Chu Ye had just returned from his morning jog session when he was met with an unexpected guest at his door,
"Ruoxi, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
She was neatly standing there, but he could tell she was impatient, thanks to the constant tapping of her left foot. Noticing him, she stopped the tapping and directed her gaze towards him. Ruoxi gazed longer than she wished, that's because Chu Ye was dressed differently than she had seen him before, he wore a plain white t-shirt and black Adidas shorts. He looked like an innocent college student, it was a fresh view compared to yesterday's professional look, his cheeky words brought her out of her reverie though,
"Like? I look even better with nothing on." He donned a sly smile.
Ruoxi feigned disgust as she expertly changed the topic,
"You're late."
"Did we have an appointment?"
"Your manager said you'll be in by seven."
"By, not "at", there's a difference."
Not saying more, he opened the door and walked in.
"Make yourself at home."
Ruoxi who was already mad, followed after him. He was at the kitchen counter, when she walked up to him, and not wasting any time, she immediately got to the purpose of her visit.
"Chu Ye, I'm pregnant."
Chu Ye nearly choked on his drink, but then he remembered.
"Wait, I never touched you..." He could see a sly smile at the corner of her lips, lips he wanted to bite right now.
"That's not funny."
"Payback for yesterday." And Chu Ye couldn't argue any further.
"So what's this about? You wouldn't waste time coming here just for a joke right."
Her face turned expressionless again as she ruffled through her bag, she pulled out a few papers and put it on the counter as she said.
"Marry me."
Chu Ye, not even deliberating, immediately answered.
"You're not gonna ask why?" Lin Ruoxi asked curiously, she knew he'd accept, she just didn't think that he'd accept this fast.
"I know why."
She looked at him expecting an answer.
"You need a shield, someone to shoo away the flies around you, I'm just a better fly. Smart, handsome and talented. You do have a problem with my bar though, which, although elegant, screams low class. Another problem is that I'm hard to control, but the pros outweigh the cons, so you made a decision, and once you do you never go back on it, am I right?"
He said all that while signing the papers.
It had a few rules: No touching, No coming into her room at night, that type of stuff, of course, he didn't pay any attention to that, what does it matter if she gave permission. The marriage lasted for three years, there was nothing in it that affected him badly.
But Lin Ruoxi was already terrified, he had read her like a book. She found it frustrating, how could he know so much by being in just a single situation. Was she that translucent?
"Don't worry, you have an excellent poker face, I'm just unique."
And again with the mind-reading. Lin Ruoxi didn't give a shit by now, he had signed the papers already, what does the rest matter.
"I'll pick you up this afternoon to finish the procedures, get all your stuff ready and don't keep me waiting."
Done with what she came for, she turned around and walked out.
"At least give me a goodbye-kiss." He shouted after her.
She just gave him the finger.
"Not very ladylike." Chu Ye muttered.
-2 pm-
Chu Ye was dressed as he usually was, adding a white tie and black blazer, but that didn't seem to be good enough for Lin Ruoxi.
"Put this on."
Lin Ruoxi was already fuming, they were in Chu Ye's bedroom and had been arguing for over ten minutes over what he was wearing. She liked the style, but not the color, she had brought him a white Armani suit. But he was adamant on wearing what he was.
"Why not?"
"It's white." He said plainly.
Ruoxi calmed down a bit as she asked,
"Do you not like white?"
"I like it."
"Then what's the problem." She said, again angry.
"Everything is white, from the tie to the shoes, do you want me to look like an advertisement for detergent?"
Lin Ruoxi blushed hearing his words, she had thought he would look handsome in white, but his words had now put that image in her mind, she found it quite amusing.
"Ok, nevermind. Let's go."
They were now in front of the Civil Administration Bureau, Lin Ruoxi looked at the man next to her, who was now holding his arm out, Lin Ruoxi begrudgingly accepted it and put a "happy" smile on her face as he led her in.
Along the way, Chu Ye leaned down to whisper in her ear,
"By the way Ruoxi, you look lovely."
And she did, she was wearing a tight beige dress that went down to her knees, showcasing her perfect assets, but not any unnecessary skin. Her hair was let down, flowing behind her like a veil, the smell of it intoxicated him.
Feeling his hot breath on her skin, Ruoxi blushed as she warned him.
"Don't do that."
Chu Ye just smiled, they had gone up to the desk already amidst stares of countless envious people.
Men for Ruoxi and women for Chu Ye. But although envious, they couldn't help but admit that the two looked perfect for each other.
"Congratulations, this is your certificate, please take care of it. And I.. wish you both a happy and fulfilling life." The agent said, with a bit of envy in his eyes.
Lin Ruoxi looked dazedly at her certificate, she was now a married woman, a wife. She looked at the man that was now her husband and found him looking at her with a gentle smile on his face.
"There's no going back now Ruoxi, the contract says three years, but do you really think I'd let you leave after."
His smile never left.
And suddenly, Lin Ruoxi felt like she had been trapped.