"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Match you've all been waiting for, the only Level 5 match being fought in this arena
Bete Loga, representing the Loki Familia"
Huge cheers rose up at that name as a grey haired man with wolf ears walked onto the stage.
"Verses the fearsome Level 5 Loup Garou" he announced in a loud voice as a few members of the Ganesha familia walked up on stage with a chained wolf that was snarling and struggling to escape.
"Contestant Bete, you will be given 30 sec-"
He was cut short by a voice from the grey haired man
"No need, I'll fight now" filled with arrogance, Bete stepped forward to face the beast.
Despite their uncertainty, the Ganesha people let go of the chains and swiftly exited the stage.
Sensing freedom close at hand, the wolf headed monster tore the chains apart and leapt at the closest prey, Bete.
Undaunted by the leaping beast, he unsheathed his dual swords and leisurely dodged the fierce charge.
As the beast crashed into where its prey should have been, he didn't miss the opportunity as he started the offensive towards the temporarily stunned beast, raining down a flurry of blows that made the beast let out a huge yelp.
Enraged the beast turned around and once more rushed at Bete but with a more controlled pace this time.
Still not impressed by the charging beast, he set out on a run to meet the charging beast. Dodging at the last second he unleashed another flurry of blows that were able to incapacitate the beast and leave it laying on the ground in a pool of its own blood.
Giving it one last look, he slowly walked off stage to the cheers of the crowd.
"Now that was surprise to see a Level 5 out here" Dian commented
"Are they really that rare?"
"Rare? For sure, but not so much in the Loki familia. What was surprising was that one of them actually participated in this event. Level 5s are the secret weapons on their respective familias and its rare to see one out in the open without a good reason, unless…" he broke off his chain of thought as the announcer started speaking
"Ladies and gentlemen, to my great surprise we have yet another match to face. Lady Freya has seen it fitting to send one of her Level 5s to battle in this arena today, so give a large round of applause for Grer Gulliver"
Although it didn't match the one for Bete, it was still a loud cheer that welcomed a pallum wearing sand colored armor and a same colored full helmet wielding a greatsword.
"Of course those two are competing again" Dian gave a small sigh
"Competing? Who?" Magnus questioned
"Freya and Loki. Those two have been at odds for a long time, and with both their familias being the top ranked in the city, it's even more so. No wonder Bete Loga was competing today"
Shrugging, Magnus turned his attention his attention back to the match which had already begun.
It went on for a longer time than what the previous Level 5 accomplished, but Grer was able to make quick work of the Barbarian that was matched up against him.
'Level 5 adventurers sure are on a whole new level, be it their technique or overall fighting capability' giving one last look at the area he walked up and left the now over Monster Feria with Dian and his familia.
"Oh and boy, don't worry about you buckler, I'll make sure Ganesha gives out what he owes you for that mutated gorilla" giving a treacherous grin, Dian patted his shoulder. Negotiating with coin was where he shined after all
Giving a short laugh he thanked Dian for the offer "I'll leave it to you then"
* * * * *
Walking towards the dungeon alone, Magnus's thoughts went back to the matches he had witnessed and it filled him with the urge to fight.
He had left the Dian members after a while despite their offers to join them for lunch, he had politely declined and left.
Reaching the dungeon, he instantly dove in despite not possessing his buckler.
He made his way till the 8th floor where he was confronted once more by goblins and kobolds.
Despite their upgraded physical stats, he was able to make quick work of the enemies.
Not in the mood to stop, he left the drop behind as he searched for more enemies to fight.
In his charge he was slowly descending the dungeon without noticing.
After a while he ended up in unfamiliar scenery with mist all around him.
'Now this is just great, in my battle hunger I jumped all the way to the 10th floor'
Searching around he was unable to locate much due to the thick mist in his surroundings.
Suddenly he heard a snorting sound coming from nearby.
Soon the sound multiplied into what Magnus estimated to be 5 sources. Going over the type on monsters on the 10th floot, he made the conclusion that he was facing 5 Orcs but with sheer luck they hadn't noticed him yet.
Lurking around in the mist, he looked for a better position from where to launch his assault. Finding a spot that would allow him to target two of the Orcs at once, he got into position and launched a sneak attack.
He was able to easily chop off the head of the first Orc but only managed to cut into the shoulder of the second one.
Seeing that his advantage was lost, he got into his offensive form, the same one he used against the silverback and faced the four pig-headed monsters.
The three uninjured orcs looked enraged at their dead comrade and charged the little prey in front of them. Dodging in-between them with ease, Magnus let out slashes of his gladius as the Orcs passed by him, granting them small but hurtful wounds. Dodging past all three, he rushed towards the injured Orc and finished the job by stabbing it right into the heart.
Sliding out his blade, he turned around to face the remaining three injured Orcs.
Looking at their dead comrades, the Orcs snorted in fear and quickly ran off into the mist.
Too tired to chase after running foes, he just collected his loot of two Orc crystals, Magnus started to make his way back up the Dungeon, and with a more cool-headed mentality, killing and looting the monsters he encountered.
* * * * *
Reaching the top, he was greeted by a dark sky and an empty area around the dungeon
'Guess they all took a day off due to the monster Feria' shrugging he made his way back to the Guild.
At the guild counter, he was greeted by an employee with shoulder length brown hair and emerald eyes.
"Excuse me, Can I ask where Misha-nee is?"
Turning to the boy, the half-elf replied in a jovial tone
"Misha took a day off today to watch the monster ferria, may I ask who you are?"
"I'm Magnus, Misha-nee is the one I usually turn in my dungeon reports to" saying so he handed over his days loot
"Going all the way till the 10th floor is impressive" she remarked as she observed the Orc magic crystal "What familia are you from?"
"I'm not from any familia as I've only been here four days"
A shocked expression appeared on her face "Reaching the 10th floor and you're not even a level 1, I have to say that's impressive" then a stern expression overtook her face "But you should be careful, recklessness has ended the careers of moer adventurers than I can count"
"Don't worry I never go over my capabilities" smiling he took his earnings for the day and left the guild with a cheery wave.