqin had a thoughtful smile on his face. Falling Stars' headquarters were located on top of an ever-winter mountain range. Was such fabric embued with the ancient cold-resistant spiritual technique, and if not, how did even the outer disciples, who remained at the lower levels of cultivators, survive the harshness of ice and snow?

A hint of fresh lotus pulled him from his wandering thoughts - the beautiful Su Dai had arrived. Cloaked in silken purple with teardrop gold earrings, she exuded self-assurance and unwavering confidence as she led other Thousand Blooming Lotus disciples towards the table. He quickly stood up and performed the standard greeting. Upon realizing his presence, she returned the gesture mechanically and proceeded to her seat, which was right next to his, without giving him a second glance. Curious eyes fell onto him as her followers debated the reason behind his presence.

"Enough," spoke Su Dai. "Brother Qin is here as an honored guest of the Thousand Blooming Lotus Sect."

Surprisingly, the disciples truly ceased the conversation and switched to more harmless topics. Su Wei winked at him as he sat opposite them. Aside from these two, he counted five more inner disciples, all wearing the same embroidered lotus.

One of them, a girl of eighteen years with a cheerful smile, took the initiative to start a conversation.

"Brother Qin, I've heard so much about you from Elder Sister Dai!" She said enthusiastically. "It's such a pleasure to finally meet you."

Jiang Shiqin could sense Su Dai gripping her knuckles before releasing them just as quickly. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well," he replied warmly. "May I have the courtesy of asking for your name?"

"Li Feifei, and this is my older twin sister, Li Airu." She gestured to the person sitting next to her, who had the same exquisite features but wore a cold expression instead. Li Airu nodded at him indifferently.

Recognition shone in his eyes. "Congratulations to both of you for placing 9th and 4th in the Distant Lands Martial Arts Tournament."

Li Feifei laughed, her voice as pure and bright as bell chimes. "Thank you. I can't imagine that Brother Qin was interested in the tournament as well. I thought scholars don't usually condone violence though."

"Martial arts are the ultimate expression of the human form. Why wouldn't I respect such beauty?"

Her eyes flickered with renewed interest. "Indeed."

However, before she could continue, Li Airu suddenly grabbed her sister's hand and questioned him with a freezing voice.

"Why are you here exactly, foreigner?"

The atmosphere chilled, and the other disciples quieted down.

"You're staying at Autumn Pavillion, but you're not one of them. You're from the capital, aren't you? What are you planning to do?"

Her eyes shone with hatred, and so intense was the negative emotion that Jiang Shiqin donned a serious face as well.


"Be quiet, Feifei." She glanced at Su Dai. "Elder Sister Dai, don't tell me that you don't find this man suspicious? He just appears out of nowhere, and suddenly he's being treated as a valuable guest of the sect?"

Su Dai put her tea cup down. "Airu, you're being out of bound." Nonetheless, she did not say anything else, which Li Airu took as implicit agreement to her action.

Disciples from other sects started paying attention to the Thousand Blooming Lotus section. Both Su Wei and Li Feifei had anxious looks on their faces, and Li Feifei especially looked as if she was about to cry.

After some consideration, Jiang Shiqin chose to weave some lies into truth. "Sister Li, to be honest, I..." He took a deep breath, pain flashing across his face. "My family is gone, and there is no place for me in the capital. My father and Sect Master Su were close friends, so I have come here seeking help."

Li Airu narrowed her eyes. "Then why are you with the Autumn Pavillion?"

Hearing those words, a hint of gratification appeared in his eyes, and he looked towards the distance with a slight smile. "Now, that is a rather long story."

The surrounding people waited, but he did not utter another word.