Thank you

In her messy thoughts, Mo Qianni hadn't even realized that they had reached the car already. It was a brand new model Audi A4, Chu Ye liked the look of this car, he felt it suited his image more, the only problem was the glaring red Mo Qianni's was in.

"Did you know that statistically, cops tend to stop red cars more than they do any other colors."

"Isn't it white?" Mo Qianni questioned with a little doubt in her voice.

"Yes... but that's only because there are more white cars to stop." Chu Ye replied embarrassingly.

"Still means you're wrong," Mo Qianni seemed to have a smirk of victory on her face, "Anyway I haven't been stopped by the police yet."

Chu Ye helped Mo Qianni sit in the driver's seat as he bent down to her level and took her left foot in his hand, which made her especially flustered,

"What are you doing?" She wanted to take her foot back but Chu Ye's grip was too strong.

"I just want to fix your shoe okay." He said, he worked fast as he put the heel into its place and blew gently where they were connected, Mo Qianni watched all this nervously, this man seemed to be intent on invading her personal space, though she didn't like it, she didn't hate it either, he was so warm and caring in the things he did, he probably made a good husband, she thought. If Chu Ye heard that he would probably say, "Tell that to Ruoxi." Though in her defense, they had only been married for half a day.


"What's done?" Mo Qianni asked, a bit lost.

"I Fixed your shoe." Chu Ye said simply.

"By blowing on it." She asked doubtfully, was his breath glue?

"Try it." He didn't try to explain himself.

She carefully stood up, as she placed a bit more pressure on her left foot, not convinced, she slowly walked forward a bit, then backward.

"It's fixed," She said in amazement, "How- Nevermind, let's go, Ruoxi must be worried now."

Chu Ye smiled at how quick the girl seemed to catch on.

"I'll change my name if she ever worries about me."

"What'll you change it to?"


Mo Qianni was speechless, Chu Ye was serious though as he walked to the other side of the car and stepped in, he didn't have that much attachment to his name, a lot of people remembered it, but to him, it was just a reminder that his old one was gone.

The car smelled a lot like Mo Qianni, roses, but not the overpowering kind, where Ruoxi was summer, she was spring, though if it were down to emotions Ruoxi would be winter, cold like the winter snow.

"So what's the story between you and Ruoxi?" Mo Qianni asked as she started the car and drove.

"Well... we met her in a bar, then..." And so he told her about their uncanny, but not so coincident encounter.

"So you kidnapped her, then she married you?" She asked in a weird tone.

"Pretty much."

"Both weirdos."

"Both in it for something." Chu Ye said with a smile.

"What are you in it for?" She asked him curiously.

Chu Ye thought for a moment, as he replied.


"Entertainment?" She asked confused, she couldn't understand what he found so entertaining about this situation.

He turned towards her as he said seriously,

"It's a race Qianni, and the one who falls loses."

She got even more confused as she didn't understand the underlying meaning in his words, besides, she was focused on a different point.

"Don't call me so intimately," she said as she glanced at him for a second, "I don't even know your name yet."

"It's Chu Ye, can I play music?" He asked as he noticed the lack of it.


Chu Ye put his Bluetooth on and connected, and immediately through the speakers came a very familiar upbeat bassline, along with the harmonics of a very familiar artist. It took Mo Qianni only a few seconds to recognize this iconic voice, by the time she got the song, she could already hear Chu Ye next to her singing along,

"My life will never be the same,

Cause girl, you came and changed..."

She glanced at him for a second and couldn't help but smile a little as she saw him move his head left and right to tune, he seemed to notice as he smiled back and asked,

"Tell me you know this song Qianni?"

She ignored him calling her name directly this time as she answered,

"Of course."

"Then how can you not sing along?" He asked in astonishment.

"I don't sing." She answered, feeling a little uncomfortable at Chu Ye's 'But it's MJ' stare.

"Wow." But he didn't say anything more as everyone had their tastes in music.

Mo Qianni told a little lie though, she loved to sing actually, especially when she was at home, she would always get out of the shower with a hairbrush in her hand as she sang out loud to her favorite bands, usually, she would sing in the car too, but Chu Ye's presence seemed to make her more reserved.

Chu Ye could tell she was lying though, as he could see her lips moving a little and her fingers sneakily tapping the steering wheel to the beat, he smiled as he sang louder, much to her embarrassment, they were in traffic now, and she could see people giving them weird stares, she awkwardly smiled back as she slowly rolled up the tinted windows. She couldn't help but glance at him with blame in her eyes, Chu Ye gave her the most innocent smile he had as he replied to her gaze,

"Qianni you need to relax a little."

"How can I relax when you keep playing this awful music."

Chu Ye raised his brow a little,

"I am many things, but a bad judge in music is not one of them."

"Let me see." She snatched his phone as she went through his playlist, there were many on it that she didn't know, but she could see some of her favorite bands on there too as she couldn't help but agree to his statement, she scrolled down a little, and one song caught her eye as she pressed her dainty finger on it. The gentle but melancholic sound of a guitar came through the speakers as Chu Ye stared at Mo Qianni in surprise,

"This song?"

"My favorite."

"Ok then." He then smiled as he sang along.

"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away,

Now it looks as though they're here to stay

Oh, I believe in Yesterday..."

And then he suddenly stopped, Mo Qianni had started singing, and the effect it had on Chu Ye was "amazing" to say the least, he stared blankly at her as she seemed to pour out her soul in what could be described as the most beautiful thing he had ever heard, her voice was churchbells to him, ringing when he had long lost his religion.

"Ye... Chu Ye."

He only returned to grace after she had called him a few times, seeing her embarrassing face, he smiled brighter than the morning sun and spoke,

"Thank you Ringo, that was wonderful."