"You owe me a kiss."
"I don't owe you anything."
Chu Ye and Ruoxi were on the road again, him not having the heart to stay in that place a second longer, thoughts of arson entertained his mind...
Nah the old man had suffered enough.
"Are we done yet?" Ruoxi asked, in an even tone.
"And she's back!" Chu Ye exclaimed, her cold persona was taking over again, though not fully, as he could still see the shadow of a smile in her eyes. He knew it would be hard to melt this iceberg though so he didn't mind that much, he actually found her a bit cute.
"Two more stops," he answered, "I have you to myself for the whole day, and I'm not wasting a single second of it."
Ruoxi couldn't help but blush at his statement. Still she gave him an ultimatum.
"We have to be home by 11." Though she seemed to be uninterested on the surface, she was actually pretty curious about their next destination, the ice rink had been... unexpected, to say the least. There were so many things she had learnt about him, one too many people she had met, and, they had almost kissed!
And that thought had brought her already fiery cheeks to an even higher temperature.
"I like that you say 'we' now." Chu Ye stated, throwing a glance at her, she had turned her head the same time he spoke, so their eyes were locked now. They stared at each other for a few seconds, until Ruoxi finally snapped out of her daze, in a panic.
"Eyes on the road Paul Walker!" She exclaimed.
"You crash one car..." Chu Ye mumbled under his breath, "Wait you've seen Fast and the Furious?!"
"Who hasn't?" She questioned back, with an 'Of-course-I've-seen-it' face.
"Cyborg, my wife was definitely replaced by a cyborg."
The ride took about 2 hours, with traffic, funny thing is, for people who only knew each other for a few days, there wasn't any awkward silence at all. No, just serenity. In the peaceful atmosphere, they finally arrived at their destination.
"This..." Ruoxi's couldn't help but gaze a little longer.
"What, you don't want to, we can still turn around-" Chu Ye couldn't even finish his sentence before he was interrupted by a flustered Ruoxi.
"NO! I mean *ahem* since we're here already, we might as well go in." She said, feigning calmness.
"Sure," Chu Ye couldn't help smirk, as he went around to her side to take her hand once again, "Now hold tight, it's pretty packed in there."
"Mm." She nodded simply, since she had basically leaned on him a few hours ago, what was a little hand holding now.
Now off to see some princesses and Mickey the 'Why's-he-so-popular' mouse.
Now came a problem...
"Ruoxi! Slow down." Chu Ye told her, if it wasn't for his strength, she would probably be dragging him on the floor.
"You walk faster!" She told him, this was her normal speed, what was this man talking about, if she wasn't afraid of losing him she would have already left him in the dust.
"Unreasonable." Chu Ye complained, he could walk faster, but he didn't prefer to, it wasn't like the rides were going to run away. So, he did the only thing he could think of to calm her down.
He lifted her like a sack of potatoes, a very delicious sack of potatoes.
"W-what, let me down! "She exclaimed, trying but failing to escape.
"Calm down chips!" He said, trying to pry her twisting hand off of his ear, "I'll let you down once we stand in line."
She was sitting on his shoulders, this was a first for her, she was a bit scared, though it wasn't that high. The feeling of not having the ground under her feet was, unsettling, to say the least.
It wasn't that bad either, her dad was never around to do something like this, the man didn't even care for her presence, don't even speak about shoulder rides and taking her to amusement parks. Somehow, this man underneath her was something that she never had in her life...
"You're real quiet up there, listen... I know you have daddy issues, but I'm not your- Ow Cum-in-a-sock! Don't pull my hair!"
"Stop reading my mind!" She hissed, the thought would have been impossible a day ago, but now, from what he's told her about himself, she couldn't be so sure...
"Anyway, where do you wanna go first?"
"You're not denying it?!"
"Teacups it is!"
And so, the story of a cute, but somehow weird couple was spread around the staff.
First the bumper cars...
"Come on Ruoxi, bump me like you do at night!"
"Shut up!"
Staff member: Why's his car so fast?
Staff: No sir, you can't get a separate car that's faster than the others, much less for just two people.
Chu Ye: But it's not illegal right?
Staff: ...No...
Chu Ye: Great, let's go Ruoxi!
5 minutes later...
"Chu Ye! You're insane!"
A two-man car could be seen zipping around the roller-coaster, with screams of an attractive female coming out from it.
Staff: I'm so fucken fired.
Staff: Sir, we have orders to stop you from getting on this ride.
Chu Ye: Well I have orders to shove my foot-
Ruoxi: Walk away!
While pulling the furious Chu Ye back.
The two were now leisurely walking between the crowd, hand in hand, eating ice cream. They were hungry, yeah, it's not because they've been banned from rides for the rest of the day, not at all.
It was slightly darker now, Chu Ye guessed that it couldn't be five minutes later than six, he was pretty sensitive to time.
"Are you happy now?" Ruoxi asked, sounding peevish, but still licking on her strawberry flavored ice cream.
"Hey, he said it wasn't illegal," Chu Ye replied, licking his chocolate flavored one. "Let me have a taste."
"No!" She said, as she hastily tried to hide her ice cream, still she was a bit too late, as his tongue had already swiped a rather large part of it away.
"My ice cream..." She said sadly, as she stared at the tainted thing in her hand.
"I don't have rabies ok. " Chu Ye stated, this was a part of the process, she needed to warm up, be more approachable. Although they couldn't do things that married people do, they had to at least be on middle school level.
"Aren't you a dog though?" She asked with a tilt of her head. She was still holding the ice cream in her hand.
"No, but if I were one, I'd be a cute little husky."
"More like a mut."
And in an act of bravery, she carefully licked her ice cream again, after doing it though, she immediately closed her eyes fearfully, seemingly waiting for the inevitable. After a few wasted seconds though...
"Safe!" She cutely fist-pumped.
"Tsk," Chu Ye clicked his tongue, "Dosage too little I guess."
"Nothing, " He brushed it off, "Wanna taste mine?"
"Disgusting." As she scrunched her cute little nose.
"Ice-cream! My ice-cream!"
"Oh that, I guess." She answered hesitantly, as Chu Ye put it in front of her mouth. She stuck out her cute little tongue and took one quick lick.
"Not bad, though I don't like chocolate."
"What!" Chu Ye exclaimed, an offended look on his face. "I don't know Ruoxi, this could be a dealbreaker."
"Leave me and I'll sue your ass. "
"Eeh, I don't even like chocolate that much." He quickly changed his tune.
As they were bickering, a cute little girl came rushing towards their direction, arms open wide, eyes sparkling like a... well a child.
"Stop!" Chu Ye stopped her just as she was about to jump in his arms.
"Firstly, I'm not your daddy. Secondly, again, I'm not your daddy, and puppy eyes won't change that. Thirdly, nah I'm done, now run off little girl before you get stolen or som-"
*heartbroken sob of a little loli*
"Aww, baby, don't cry, Daddy's here!"