First Day in the Dungeon

Walking out of the guild, Magnus was in contemplation regarding the information he had just obtained. First was the matter regarding the 1000 valis, although it seemed like a hard goal, it was worth it if he got an advisor as it would help in the long term. Second he was thinking about the matter regarding the familia. He had enough confidence in his abilities that he knew he'd be able to make his name in any familia he joined.

A small familia or a big one, both had their advantages and disadvantages. If he joined a big familia, he would without doubt get good resources and a smooth road to walk on but he'd have to comply with already set systems and with the huge amount of people in the familia he'd be lucky to get his status updated once a month.

In a smaller familia, he'd get the gods full attention and he wouldn't have to follow rules that would be too strict but he would have to gather the resources for his growth himself.

"No point in thinking over the small stuff, I'll go dungeon diving and once I'm able to make those 1000 valis, I'll make my decision at that point" with a small nod towards himself, Magnus walked off towards the long line of Inns on the road leading to the dungeon.

* * * * *

Having booked his lodgings with the little money he had left, Magnus made his way towards the dungeon entrance where various groups were calling out for members.

Ignoring the calls, he headed towards where the dungeon began when he was suddenly stopped by a man in guild attire.

"And where might you be going young one?" the man questioned

"Well as you can see, I'm headed towards the dungeon, I'm Magnus a newly registered adventurer"

"I see, best of luck to you, it isn't uncommon for citizens to move towards the dungeon out of curiosity and get themselves killed. I am Albert, A dungeon watch keeper"

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Can I ask as to what sort of monsters I'll find on the first four floors?"

"The first four floors are a part of the upper part of the dungeon, they are usually best for adventurers at level 1, as for the monsters, you'll mostly find Goblins and Kobolds. Now off you go, I have a job to do" Albert gave him a slight nod and walked back to his post.

'Goblins and Kobolds. Shouldn't be too hard but I should keep my guard up' Magnus thought to himself as he plunged into the dark dungeon

* * * * *

In a light blue lighted corridor, a youth faced off against 5 goblins. The youth wielded a Gladius sword in his right hand and a small steel buckler in his left. He weaved through the goblins, slashing at vital points while blocking or dodging the occasional blow the goblins sent his way. In a flurry blades, the youth made quick work of the green monsters as they turned to dust revealing small crystals which he then picked up and put into an already bulging pouch.

"I've been here for quite some time, I've already filled the pouch up to the brim so I should start making my way back" Magnus touched a button on the inside of his shield which caused it to shrink into a bracelet while sheathed his gladius back into its leather scabbard.

Making his way back through the dungeon, he met some other parties with whom he exchanged polite greetings and slowly made his way back to the surface. On his way he managed to snag some more crystals thanks to foolish monsters that crossed his path.

Eventually he was greeted by the cool air of the outside, it was nighttime outside, a serene side of town was shown as most adventurers were either already done with work or heading back home.

As he stepped outside he was greeted once more by the watch keeper Albert, he gave a glance at the filled pouch at the young adventurers guild and gave a small chuckle "It seems like you had a fulfilling day"

"Indeed so Albert-san, how about you? Aren't you going to head back home?"

"My shift is almost over, I'll soon make my way back home, you should go and get your pay from the guild and get a good night's sleep"

"Will do" Magnus gave a cheery way and ran off towards the adventurers guild.

Arriving at the guild, he saw that it was more or less empty so he was able to get to the counter with kind pink haired lady with ease.

"I have come to submit my loot for the day" he spoke to Misha who gave a happy look to him and started evaluating his bag

"I'll have to say I'm surprised, to think that a newbie without a familia would be able to rake in so many magic crystals. Your grand total for the day comes to a fine 100 vali" Misha cheerfully gave him his earnings for the day.

Magnus was dissatisfied with his current earnings, considering he had to get 1000 vali in one week, this wasn't enough and his expression showed it.

"Don't worry too much, it was your first day and this was a pretty good sum, as you get more familiar with the dungeon you'll surely earn more" Noticing his dissatisfaction Misha gave him a smile and some encouragement.

Not really believing it, he gave her a small smile back and stated to make his way back to the inn.

Ordering a modest meal, he went back to his room for a good night's rest.

As he lay in bed, he went over the events that occurred today in the dungeon.

'As expected as this rate I won't be making much progress. Even that white monkey I fought before coming here was tougher. If I want to complete my 1000 vali goal, I'll have to dive in deeper that before and for that I'll need information. I should be able to get good enough book with the 100 vali I earned today. This room and meals are payed for till the end of the week so I don't have any other expenses'.

His plans for the next day made, our adventurer lay down to sleep, with his thoughts still on tomorrow.