"Mama!" The excited little Mei shouted, as she ran arms open towards her mother.
Relief was an understatement for the emotions Jinjing Lan felt when she saw her daughter. Her eyes were tearing up a bit behind her sunglasses.
"Mei, I was so worried. Don't ever do that again." She choked, as she lightly chastised her daughter.
"Don't worry mama, Mei was with papa." Mei said consolingly to her mother.
"Oh ok, I'm just glad you're oka- wait," She distanced herself from Mei then as she looked into her daughter's eyes and asked, "Papa?"
"Yeah, papa, papa!" Mei shouted as she looked behind her towards Chu Ye, who was trying hard not to look back at the freezing Lin Ruoxi.
"It wasn't me!" Chu Ye suddenly shouted when he heard Mei's voice. Everyone looked at Chu Ye oddly thanks to his sudden outburst.
"What, you guys don't know Shaggy?" Chu Ye asked, clearly offended by their lack of knowledge. "Let me educate you guys then, Sha-" He was about to explain, when he got cut off by Jinjing Lan.
"Nevermind that, who are you? And why is my daughter calling you her father?" She asked, as she looked at Chu Ye with eyes that you would use to gaze upon a sexual predator. While also hiding Mei behind her.
Chu Ye's eyebrow twitched at the look. While Mei was just confused. So was Lin Ruoxi, wasn't this Chu Ye's past lover? How come she doesn't remember him. Xiao Ba was standing off to the side, watching all this like a show, but still ready to defend his miss if anything goes awry.
"Well, I used to be a Jedi, named Anakin. Lost a few limbs, turned evil, now I'm someone's Daddy, I know, I know, pretty weird, but not as weird as the fact that my son is in love with his sister."
Chu Ye spouted all this crap with a serious look on his face, not at all bothered by the weird looks he was getting from everyone.
Then Mei suddenly shouted.
"Daddy use the force to make mama remember you!"
"... You know Star Wars?" He asked Lin Ruoxi behind him, who just nodded expressionlessly, not willing to talk anymore with this embarrassment. Besides, she wasn't trying to interfere now, she would sort him out later.
"Embarrassing this is." Xiao Ba also chipped in, but a glare from Chu Ye made him cower.
"*cough* Mei suddenly came running towards me calling me Papa." He said seriously this time.
"... And so you pretended to be her dad? And bought her food, and candy. " Jinjing Lan asked, her eyes growing even more suspicious.
"She cried."
"Why didn't you bring her to security, or help her look for her mother immediately?" She pushed him.
"Why didn't you take better care of your daughter?" Chu Ye pushed back, clearly annoyed by her treating him like a criminal.
"What are you saying? That I'm a bad mother?" Jinjing Lan asked, suddenly furious, as she went up towards Chu Ye's face.
"You said it, who loses their child anyway." Chu Ye remarked coldly, but this seemed to push Jinjing Lan over the edge as suddenly, there was a lound smack sound.
Chu Ye calmly brought his hand up to his face as he wiped the red print there, he could have easily dodged it, still he was acting dickish, he'd admit that. So he let her slap him.
He could see her hand shaking, her lips tremble, as she looked at him through her sunglasses.
"I'll admit that I was careless, I-I only looked away for a second. But... I'm not a bad mother." She said, struggling to get the words out, but still sounding very firm.
"Mama, papa, don't fight!" Mei suddenly sobbed, her eyes watering like an allergic reaction as she cried.
"Mama's not fighting Mei" Jinjing Lan's heart immediately softened when she heard her daughter's cry, she ignored Chu Ye, as she hurriedly turned around to console her little girl.
"But, but, Mama slapped papa!" Mei said.
"No, no sweetheart, it's just, there was a fly on his face." She said, as she threw a glance at Chu Ye.
"No, you definitely slapped me." Chu Ye said, fuck it let's just take advantage of this he thought. "Mama is sick Mei." He added.
"Really?" Mei asked, as she looked at her mama, who immediately denied it.
"No, how could I be sick Mei, see aren't I healthy." She said as she put her forehead against her daughter's, letting Mei feel her temperature. All the while shaking at the bastards nerve.
"No, Mei, Mama is definitely sick. Look how her hand is twitching." Chu Ye commented, and Mei did look, and saw her mother's slight twitches, now intensified by Chu Ye's shamelessness.
"*gasp* It's true. Papa, mama is sick." Mei said, as she suddenly got worried. "What sickness does she have Papa?"
"It's called the slap syndrome." Chu Ye said, with the air of a doctor. "Your mother can't help but have the itch to slap someone. Everyday it grows worse, her hands will start to shake." Mei looked at her mother's hands.
"And then her breathing will get rushed." Chu Ye continued. As Mei noticed that indeed, her mama's breathing did get faster.
"Her face will grow red." Again Mei looked and saw that "Papa" was right.
"She's trying hard to hold herself back Mei, because you're her daughter. She's giving it her all to not slap you silly. Your mama's a fighter Mei, she truly is." He praised.
But then his face grew grave.
"But it'll only get worse, soon she'll fall. Cause all fighters eventually do, and because she's holding herself back so much. The outburst would be much worse than anticipated Mei."
"How much worse Papa?" Mei asked, eyes now laden with worry for her mother's wellbeing.
"First she'll slap you, then me, then Xiao Ba and Ruoxi. Once she's done with us, she'll move on to the rest of the park. Not stopping until she's layed her disease laden slaps on everyone here. And then it'll spread."
"gasp, doesn't that mean you're also infected papa?" Mei asked, her worries now doubled.
"No, baby, no. You see I'm immune. The only exception. That's why, you should quickly come here, so I could protect you." Chu Ye said, as he stretched his arms out.
"No! Mei, he's crazy, Mama isn't sick." She quickly said to Mei, as she turned around to face Chu Ye again, raising her hand in the air. "You stop spouting bullsh-"
"See Mei!" Chu Ye said as he didn't even look at Jinjing Lan, "Your mama is sick, dad wouldn't lie to you."
"Really!" Mei realized, as she quickly ran into her father's arms. "Papa, can you help mama?"
"Of course Mei, but only if your mother wants help." He said consolingly as he looked at the furious Jinjing Lan in a provocative manner.
"Mama, let papa help you okay?" Mei asked, as she looked pleadingly at her mama.
"But-but-I" Jinjing Lan stuttered.
"Nevermind then, looks like your Mama doesn't want help Mei," Chu Ye sighed "sadly".
"No! Papa you have to help her!" Mei shouted.
"But..." He hesitated.
"Please Papa!" Mei pleaded, giving him the puppy dog eyes, how could he resist that.
"Ok, since she's the mother of my child then I have to." He said. "But she'll struggle at first Mei, so don't be worried. He told her, as he proceeded to pull a rope out of his pocket from God knows where.
"Slap syndrome is a very serious disease, not just because of the uncontrollable urge to slap. But the fact that it is also very addictive." He explained, as he suddenly stretched his arms towards Jinjing Lan and tied her hands together.
"You, let go of me!" She struggled.
"Let go of the Miss!" Xiao Ba also shouted as he leaped towards Chu Ye, who just leaned back and threw a chop to the back of his head, knocking him unconscious.
He then proceeded to grab Jinjing Lan and lay her gently on the ground, as he went to tie her feet together.
"They don't want to be cured you see, they love slapping people. It gives them a sense of power!" He continued his explanation towards Mei as he tightened the rope, ignoring Jinjing Lan's frantic struggles and shouts.
Mei sagely nodded at Chu Ye's words, believing her Papa's words like they were the holy texts.
"But don't worry Mei." He said, finishing it off with ductape on Jinjing Lan's mouth. "Papa will surely save Mama!"
He then threw the struggling, hogtied Jinjing Lan over his shoulder, and looked at the dumbfounded crowd and Ruoxi.
"Nothing to see here folks!" He shouted.
"Mhmmm!" Muffled screams came from the woman on his shoulder.
"Yeah, Papa's gonna cure Mama!" Mei added.