Banquet (6)

Upon re-examining the circumstances, Jiang Shiqin realized that there was a kernel of truth within the teenager's dramatic complaints. The underlying currents that represented the struggle for power were unanimously hidden by the five great sects, and the lawless killing that one would expect to be commonplace among people pursuing strength did not exist within these lands. This could be attributed to the five sects' authority, their strict education of disciples, and the rarity of treasures valuable enough to instigate life-and-death conflicts. Considering the history of cultivation sects, which had originated from warrior-tribes banding together to resist the invasion of mineral-seeking foreign armies, ancient blood ties gave rise to a relatively peaceful land - at least in appearance.

His eyes flickered unnoticeably. The battle for the emperor's crown had gradually seeped to this province. Would isolation and neutrality remain an option?

"You read too many novels," Su Dai replied coldly, yet her face could not help but soften a little. "Did you smuggle the books again?"

Su Wei displayed his brightest smile and decisively switched topics. "Brother Qin, what is the capital like? I've heard that the streets are plated with gold and the bustling markets there hold the most exotic of spices and treasures, and dazzling noble ladies are as numerous as stars in the night sky?"

Jiang Shiqin almost spewed out his food, but managed to retain his elegance at the very last second. "The capital is indeed very prosperous, and there are many unique items to be found. As for noble ladies, they usually keep to their residences, so I cannot verify that clause."

Seeing Li Feifei's strange expression, he gritted his teeth. Xia Jingming, you're too much! Your liberality with women is already well-known, and now even your statements are corrupting a fine young man a thousand miles away. If the fact that I'm your subordinate is leaked out, I will have to jump into the Hong river to wash away the stain on my reputation...

What kind of lord, intentionally or not, deterred his follower's progress all the time?

"Is it true that there is the imperial family aren't cultivators? Are there really no sect in the capital?" Su Wei continued his stream of questions.

As isolated as the Distant Lands was, the effect of merger into the nation of Northern Wu over the past decades did not amount to much, concluded Jiang Shiqin. It was not insurmountable that the younger cultivators were unable to imagine a world where cultivation took the back stage and mortals reigned over the whole of human society.

Technologically primitive, in a sense. The evolution of mankind depended on their current resources, since the existence of such clearly pointed out a unique path for future progress. If a fanxu cultivator could kill ten of thousands of people, for example, these cultivators would be the rulers of the world and thus the way society functioned would be much more akin to a cultivation world in truth. However, in reality, even people who had attained the grandeur of the fanxu title were incapable of destroying one-fourth of a batallion, much less such a heaven-defying number. A country's regional army could easily overturn the most ancient of sects. Furthermore, immortality, not authority, was the ultimate goal of cultivators.

That was to say - the era of cultivation was long gone, and the Distant Lands a mere remnant of an archaic civilization.

His eyes flitted through the youthful features of those seated, hiding the complicated light within them.

"Perhaps you can visit the capital one day," he replied with a smile. "The emperor and his men might not possess martial arts, but their keenness of mind and ability to govern are second to none. Great kings and lords do not require physical excellence to command a nation."

Su Wei immediately frowned with distress. Next to him, Li Feifei halted her motion of bringing a piece of fish to her lips.

"Won't people overthrow him with ease in that case? Even if he has guards, what stop these guards themselves from assassinating the emperor?"

A sacrilegious yet reasonable question... Jiang Shiqin mentally praised the wisdom of sect elders, who had restricted their disciples from leaving the Distant Lands and getting themselves killed over desecration of royalty.

"These loyal men understand that only with a capable ruler can the people enjoy a prosperous time. They have neither the ambition nor a reason to perform an assassination."

Technically, he should have praised the emperor to the sky and asserted his identity as the Son of Heaven, deserving of utmost reverence and certainly not a target for knife practicing, but such preaching was entirely devoid of benefit and would only earn him skeptical gazes from the surrounding people. Once again, he lamented the hardships in interacting with people of a different culture.

Thankfully, the conversation ended when the Falling Stars Sect Master announced the end of the banquet. Per official etiquette, guests could either stay inside the hall or take a stroll outside, and the latter was the most popular option among younger cultivators. On the contrary, elders usually visited the renowned gallery at the back of the hall, whereupon lied many art masterpieces and ancient relics gathered by generations of Falling Stars cultivators. Of course, the true spiritual treasures were not in display, and the dearth of such could be attributed to security reasons and concealment of the sect's strength.

Along with the other disciples of Thousand Blooming Lotus Sect, the Li twin sisters decided to enjoy the scenery of the various gardens located within the forest. From what he had been told, Jiang Shiqin was aware of the existence of the alleged miraculous Altar of Earth and Rain within the radiant field of flowers. Su Wei had also sneakily mentioned the prevalence of girls before marriage and couples asking for blessings in that exalted place.

The barely concealed jubility and quiet giggles proved to be infectious, and the atmosphere seemed to brighten by leaps and bounds. Su Dai did not accompany her junior brothers and sisters, perhaps because she felt a sense of responsibility towards Jiang Shiqin's status as a guest.

"Brother Qin, there'll be quite a few friendly matches at the sparring ground. Do you want to spectate?" The offer originated from Su Wei, whose excitement was as clear as the afternoon luminescence.

Incidentally, the sparring ground merely referred to a specific patch of grassland a few hundred meters from the hall. It was also where Jiang Shiqin's so-called cordial spar with Li Airu took place.