"Please sir!"
"I refuse."
A peculiar scene was happening in front of Ruoxi right now. An old man... An old pervert was feeling around the counter, seemingly trying to find Chu Ye.
"Polo! Shit, stop it old man. "
Ruoxi couldn't fathom what was going on, wasn't this guy's vision good a few minutes ago, she couldn't have imagined that lewd stare right? So then why was he falling face first over that perfectly placed foot right now? Wait...
"Ouch!" The pervert exclaimed, "Sonova- you did that on purpose right?!"
"Did what?" Chu Ye asked, his face the picture of innocence, though the old man couldn't see it.
"Tripped! You obviously tripped me!"
"Did you see me doing it?"
"How could I?!" Dong Lei was close to tears.
"Then I didn't do it. Be careful, or I'll sue you for slander." Chu Ye stated simply, as he straightened his collar.
Lin Ruoxi couldn't handle the shenanigans anymore, so she went up to the most suspicious person and asked.
"Did you do something?"
"I do something everyday?" Chu Ye, of course, wouldn't confess so easily. His mouth was a safe or an eskimo, tight and cold, not even a tank could open up this baby no sir!
"I'm going home."
"Wait, okay, "Well, who told him to give her the password, "I might have - accidentally mind you - blinded him a little, just a little though."
"How do you accidentally blind someone?"
Chu Ye's eyes seemed to glow then, as he recalled something.
"I had a Japanese friend once who converted to Buddhism, pretty quirky guy, anyway he stuck with it for two whole years. And then one day, he woke up to, in his words, 'The Stick of Truth' He went down the mountain that very day intent on, and, his words again; 'Sticking it to the man'. Long story short, don't let an ex-monk give you a moneyshot."
"Wait, so he's gay?" The pervert asks.
"That's what you focus on!" Lin Ruoxi shouted, she was furious, though her cheeks were faintly blushing. Was this a date? No, this was clearly a shitty comedy routine.
"Enough of this, Ruoxi let's go." Chu Ye said, as he took her dainty hand in his and led them towards the skates.
"Wait, my eyes! What about my eyes?" The pervert wailed, he wanted to give chase, but his already bloody nose advised him against it.
"Stop moaning bitch!" Chu Ye shouted, unconsciously channeling his bedroom personality, Wait, wrong!
"I mean, it's only temporary, it'll be back in two hours! If you act like a decent old man" He corrected himself.
"What am i supposed to do in the meantime?" The pervert asked, not willing to question the devil's assurances. He could only hope!
"I don't know, go read a book or something." Chu Ye waved him off.
Dong Lei nearly wept.
Now back to our couple...
"How'd you blind him." Ruoxi immediately interrogated once they were out of earshot.
Chu Ye thought for a second, then looked down at Ruoxi, peering into those curious midnight eyes, he couldn't help but open his mouth. Anyway she already knew he wasn't normal, just a matter of time before she finds his midget porn.
"He means bibles!" Chu Ye shouted to the sky. Yes, he, a man above the gods, was a Christian! How could he watch such sinful things!
"Who are you talking to?" Ruoxi asked, flabbergasted, was this guy schizophrenic? Were the voices in his head leading him to the Lord?
"Nothing, no one." How could he tell her that she was but a character in a novel. A product of some basement dweller, channeling one of his wet dreams into the the vast library of the internet, poor girl would be heartbroken!
"Anyway, about the question you asked, I stole his light." He confessed, having put his skates on by now, and helping put on hers, only after a few refusals though.
"But it's not dark there?" She said, pointing towards where the perv was sitting, who for those who'd like to know, was currently listening to some rather raunchy ebooks.
"Not that light," He couldn't help but face-palm mentally, was this girl really Lin Ruoxi? Genius businesswomen? Cold and prone to tantrums? If it wasn't for the resting-bitch-face, he would swear that she was an imposter!
"I mean his ability to reflect light, I took that away, so now he's blind, temporarily." He explained patiently. Leading the awkwardly walking Ruoxi towards the rink.
"How'd you do that?" She asked, intent on getting as much information right now as she can, It's not everyday that this man was so open. Maybe they should go on dates more often? She thought.
"Simple really, I put an absorption spell on the lenses of his eyes, the spell runs on what it feeds on, in this case light, so it's self-sufficient, meaning once he closes his eyes for a long enough time..."
"The spell would ware off!" Ruoxi finished. A metaphorical lightbulb shining brightly over her head.
"Smart cookie!" He pinched her nose, earning a glare in the process. They were on the ice now, she was shaky, this was her first time after all. After a few solo attempts, which all ended up in her almost shaving the ice, she ended up hanging on Chu Ye's arm, shakily moving forward.
"So, he'll see again if he falls asleep? And you told him it'll be back in two hours?" She questioned, not willing to drop the topic yet, "That's evil."
"I gave him a hint no? What should all decent old people do?" They were really close, her soft breasts fully enveloping his arm as they slowly went around the rink. Chu Ye couldn't help but feel warm, here, with her, in this cold place. He wondered if she felt the same?
"Die." She answered simply.
"... You know, that's really dark, should I be worried?" He shot her a question.
"Was I wrong?" She shot back. A challenging look in her eyes. Her face was so animated today, well not her face, but her eyes, they had so much color, curiosity when she was questioning him, joy when she had skated a few seconds alone without falling, love when... No, he must be imagining things.
"... No, never mind. Besides dying, all decent old people have an afternoon nap!" How could they not, when Chu Ye was but a 16 year old mortal, he too had to have his afternoon nap, he liked to think of the body as a battery, and what good was rechargeable batteries if you didn't charge them right?
"My grandma didn't nap." She said that with so much pride, like napping was the bane of her existence. Of course, how could one be productive if they took time off to nap. Those were for weaklings!
"If she was anything like you, then I wouldn't be too surprised." He then gently put his arms around her waist, and with a finesse that would put Yuri to shame, lifted her up as he did an elegant twirl, all the while, staring at those eyes of hers. Eyes which had unconsciously gone cold when he embraced her, but that had slowly warmed up as she spun in his arms.
And they were still warm when Chu Ye had hit the ground, and she was still in his arms. His warm loving arms, arms that could lift her like she weighed nothing, arms that she imagined, hoped, could hold up the world for her.
Their faces, slowly inched closer to each other, so close that she could feel his warm breath on her upper lip, her heart beat faster, her emotions running wild, fear, rejection, anticipation, acceptance.
Until finally...
She suddenly pulled back, her eyes lighting up in realization.
"You're a wizard!" She shouted.
"I'm a wizard?" Traces of an odd shaped scar seemed to be surfacing on his forehead...
"No, fuck, you ruined the moment Ruoxi!"
Before slowly disappearing as if it never existed.