Turning his attention back to the Arena Magnus noted that he was the last of the Level 1 category to fight, as the fighter and monster now entering the Arena were announced to be Level 2.
Looking at the battles Magnus was able to see the difference between the two Levels, Not only did the person become more physically capable but also seemed to move better than most of the Level 1s he had seen. 'They should obviously be more experienced with monster if they managed to jump to level 2, and the obvious physical boost from reaching a whole new level should also be a factor in their expert movements, might be a bit hard but with enchantments I should be able to barely reach that threshold' thinking to himself Magnus carefully observed the fighting Level 2.
After a few fights, the one he had been waiting for finally appeared on stage
"Rador from the Hecate familia will be fighting a Level 2 Lygerfang, caught from 15th floor of the dungeon" the host announced in a loud voice.
Loud cheers erupted from the stands as Rador walked up on stage in his signature red robes.
"He's really famous isn't he?" he asked Jack who was sitting next to him.
"Well obviously, he's a talented mage in the field of fire and young as well so people expect him to be the next archmage of fire for the Hecate familia"
'It seems like Rador is more impressive than I initially thought' Magnus thought to himself
Meanwhile on the stage Rador was ready for the battle as the lygerfang leapt at him with vigor. Before it could even get near him, its path was interrupted by a wall of flames that suddenly sprouted up from the ground. Having gotten its fur singed from the flames, the lygerfang growled and tried to run around and find an alternate path to its prey.
Having seemingly anticipated this path of action from the monster, Rador chanted with high speed an launched a ball of fire towards the monster directly into its path, hitting it squarely on its head causing it great damage and stunning it from the impact
Not letting the opportunity go to waste, he let out another quick chant before form multiple spears of fire around his person that he sent forth and impaled the lygerfang with.
Having gotten damaged multiple times in a short moment was too much for the poor monster as it disintegrated into dust and the host declared Rador as the winner.
Magnus was stunned to say the least with the flawless performance Rador had put on for the audience. His quick use of a barrier, along with anticipating the enemy's path and easily finishing it off before it could get a chance to do anything.
"It's a good thing we got to see the trump card of Heactes ace mages today. Elemental Spell Manipulation" he heard Dian speaking next to him
"Elemental Spell Manipulation?" Magnus asked back in a questioning tone.
"Hmmm? Well I guess there's no harm in mentioning it. Elemental Spell Manipulation or ESP is a technique taught by Hecate to her Ace Mages. Basically they can manipulate a single spell into multiple forms by changing slight words from their chants or adding additional words. It requires the user to be extremely proficient in the chants as well as have perfect mastery over their own magic and spell. Don't go trying it though, any wrong change in words can easily cause you to blow yourself up, hence it being a secret trump card for Heactes mages."
Lost in thought regarding this new info, Magnus barely payed any attention to the next few matches that appeared on stage.
Despite this he still had his full attention when the Level 3 matches started up. Despite their apparent level up, Magnus was unable to find anything new other than the increase in stats from the few level 3's that were competing.
"What's wrong boy, you look disappointed by these fights" Dian questioned the young adventurer.
"Well it's just that despite reaching their third level up, they seem to have no apparent improvement other than their physical capabilities, which although are impressive, aren't what I expected"
"Well boy, level ups aren't as glamorous as you think. Other than the increase in physical capabilities, they don't have much going for them unless they get lucky enough to get a good development ability or magic spell. For the top tier people among the familias, now they're a sight to see. Martial Arts, Magics and many others, you can see just how powerful they can become"
Nodding his head in understanding Magnus went back to observing the ongoing matches.
The current score would be around 50-50 with some matches ending by the monsters turning to dust and others ending with the adventurer leaving on a stretcher while the monster enjoyed a snack.
Turning to Dian beside him Magnus decided to inquire on a matte that had been bothering him for some time.
"I was curious, aren't the Ganesha people taking a loss by having monsters fight with adventurers despite not receiving pay from anyone?"
"That's where you're wrong boy, the Ganesha people earn plenty by selling tickets and viewing rights to the various occupants of Orario, Even then the monsters they use for the fighting are mostly those that could not be fully tamed and are more or less disposable. Ganesha may be a showboat but he damn well isn't a fool" Dian gave a glare to elephant masked god standing in the VIP section.
'Interesting' having his curiosity sated, he turned back to see the last Level 4 match concluding with a fast combo of attacks from the adventurer.
'Finally the match I was looking forward to'
Seeing the name displayed on the board, he was filled with excitement at the next match
Bete Loga vs Loup Garou