Saving the Dian Cecht Party

Due to habit from training, Magnus was able to get up early the next day. Making his was out from the inn, he reached the Guild all geared up and ready. Walking up to Misha's desk, he gave her an early greeting

"Hello Misha-san, I was wondering if you had a book on the type of monster there in the dungeon, according to their levels."

"Of course, just give me a minute to go get it" she gave him a smile and went into the backroom to search for the book.

After a while, she came back with a thin book in her hand.

"This is a collection of all the categorized monsters that have been spotted in the dungeon until the Middle Floors along with their descriptions and floor numbers"

"How much is it going to be?"

"Don't worry you can have this for free, consider it part of my investment in you" she gave him a wink and handed him the book

"But I must warn you, don't be too reckless, I've seen my fair share of adventurers who think too highly off themselves and end up getting killed. I don't want that happening to you got it?" She warned him in a strict tone.

"You're really kind Misha-san, I'll keep the warning in mind" he gave her a smile and walked off, missing that slight worried look Misha sent his way "Be safe please"

* * * * *

Walking towards the dungeon once again, Magnus sent a greeting to the watch keeper at his post as he once more dived into the dungeon.

He was able to make his way relatively easily until the 4th as he had already made this journey once before. Today was his lucky day as he managed to snag a monster drop compared to the zero drop on his first day but his crystal count was negligible as he didn't engage many monsters on his way down.

Sitting down to rest he took out the book detailing monsters. Opening it he saw a note written in small handwriting "Be safe Magnus. I hope this helps you" with a small heart in the corner. He smiled and stored the note safely in his pack. Reading through the section regarding the next floors he discovered information on the monsters he would be fighting next.

First up was the frog shooter, A one eyed monster that attacks by shooting out its tongue. 'This is going to be easier to counter, as long as I can pin down its tongue with my gladius, I can get up close and easily deal with it'

Second was the war shadow, a dark humanoid monster that has long arms with three claws that are sharp like knives. It is the strongest monster on the 6th Floor. 'This is going to be tricky but I should be able to parry its claws with my buckler and finish it off with my gladius but if it's strong, I might have to end up using my magic'

As he wasn't planning on going past the 6th floor for today, he felt this to be enough as he got up and went on his way

* * * * *

In a light green wide space a party of adventurers were pinned down by five frog shooters and three war shadows. The combination of the long range frog shooters and the close range war shadows spelled a troublesome situation for the party of three.

"Of all the bad luck we had to run into these guys" The big man holding up a giant shield grumbled to his comrades as he protected them from attacks

"Well we have to deal with the hand we've been dealt ya know" A blonde man who was parrying the war shadows, shouted back

"'Spirits of Fire heed my command, Set my enemies Aflame, Fireball' I just hope anther party kind enough to lend us a hand comes by. I don't know how long we can keep this up" A blonde girl responded to her two companions as she used a spell to hit one of the frog shooters, temporarily stunning it

As if answering her prayers, a blade ripped through the head of the frog shooter, straight through where its eye would have been. As the frog turned to dust, the blade moved on to the second frog and its wielder came into light. A boy around fifteen years old, wearing a white shirt and purple cape, with black and purple hair. He moved with grace as he easily killed the rest of the frog shooters

Having the pressure of the long range frogs off them, the party was able to easily push off the war shadows and killed two while the last was killed by the purple haired youth.

"Thanks you so much for your help, we probably wouldn't have lasted much longer if you hadn't come along" The blonde who seemed like the party leader gave Magnus bow of thanks and his companions followed his example

"No worries, we're fellow adventures, helping each other is an obvious thing" he gave a small laugh and got them to stop bowing

"If only adventurers had that sort of mindset, regardless you saved our lives and I can't thank you enough, how about you take all the loot from these guys. You deserve it" The blonde enthusiastically made his offer.

"I can't do that, how about this, I see one of the war shadows left a drop so how about I take that and the crystals we divide evenly"

"If that's what you want" the three quickly gathered the eight crystals, giving Magnus two of the war shadow and two of the frog shooter crystals while they kept one of the shadow and three of the frog shooter crystals as well as handing the War Shadows finger blade to Magnus

"Well that's that, I'll be on my way now. I have more hunting to do"

"Wait what's your name, I'm Jack" the blonde shouted

"Alex" the big guy whispered

"And I'm Jill" the girl cheerfully exclaimed

"We're from the Dian Cecht Familia, A medicinal type familia"

"I'm Magnus, if you're a medicinal familia then what're you doing in the dungeon?"

"Well we needed some items that can be found on the 6th floor urgently so we decided to head in ourselves despite Airmid nee-san telling us not to" Jack spoke in a depressed tone but he perked up instantly "If you even need anything done regarding medical situations be sure to swing by, we'd love repay this favor"

"I'll keep that in mind Jack-san, now I really need to continue, I hope you guys get our safely" saying his part Magnus decided to walk on and hunt while he had the time while the three Dian Cecht people started to head back

* * * * *

As time passed Magnus continued hunting more monsters and helping out a party or two that was in trouble causing him to be quite famous for a while.

Soon he started his journey back up and was soon walking out of the dungeon with a few people pointing and whispering at him, recognizing the signature purple cape.

"It seems like you made quite the name for yourself boy" Albert walked up to the Adventurer and greeted him

"It was nothing much, I just helped a few people out"

"Nothing much he says, Well boy keep that attitude of helping people up and you'll do just fine. Don't get too drunk on your power and proceed carefully" Albert cautioned him and sent him off with a pat on the back

"See you tomorrow Albert-san"

* * * * *

Standing infront of the counter, Magnus was happy to experience the surprised expression on Mishas face as she looked at his loot for the day

"I did say that you'd get better income as the days pass but this is not what I had in mind" she whispered in a surprised tone, soon her expression turned serious as she turned to Magnus "you went to the 6th floor didn't you? Despite my warning"

"I was careful, I did my research, planned everything out and only then did I go to the next floor. Besides the goblins weren't a challenge anymore so I thought it would be ok to go further"

Misha gave him a glare and pulled at his cheeks "You only got lucky you know. From now on you're going to inform me whenever you plan to go to the next floor. Am.I.Under.Stood" she gave him a death glare

"Unershtood Misha nee-san"

Letting go of his cheeks she gave him a look "Where did the sudden nee-san come from" she raised an eyebrow

"Well I met some adventurers in the dungeon and they called one of their familia members that, so I thought I'd be ok since you're like an older sister. Was I wrong" Magnus stated his case as he looked with slightly guilty eyes

Misha let a chuckle escape her as she grabbed his cheeks once more "Not at all, from now on you're going to have to listen to onee-san and give me all the details of your dungeon dive got it?"

"Yesh" after getting his cheeks stretched one last time, Magnus made his way towards his inn and tucked in to sleep after having a fulfilling dinner.

Today's Earnings: 207 vali

Amount Left: 693 vali

Days Left: 5