Mei was having the time of her life, Chu Ye bought her tons of snacks, took her on a few rides, and at the end of it all, the three of them took a picture together. Immortalizing this memory.
Of course, Mei would never forget it, this was her first time out with her "daddy" after all. She had been mocked at school, been given sympathetic glances, all because she didn't have a papa, but no more! She had her papa, and he was here, with her, at an amusement park.
'It would be even better with mama!' Mei thought in her mind.
Just like Mei, Ruoxi would never forget this memory either, after the kiss, there seemed to be a constant goofy grin on her face. Her aura was basically screaming "I'm happy!", which made, not a few men feel jealous of Chu Ye, of course he only smirked, and winked at the girls next to them. Which got him a blush, and a sore waist from the pinching of Ruoxi, some from Mei as well.
Ruoxi had no problem with Mei anymore, in fact, she had started to like this little girl. She never had any siblings, and a child... the thought alone made her blush.
'Of course if I ever had one it has to be Chu Ye- Nonono, bad Ruoxi!'
And now her head was steaming again.
Now was Chu Ye a bad person for taking Mei on detours like this? Probably. Did he care? Not one bit. Fact is, if you lost your child, then you're probably not that good of a parent, this would be a good lesson for whoever had lost his cute little daught-
'Nonono, fuck this little kid is brainwashing me.' He thought, as he looked at the little girl in question.
Sensing her "papa's" gaze, Mei looked up and cutely tilted her head to the side, Chu Ye could swear there was a question mark above her head.
"Anyway, that's enough playing for now Mei, do you know where your mother is?" He asked her.
Mei thought a bit, and then, with an imaginary light bulb going off in her head, she put her fist in her hand as she answered,
"Mama's where the princesses are."
"Oh, well that should be easy..." Chu Ye trailed off, as he glanced around him, all he saw were princesses. Chu Ye then looked down at Mei again, looks like the girl was a bit of an airhead.
"Young miss!"
A shout was heard suddenly, as a burly man abruptly appeared in front of them, his eyes glued on Mei. Chu Ye would've gotten pissed at this dude if not for him calling "Young Miss" beforehand. Still...
"Age, Gender, relation?" He questioned.
"29, male, slav- wait, who the hell are you?" The burly man instinctively answered, but stopped himself right before finishing his sentence, realizing that there was a strange man next to his young miss.
"And get your paws off the young miss!" He growled, as he reached out to Chu Ye's wrist.
Chu Ye raised one eyebrow at the man's action, then scoffed as his hand instead appeared on the burly man's wrist, then he twisted gently, but that gentle force seemed to spin the man in the air as he fell hard on his back, knocking the wind out of him. Before he could get up, a foot appeared on his neck, eliciting the slightest of force, but the man on the ground knew, one wrong move and his neck would be snapped like a twig.
"The fuck!" The man shouted, wondering how te heck this just happened.
"Ha, you got wrecked Xiao Ba!" Little Mei giggled. As Xiao Ba just cried silently that even the young miss was mocking him.
"You know him Mei?" Chu Ye asked, he suspected there might be some kind of relation, but still one can never be too careful.
"Yes, he's momma's bodyguard papa." Mei nodded, while biting a piece of her cotton candy.
"Oh, oooh," Chu Ye then put his foot under the man's back, and with a small kick, Xiao Ba was back on his feet again. Standing dazedly, wondering if this was a Stephen Chow film.
Xiao Ba was powerful, how could he not be? He was the bodyguard of his family's only main descendant. He practiced a bit of inner force, his punches were powerful to put a hole in a wall. But this? What gentle force shit is this?
Come on brother where do you hide your muscles?
"Papa... Papa?!" Xiao Ba shouted, as he looked at Chu Ye.
"Yeah son?" Chu Ye instinctively answered,then "Fuck, who wants to be your dad!" Realizing his mistake, cmon, it was all in the genes, and this Xiao Ba was was 2 fifths from being a troll.
Ruoxi just snickered from the side. As she chimed in,
"I don't know, he has a bit of your nose..."
"Ruoxi, listen, there's no way I'd fuck a troll okay," Chu Ye told her, "Well, if she was evolved, maybe a half-troll? Nonono, never!" He muttered.
"Hello! Earth to papa!" Mei exclaimed, as she tugged on his hand.
"Huh, oh yeah sorry," Chu Ye corrected himself, "Anyway dude I'm not your father, though I may have fucked your mother, who knows?"
"Fuck!" Xiao Ba swore, this guy was too lethal with his words. "I didn't call you my dad okay, I'm wondering why young miss is calling you that?"
"Because Papa is Papa, and I'm a only child, so you can't be my brother okay!" Mei informed him, with a hand on her hip, and cotton candy in her mouth.
"B-but, he can't be your father miss!" Xiao Ba argued.
"Why not?" Mei asked.
"Yeah, why not?" Chu Ye mimicked.
"B-b-because... he already has a girlfriend okay, look at this beautiful sister, she's he's girlfriend yeah?" He asked, looking at Chu Ye.
"She's my wife." Chu Ye said, which made Ruoxi blush, but she didn't correct him, who cares about the public knowing anymore, this guy wasn't the same as that useless blockheaded Yang Chen.
Who's Yang Chen?
"Whoah,*cough, *See, she's his wife young miss, and she's not your mama, so he can't be your father." Xiao Ba educated her, she can't be calling every other Tom, Dick and Harry daddy, the reputation of the miss would go down the drain.
"It's okay, daddy will have a harem!"
Two spit takes, both from men.
And one, very, very, cold glare.
Chu Ye's could feel the goosebumps, slowly rising on his arms and back. His danger signals through the roof, which was an odd feeling after such a long time.
"Mei~?" Ruoxi singsonged, with a smile on her face.
"Yes big sister?" Mei tilted her head, unaware of the danger in front of her.
"What's this about a harem?" She pushed.
"Well... Mama said all powerful people in her stories have harems." Mei said, "She also said that they're wankers." She seemed to whisper the last part, still Chu Ye heard her, as his lip twitched ever so gently.
"So, a harem huh?" She asked, as she gazed at Chu Ye, face completely expressionless.
"I mean... If the opportunity presents it-"
"No, not as long as my feet is on this earth..." He corrected himself. His life was more important after all. That and he really liked Ruoxi, he didn't want to risk his relationship over a stupid comment.
"... You can fly can't you?" She whispered.
"*cough* I can glide I guess." He whispered back.
She glared at him for a bit, before looking away and blowing the air out of her cheeks.
'Huh, she dropped that pretty easily.'
"Anyway, this guy isn't your dad Young Miss!" Xiao Ba shouted again.
"Oh you're still here huh!" Chu Ye stated.
"Of course, I have to take the Young Miss to her mother."
"No need."
A pleasant voice suddenly said, as they all raised their heads to see a beautiful woman walking in their direction, hips tilted in an elegant catwalk.
"Because I am here!"
"All Mi-wait huh?"