Chapter 1 The Law Of The World

In this world there is a known power of good and evil. The good is always portrayed as a kind hearted soul while the evil is an unchangeable power hungry soul. What would happen if a lost evil soul would become good? Would these balances be thrown out of sync or will everything go on like if nothing happened. Only one can know and that is one's self.

"Hey Ivan, we gotta talk to you" says a voice in the crowd.

"Yo what's up guys, did you both hear about how I kicked the shit out of some smug rich bastard the other day. The prick probably ran back to his mommy and daddy for help. What? Nothing, not even a laugh, come on. Not even you Jonny, huh tough crowd. So what did you wanna talk about?

"Let's speak outside, it's about the boss. We were asked by the boss to tell you about what you did with that punk" said Jonny

"Finally the boss noticed me and my actions. I wonder if i will get a promotion and get to be a part of the 7 seats then i'll be with you guys. It's all up from here, drinks are on me!" yelled Ivan.

"Sorry, but your path is all down hill" said Jonny

Jonny moves out of the way and a man, wearing knuckles, knocks Ivan out with a single punch.

"Sorry Ivan, but you did this to yourself" says the unknown man.

"Let's take him over to the alley and lay him next to the dumpster until he wakes up" said Jonny.

"For now we just gotta find a way to pass time. So what do I want to do to kill time Jonny?" said the man.

"I dunno u wanna play a game of poker Angelo '' said Jonny.

"Sure but this time place actual bets no bull shit this time" said Angelo

"I don't know what you're talking about? Those were actual bets, so what if they were pennies or origami dogs I made. They are still bets aren't they?" said Jonny.

"Yah, yah, just make the bets something else, ok." said Angelo


"Alright, alright here. There wasn't much anyways, just $10. Where did all the money we got from the last job go?" said Jonny.

"I wasted it on a girl," Angelo said under his breath.

"Oh you mean that hooker you always call for." said Jonny

"HOOKER, man what r' you talkin bout she ain't no hooker. She is the most pure girl i've met, she said she worked at a hair salon. WHO TOLD YOU SHE WAS A HOOKER" Angelo says threateningly.

"Did you really not know? Back when Dante was still just a vice Capo he recruited me and that woman you care so much for. You know Dante was the one that got her out of that slutty life. You should thank him when he arrives. Speaking of the goddamn devil here he is, now you can thank him that you have the girl of your dreams all to yourself" said Jonny with a smug face.

A black painted 1999 Lincoln pulls up to the end of the ally. 2 tall men walk out of the car and open the back door. A man shorter than the 2 men walked out and headed towards Ivan.

"Wake him up." says Dante.

The 2 big men run over to Ivan and try to wake him up. They picked him up and tried shaking him, they even tried slapping him to wake up.

"Damn you hit him hard, you sure you didn't kill him" says Jonny jokingly.

"He better not have killed him, I need to bring him to the Don." says Dante

"Is it that serious? He just beat up some rich kid, I mean he shouldn't have done it but what's so important about that rich boy" Angelo says.

"Well that rich boy is the son of Don Santo. He is furious right now, he wants Ivan's head for such disrespect and if we don't hand him over he will take him by force. We can't let that happen because if Don Santo were to send his men to kill Ivan then our treaty with the Santos would be broken and a war would break out." stated Dante with a fearful look in his eyes.

"Don't worry Dante, we'll turn him into the Boss. By the way, that face doesn't look good on you" said Jonny.

"You're right, I just lost my cool for a second there, there shouldn't be any problems from here. Don't worry about waking him, just throw him in the car."

The 2 big men carry Ivan and throw him into the Lincoln's trunk.

"Hey boss there's not enough room for both Jonny and Angelo" said one of the big men.

"The 2 of you can stay here. Enjoy yourselves, there's a bar across the street. Here is $300, think of it as an early payment" Dante says to both of the men.

"Dante, can I drive? I won't scratch it this time" says Angelo

"He won't scratch it, he will do much worse" Jonny scoffs.

"Jonny you're diving, now get your clowney ass in the car." said Dante.

"Come on Jonny go faster, if it was me diving we would already be there."

"Hey Angelo, did you take Ivan's phone?" Dante asked Angelo

"Yeah it's right he--"

Dante takes the phone from Angelo and throws it out the car window.

"Why'd you do that? There could have been information on his phone about who was with him." Angelo stated

"We don't need to give Don Santo another one of us to hunt. Plus the phone was being traced by Don Santo, if he knew of our location we could also be targets as well." Stated Dante.

"Wait how would we be targets? Aren't we helping him by bringing Ivan to him?" questioned Angelo

"He doesn't trust me. He never trusted me from the beginning and he thinks I'm just gonna hide Ivan from him, that's why he would send people after us. Angelo give me your phone, you too Jonny" stated Dante.

"Wait, don't tell me you're gonna throw them out the window, I got some important things on there" Angelo yelled.

"Calm down Angelo, I'm just gonna jam the signal from your phones." Dante to Angelo.

"Why couldn't you do that to Ivan's phone? You know that was a pretty expensive phone" stated Angelo.

"Well like I said Angelo if you listened, we don't need to give Santo another one of ours to kill. Do you understand Angelo?" said Dante, slightly annoyed.

"We didn't have to give it to him and keep it for ourselves or delete the pictures and videos." Angelo stated.

"DAMN IT ANGELO WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP, we're almost there" said Dante .

While over at the Santo's mansion where Dante, Jonny, and Angelo are supposed to meet Don Santo, he speaks with their boss. As they walk through Don Santos Garden they talk about Dante and how quickly he has been rising in the ranks.

"You really think that boy Dante is worth keeping? How do you know he isn't planning to take your place or even betray you? " says Don Santo to Don Jasques

"Well I've known the boy since he was just a delinquent roaming the streets acting tough and getting into fights, but I've seen his loyalty. That's how i know he won't betray me and he will be the one to take my place once im gone" said Don Jasques with a strong look in his eyes.

"Well then looks like I can't convince you can I" said Don Santo with a grin on his face.

"Finally we're here! You are one of the slowest drivers I've ever known Jonny. Well anyway give me a hand with Ivan" said Angelo while stretching his arms.

"Well, well, look who finally arrived." Said Don Jasques.

"It's the BOSS!!" Yelled both Jonny and Angelo.

"Hey old man we brought Ivan as told, where should we put him?" Said Dante with a calm face.

" Hey, hey thats the boss Dante how can you speak like that to him calling him old man, what's wrong with you, are trying to get yourself killed?" Angelo whispered to Dante.

"Hey, Dante take Ivan to the basement in the 3rd room" said Don Jasques.

"We'll meet you there Dante," said Don Santo.

Both Dons turn around and continue their walk through the garden. As the two Dons walk away Dante notices that Santo didn't leave on his own.

"Hey Jonny follow the old man but don't let anyone notice you" said Dante.

"What? Why? The Boss is fine'' said Jonny, confused.

"IT'S AN ORDER, FINAL!" Shouted Dante.

"YES SIR!" Shouted Jonny a bit scared by Dante.

"Why don't you give me a hand with Ivan then Angelo." Said Dante with a menacing face.

"Yes sir, i'm on it" said Angelo Mocking Jonny.

Both Dante and Angelo open the trunk to find Ivan trying to break the ropes binding him to escape.

"Ah so you tried to escape well you'll get to meet the boss you should feel honored Ivan. Why that scared face Ivan?" Said Angelo with a creepy grin on his face.

"NO I DON'T WANNA DIE, I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO HARM HIM. PLEASE DANTE HELP ME!!'' beged Ivan with tears in his eyes.

All Dante does is give Ivan a stare as cold as ice. The look Dante gave Ivan shattered his will and made him realise what type of world he chose to enter and what the consequences are.


Ivan tried begging again but all he got was a cold silence. He knew that all he could do was wait for death to come and that there was nothing that could save him. While Dante and Angelo take Ivan to the basement, Jonny quietly follows where Don Jasques and Santo are heading. Jonny notices three other guys following Santo behind the bushes.

"Oh shit Dante was right, the Dons are not alone. Shit I left my phone in Dante's Box. I'll just see what happens for now. I wonder what they're talking about." Says Jonny.

He leans in to hear them better while being careful he's not caught. He hears them talking about how if Ivan dies everything will go back to normal and that Don Santo would act as if nothing happened between the two families. Jonny, thinking in his head, says that it's a fair deal but notices that the guys in the bushes had pulled out their guns.

"Well my friend looks like we have a deal don't we." Said Don Santo.

"Well yes we do, Ivan was just some new punk trying to climb the ranks for fame." Said Don Jasques.

"Well Ivan will join you soon," Said Don Santo.

"Wait what do you mean Santo? Manuel tell me what's going on." Said Don Jasques with a nervous look.

Then three guys come out of the bushes and point their guns at Don Jasques.

"Well my friend I tried preventing this but you never listened. I would tell you to get rid of Dante and you just wouldn't listen. You'll always say that he was the next one to take your place and that he would be greater than any one of the 5 families. Well Dante will get to be boss early Because it's time for you to die. Sorry old friend." Said Don Santo.

"WAIT WAI----"

Three shots were fired and Don Jasques was killed. The three men gunned him down. One shot him in the head the other two shot him in the chest.

"Now clean this up, hide his body and make sure no one finds out." Said Santo.

"Oh shit the boss was killed, I gotta find Dante and Angelo and tell them we gotta get out of here!" Mumbled Jonny.

He hurried back over to where Dante and Angelo carried Ivan. While Jonny went around, Don Santo had a stairway leading to the entrance of the room where Ivan was being held.

"Where's the old man?" Askes Dante

"He went to the bathroom. He'll be here soon." Replied Don Santo with a malicious smile.

Jonny had just arrived but wasn't noticed so he tried signalling Dante to get out of there. He was waving his arms out like a crazy man. Then he heard footsteps coming from the stairwell so he hid in another room.

"Well we will be heading out now, so excuse us Don Santo" said Dante.

Dante and Angelo walk towards the room's exit but are stopped by two large men.

"What's the meaning of this Santo?" Said Dante with frustration in his voice.

"Well Dante looks like you'll never get to be a Boss. Too bad you won't complete the wishings of your boss." Said Santo with a laugh.

"What do you mean?" Said Dante with anger in his voice.

"Well I killed your beloved Boss that had so much trust in you. That was the only way you were able to get to capo in only 2 years. How will you handle this DANTÈ." Santo mocking Dantè.


Dante lunged at Santo and started beating him. Then the 2 large men came. and restrained Dante and 2 more held Angelo.

Don Santo getting all up, beat up and bleeding from his mouth.

"Listen here you fucking punk. I'm gonna make you watch Ivan suffer as a preview of what will happen to the both of you." Said Don Santo with anger in his eyes.

Don Santo started by cutting Ivans fingers off one by one. Ivan screams in pain, begging Don Santo to stop. Dantè and Angelo try to look away but the men restraining them forced them to watch.

"Next I'll peel his skin off then rip his muscles off then cut his arm off so he won't feel all that pain, hahahah. Said Don Santo.

When Dantè sees Ivan's skin being peeled off he turns away and he spots Jonny shaking with a gun in his hands.

"Dantè yells"ANGELO RUN!!!!"

Angelo pushes the 2 men restraining him and he dashes out the door Santo came in from.

"Dante, I'll meet you at the car." Angelo ran out.

"SHOOT JONNY!!" Yelled Dantè.

Dantè pushed one of the men to cover him as Jonny started shooting. Jonny had filled the 2 men will holes but during Jonny's barrage of bullets Santo slipped away.

"Jonny, JONNY!!! You can stop now they're dead." Said Dantè

"I've never shot a gun before, the only guns I've ever used are nail guns, glue guns, and water guns." Said Jonny.

"Jonny you know where the bosses body is" asked Dantè.

"Yeah it's out in the back. But a bunch of guys were around there." Said Jonny worryingly.

"I just need to take his wedding ring." Said Dantè firmly.

"What, you're just gonna take his ring. So you would steal from a dead man, I thought more of you Dante. Shame on you." Said Jonny.

"Shut up Jonny, it's not for me it's for his family, because there is no way I'm gonna show them what happened to the old man. His family doesn't know that he was a mob boss." Said Dantè.

"The Boss has a family? I never knew that. How come he never told any of us and how did you know?" Asked Jonny

"I'll tell you later first I gotta retrieve that ring." Said Dante

While Dante went to retrieve the deceased Don Jasques' ring Angelo was hiding from the men guarding the car.

"Damn what do I do now? I ain't gotta heater and i'm out of cigarettes, Fuck." Said Angelo.

Angelo then sees Don Santo running towards the men yelling at them.


Then a Mercedes Benz pulls up and Don Santo gets in and the car quickly speeds off. All the guards were ordered to clear the area and to kill Dantè and his men.

"Well thank you Santito now I can get to the car" says Angelo all filled with luck.

Angelo carefully walks over to the car and lifts up one of the front seats and pulls out 2 0.45 escuadra 1911s.

"Where did we put the extra cartridges?" Angelo said to himself searching the car.

As Angelo is searching for extra cartridges Jonny comes out the door running towards the car.

"The house is flooded with men searching for us." Said Jonny all worried.

"Where's Dantè and where are the extra cartridges?" Asked Angelo.

"Dantè is looking for the Bosses body and the cartridges should be under the cup holders" replied Jonny.

"Here they are, thanks Jonny. Now you stay here and monitor what happens, imma go find Dantè. Take your phone and call me if you see anything bad" said Angelo confidently with his plan.

Angelo runs off leaving Jonny alone in the back of the car. While Angelo runs looking for Dantè. Dantè in the bushes comes up with a plan to kill 7 men around the boss's dead body.

"I could make a small explosion? No that would harm the ring. Hmm, I could lure one of them then take his gun. Yeah but what if 2 of them go to check, then you're dead. Damn what to do. if only I had a phone so I could tell Angelo or Jonny to get me a gun." Dantè said to himself.

Then there is a gunshot and 2 of the 7 men rush over to that direction.

"That must be Angelo. I have to get to him, I need a gun" said Dantè to himself.

As Dantè got up and turned around a man spotted him and was gonna pull out his gun to shoot him. Dantè rushes him and grabs him by the throat and choke slams him to the floor. Dante quickly takes his gun and snaps his neck.

"Well, it looks like I don't need to find Angelo now."

Dantè checks how many bullets the gun had.

"Only 3 bullets. Fuck. I can't afford to miss any shots now. Alright 1, 2, and 3!!" said Dantè.

Dantè ran towards the men and shot 3 of them killing 2 of the men. Grabbing the live one as a hostage. He walks them over to Don Jasques' body and in his coat pocket he takes the ring and puts it in a small pouch. He puts the pouch in his bag then tells the men to throw their guns .

"Throw your fucking guns or your buddy gets it. No, alright then guess you'll all die then." Says Dantè with a grin.

Dantè pulls the gun from the hostage man's holster and shoots the 2 men who refused to throw their guns, killing them. Then snapping the hostage's neck. Dantè walks away towards the car. He bumps into Angelo.

"Dantè we gotta go, a lot of Santo's men will be here soon. Damn you took out 7 men on your own" Angelo said as they rushed towards the car.

"I didn't get all of them, 2 of them left after they heard your decoy shots but they didn't come back. Did you take care of them Angelo?" Asked Dantè.

"I didn't see them. They might have just run off somewhere, they're not important" stated Angelo.

Dantè and Angelo get to the car. Dantè allowed Angelo to drive but the damages would be coming out of Angelo's pocket.

"Why'd you let him drive? Now we really are gonna die" said Jonny with 2 seatbelts strapped.

"Angelo just get us out of here and Jonny call everyone and tell them to meet us at my main base," said Dantè with a lot of things on his mind.

"Hey Dantè, can you tell me now how you are the only one that knows the boss's family?" asked Jonny.

"Well I know the boss's family 'cus before I was even a vice Caporegime, my very first job was to watch over a young girl. She was around 16 or so but the worst part was that I had to become a substitute teacher to watch over her during school. I didn't know who the girl was nor why the boss cared so much but I did my job to prove my loyalty. Tho the job may sound easy, it wasn't cus I couldn't let the girl know I was watching her. I felt like a creep the entire time but kept saying to myself "it's better than dying" but I got along with the kids there. That's how I got to know his daughter without realising that it was his daughter. Now for his wife I got to know during a school dance, where I was incharge of the concession stand. His daughter saw me and wanted to say hi. She brought along her mother but her mother was furious that the school would let some street punk become a teacher. I had a long conversation with her, telling her I had all the education needed to become a teacher but turns out she was drunk and that's why she started arguing whether or not I should have been a teacher. A couple days after that incident his wife invited me over to dinner. I tried refusing but she wouldn't stop asking, so I went. I was perfectly fine until I saw the boss. I had to pretend like I had never met him before. I then became close friends with him and his family and I was even considered to be a part of their family. That's how I know the boss's family." Dante said finally concluding with his story.

"Damn, Dantè, that was a long story and why were we not allowed to know about the boss's family, you still haven't answered that question yet." Asked Jonny.

"You weren't supposed to know cus some young punks had popped a drive by shooting his daughter in the arm" stated Dantè.

"What happened to the youngsters?" Asked Angelo

"I was ordered to eliminate them, and I did so," said Dantè.

"Looks like we arrived, but don't you wanna give the Don's ring to his family?" Questioned Jonny.

"Now's not the time but I will tell them the truth soon enough for now let's take care of what's in front of us" stated Dantè.

Angelo somehow, without a scratch on the car, pulled up to the entrance of the mansion. Dantè's door is then opened for him. A line of five men split unevenly 3-2 on each side awaited his arrival.

"Welcome New Boss, Don Dantè Olivarious!" Said the 5 men in sync.