"I'm Ruoxi's husband."
And with that Mo Qianni didn't waste any more time as she pulled out the mace and sprayed right towards Chu Ye's face. Of course, Chu Ye would commit suicide by chicken if he ever got hit by such a low-level attack.
Mo Qianni's mouth gaped when she saw the spray go right through Chu Ye's face, anxiously she looked at the bottle, shaking it up and down, then sprayed again, but the exact same thing happened. All the particles seem to go through his face and come out on the other side, now she was terrified, she slowly backed away from him, but it seemed her high heels were her downfall as she suddenly fell backward, she closed her eyes waiting for the inevitable impact... but it never came. Mo Qianni felt a tight grip surround her waist suddenly, as she slowly opened her eyes, she was met with the most beautiful pair of black eyes she had ever seen, deep like the night, it seemed to suck her in, especially the gentle concern she could see within it, she was dazed.
Chu Ye, seeing her dazedness grew even more concerned though. He should be angry with her since she had suddenly attacked him, but he knew she must have her reasons since she wasn't really a bad person, besides it wasn't like she could ever hit him.
"Are you OK?" He gently asked.
They were really close now, Chu Ye hadn't let his grip go yet so he was basically hugging her, their faces inches from each other. Mo Qianni could feel his warm breath brush her lips as she blushed suddenly, but it seemed to also bring her to her senses as she hastily pushed him away and got into a defensive posture again, eyeing him warily, Chu Ye could only smile wryly at this,
"You're still suspicious of me huh?"
"How did you do that?" She asked suddenly.
Chu Ye didn't answer, but reached into his pockets, Mo Qianni flinched at his action, but seeing him pull out a cellphone she breathed a sigh of relief. Chu Ye went into his contacts and dialed a number, he put his phone on speaker, and after a very long and awkward ring Mo Qianni heard a cold but very familiar voice through the phone,
"What?" Ruoxi was blunt and to the point, she at first didn't want to pick up the phone, but knowing how unpredictable this contracted husband of her was, she didn't take any chances and reluctantly answered.
Chu Ye held his hand up to Mo Qianni, a sign she took as him wanting her to be silent, she could only awkwardly comply, as she was starting to have second thoughts over her stupid actions.
"Ruoxi, what are we eating for dinner tonight?"
The phone was silent for a few seconds, Chu Ye could basically picture Ruoxi fuming right now.
"You called to ask me that?" And he hit the nail on the head, as Ruoxi's voice seemed to get colder.
"Yes, I just wanted to-" The line suddenly went dead. "- ask if I should bring something from the supermarket..." Chu Ye's voice seemed to get lower by the end until it just trailed off into sad mumbling.
Mo Qianni suddenly felt Chu Ye was a little pitiable with his shoulders slumped like that and his sad gaze at the phone. She had believed him by now, as Ruoxi would never let a strange male live inside her house, and since Ruoxi didn't have any male family members that she knew of other than her father, this man could only be who he claimed to be. She had dropped her wariness by now as she felt confused and a little hurt, confused that Ruoxi suddenly got a husband out of the blue, and sad that she never told her, she could only put it at the back of her mind though as she had to deal with the problem in front of her now.
"I'm really sorry for my actions earlier." She said sincerely, her jumping the gun could have caused a lot more trouble if Chu Ye wasn't as magical as he was.
"It's fine, why did you suddenly mace me though?"
Mo Qianni hesitated, but finally answered with an embarrassed blush,
"I thought you were a stalker."
Chu Ye couldn't help but laugh a little as Mo Qianni blushed even harder, thinking that if he were a stalker, no-one on this planet would even notice him.
"How did Ruoxi suddenly get a husband?" Mo Qianni had returned to her normal elegant style now, as she asked curiously. Ruoxi wasn't the impulsive type, and since she had never heard of this man before, there must be a good reason. She had wanted to accuse him of blackmailing her first, but thanks to the earlier lesson, she didn't jump to ridiculous conclusions this time.
"It's a long story, can I tell you another time? I have to start walking now and I don't want to get home late."
Mo Qianni remembering the scene she saw with Ruoxi driving away, and Chu Ye shouting after her, couldn't help but giggle and suggest,
"How about I give you a ride?"
"Is that okay?"
"Yes, since you're Ruoxi's husband it's fine, and this could also be considered an apology for earlier."
"Great." Chu Ye donned the brightest smile he had ever donned today.
Mo Qianni was ready to go, but as she moved, she suddenly misplaced her left foot causing Chu Ye to hastily support her again.
"Your heel seems to be broken."
She looked down, and indeed one of the heels of her brand new LV shoes had come clean off, she couldn't help but feel a little down, she had money, but not to waste, these shoes were expensive, and losing a pair was akin to losing a weeks salary. Chu Ye who noticed her mood when seeing the state of her shoe, picked up the broken heel and told her.
"Let's get to the car, I can help you."
She looked at him in confusion, not knowing how he could help, was he a cobbler? No, Ruoxi wouldn't marry someone like that, not that there was anything wrong with being a cobbler, Ruoxi just had different tastes.
"I'll show you in a while." He said noticing her confusion.
And so he supported her all the way towards the car, with her leaning her arm over his shoulder as she hobbled. She was at first against the idea, as she felt a little uncomfortable by the close contact, but it was better than his alternative, which was,
"Either we go like this, or I carry you there like a princess."
She had then hastily agreed, although being carried would have been more embarrassing, this wasn't that good either. The two looked very intimate as Chu Ye's arm was around her waist, and with one of his hands holding the one she threw over his shoulder, she could feel the warmth his hands had, different than the coldness she felt around her in the workplace every day, it was especially soft for a man, she even felt some shame, since it was softer than her own. And his scent, wasn't the smell of cigarettes supposed to be disgusting, how come it smells so good on him, and did he bathe in lemon wedges, why does he smell like my morning tea.
All this seemed to go through her head in this short walk, while Chu Ye next to her was as calm as Buddha, he didn't have any other thoughts other than helping Ruoxi's friend, sure she was beautiful, but if he were one to look at just beauty then he would have an island full of woman by now. His woman had to be beautiful not just in body, but soul.
And Ruoxi had three, as beautiful as the sunset.