The Overlord Of District A!

When the match began, Kageyama Shichiro stopped smiling and had a grave look on his face.

Although he was a happy-go-lucky person, he paid more attention to Kendo than anyone else. Otherwise, he would not be better than Saburo and the others.

Of course, he was no better than Kuro. According to master, Kuro already has a deep understanding of the sword power and was going to achieve one of the stages of the sword power soon.

Ha!! At the beginning of the match, after they greeted one another, Kimura Kazuki found that Shichiro was a little different from his other brothers.

His opponent's airflow was steady and continuous, not as short as Saburo and Goro. However, the constant noise coming from his airflow was a pain to his ears. Kimura Kazuki smiled, he thought Shichiro would be the same as the other ones previously, so it would be no fun for him. Now it seems like his opponent is actually quite capable.