
"Winner, Sakura Kyu High School, Kimura Kazuki."

The three referees held up red flags, announcing that Kimura Kazuki's attack on the face position was valid. Of course, one of the referees who was influenced by Kageyama Saburo's Kiai fell on the floor. It was only a moment after that did the referee regain consciousness. Therefore, he did not see Kimura Kazuki's attack on the opponent's face.

However, even though he did not witness Kimura Kazuki's attack, but he saw that Kageyama Saburo had dropped his bamboo sword on the floor. The player was considered defeated if the bamboo sword left the player's hand.

This was the reason why Kimura Kazuki had done that. He was worried that the referees had gotten dumb from the outcry... and they would proceed to announce that they did not see the outcome, and they needed a rematch. Thinking about that, he simply decided to let the bamboo sword slip from Kageyama Saburo's hands.