Chapter 2 The New Kings

"It's been a while since all us capos have been together in one place. Anyways let's go inside and start our little discussion. By the way I'm not the Don, yet." Said Dantè with a smile on his face heading for the mansion door.

"Damn Dantè this house is huge bro. Its tight ass fuck with all these lion statues and these fire ass fountains. Is that a fucking pond!" Said Ellington with excitement.

Dante opens the door and walks in. The other 6 guys also walk in and stand in the doorway. As Dantè yells out an unfamiliar name.


A loud roar echoes through the halls and heavy rushed foot steps can be heard.

"Dantè, I didn't know you had a dog? What type of dog is h----- That's NOT A DOG, RUN EVERYONE RUN!!!!!" Yelled Royal.

Everyone but Dante rushed out of the house and ran straight to the car. As the other guys run to the car, A lion approaches Dantè.

"Ariel! How have you been buddy, were you a good boy while I was gone" said Dante to the lion without any fear.

"Oh no we let Dantè get killed by a lion. We didn't even help him. What type of friends are we? Said Royal worried about what he just did.

"That's his fault. He's the one who had a zoo with lions AT HIS HOUSE." Said Angelo.

"We could at least go check if he's ok," said Jaxson.

The mansion door then opens and Dantè steps out.

"HOW LONG ARE YOU PUSSIES GONNA MAKE ME WAIT!!" Dantè said, dying of laughter.

"WHO YOU CALLIN A PUSSY! Come on guys, it's just a lion. We see them all the time at the zoo." Said Angelo kinda pissed off.

"That's easy for you to say. I'm used to lions behind cages'' said Royal.

"I dunno, I'm with Angelo. What's the difference if Dantè is alright then we should be too" said James.

"Your lion is trained right Dantè?" Said Royal scared beyond his mind.

"It's fine Ariel wouldn't hurt a fly without command," said Dantè laughing.

After a while everyone, even Royal , came back inside and were a little less scared of Ariel.

"Ok now that everyone's calmed down, I'd like to introduce my buddy Ariel. He is an African lion" Dantè announced while petting Ariel's mane.

"How the hell did you get a lion?" Asked Jaxson.

"I got him a year ago in a raid mission to stop some rivals from selling in our turf. They were also smuggling exotic animals and this little one was abused and injured, so I had to take him in and get him fixed up" responded Dantè"

"Were there any other animals there?" Asked Jonny.

"No, all the others had all been sold and shipped away" Dantè replied.

"Why was he the only one not to be bought?" Asked Jaxson.

"Well most people don't want black lions because they tend to be smaller and skinnier, plus most people want a golden mane rather than a black mane. Although most black manes mean that the lion is healthy. Tho most black lions are skinny and smaller, this boi is not. He is 577 pounds of pure muscle and he is taller than an average lion, Ariel is 4'2 (127 cm) and can run up to 60 mph (96.56 kmh). Well that's enough of that now let us discuss the situation i'm in." Said Dante walking beside his lion leading them to a room.

"You good Royal? You lookin kinda pale bro" said Ellington poking fun at Royal.

"Alright then pussies first" said Dantè trying to contain his laughter.

"Who are you callin a pussy?" said Jaxson this time trying to act threatening.

"Ariel, you know what to do," Dante quietly said.

Ariel then walks over to Jaxson and opens his mouth and lets out a roar that shakes the pictures on the wall. Jaxson, scared shitless, runs inside and sits down in one of the many chairs. Everyone is now even more afraid of Dante, now that they know he has a pet lion.

"Ariel, you stay here and guard the door, roar if you see anything strange. Anyway, where do we start" said Dante, heading over to his special chair.

"First, can you confirm that the boss is dead" said Royal

"Yes, the boss is dead. If you want proof I took a picture of his dead body? Why don't you take a seat if you seem a bit stressed? " Dante stated.

"Dante, the boss is dead. Don't you understand what are we gonna do? Neither the under boss or the consigliere are anywhere to be found. No, they could have also been killed and they're coming to get us capos next. I knew I should've never joined this type of stuff" said Royal

"Is that why you guys declared me as the next boss? Asked Dantè

"Yes that's exactly why Dantè you are only hope now" Royal said while breaking down

"Damn those rat bastards fleeing when things don't go their way" said Dantè under his breath.

"You good Royal? You look very tense bro, just chill. I got some weed on me if you want, it can help you calm down" said Ellington trying to help.

"Nah, that will only get him more stressed. What he needs is food. Hey can I get a shit ton of snacks over here" says Dantè into a microphone.

Five maids enter the room with bags of different snacks and drinks.

"Is this enough sir? Asked the head maid.

"Yes this is enough clair, thanks and thank you to the rest of you" said Dantè kindly

"Yeah thank you" said Jonny and Angelo ogling the maids.

"Damn, I'm jealous now,I want thicc maids to serve me. Wait. Angelo, I thought you already had the love of your life?" Said Jonny confused

"I do have the love of my life and I was only looking. I would never betray my love for Tessa. I'm ashamed you would assume that I was going to cheat on my girl for one of Dantè's maids. Plus Dantè would kill me if he saw me fucking one of his maids" said Angelo

"Yeah I would feed you to Ariel. So don't get any ideas'' said Dantè as everyone took that as a threat.

"Wait, why did they call you sir and not master, what's up with that bro? '' said Jonny, kinda disappointed in Dantè.

"I thought that was weird, that's all. Anyway we are getting off topic. Royal looks like he's calmed down now let's continue" said Dante.

"Well since both the consigliere and the under boss are gone the only one the would be incharge would be the bosses kin but the boss wasn't married so that would make the highest ranking capo the new boss, and that's you Dantè" said James

"But what if I told you the boss had a secret family only I knew about" stated Dantè.

"Well that means that if this supposed "secret family" had a child, they would be the new boss but that's impossible. How would you be the only one to know? How the Hell is that possible?'' said Jaxson, confused.

"Well it could, m mnom, be related to the , gulg, gulg, mass amount of members the boss had personally killed. Am I right, Dantè?"

"You are correct, Royal. You see, told you food would calm him, Ellington. Well it was 12 of us that were in charge of watching over his family but it felt like I was the only one assigned that job. We couldn't be noticed or else we would be executed and well that's why I'm the only one left. Everyone else were dumbasses. The boss's daughter had come to me telling me she was being followed by 2 men. Keep in mind I was acting as a temporary teacher and well the boss found out and he executed them. The same happened with the rest of them. I was never discovered but ended up being friends with the boss's family. But we've known the boss since when we used to live in that wretched orphanage. He was the one who gave us a chance to run" said Dantè

"Wait, wait, wait, you're telling me the man that distracted the caretakers was the boss and now he's dead. Why didn't you tell us? We all agreed that we would thank him together. What the fuck Dantè" said Jaxson, pissed.

"I'm sorry for not telling you all, but when I found out the boss told me not to tell you all cuz he wanted to keep it a secret. His exact words were "If you see the other boys you were with back then, don't tell them I was the one to help you." The boss didn't want us to end up being mafiosos, yet here we are" said Dantè.

"Well what now? Do you even know where the boss's family lives, Dantè?" Asked Royal, reaching over for another bag of chips.

"How the fuck can you still keep eating. Damn, that's why you're the capo of gluttony" said Ellington.

"Yes Royal, I know where the boss's family lives. I actually planned on visiting them" said Dantè, a bit pissed that Ellington interrupted him.

"So what do we do now, Dantè?" Asked Jonny.

"Well first I want all of you to stay alert, and I'm talking especially to you Angelo. I swear if you get your ass killed cuz you were FUCKING TESSA, I will personally drag your ass back from hell and kill you again! You understand, Don Santo probably wants us dead. Now since the upper bosses are all gone the only hope of a boss will be a 20 year old girl that will most likely have ZERO knowledge of what to do. That's fine tho all we have to do is let her be boss. I will be in charge tho since i'm a rank 1 capo and I will be telling her what to do. If she refuses then I will take the place as The Boss. Now we will meet here again tomorrow at 10 A.M. and then I will explain the plan. Now get the hell out of my House and stay alert. If Any of you end up dying, I'll do the same thing I would do to Angelo!" Said Dantè with an intense feeling.

"Can I take the rest of these chips, Dantè and do you have any more jarritos, preferably the orange flavor?''Royal asked.

"Yeah, sure? Just ask Clair. She should be in the living room right now" said Dantè with a big sigh.

Dantè gets up off his chair and opens the door for them and winks at Ariel cueing him for something.

"Alright I'll see you guys tomorrow, '' said Dantè.

Everyone gets up and heads out the door. Dantè keeps his eye on Ariel as he slowly creeps up on them. As soon as the other 6 capos get to the door Ariel jumps and lands in front of them. Ariel lets out the loudest roar he could muster up.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!" Said all 6 of them.

"Hahahahahaha!!!! Damn that was good Ariel. Alright now apologize to them" said Dantè, dying of laughter.

"Raaru (I don't want to)" roared Ariel at Dantè.

"Hey I don't care, it was your idea to jump in front of them. I only told you to roar. Now apologize to them or your dinner will be vegetables" Dantè stated firmly asserting his dominance.

The big 577 pound, 4'2" lion walks over to the sacred capos and rubs up against them and lets out a gentle roar meaning that he's sorry. Then pushes them out the door and closes it.

"Damn you didn't have to do that much Ariel but that was funny. Alright now that they are gone you wanna work out together buddy" Dante said with enthusiasm.

Ariel grabbing Dantè's pants pulling him over to the big indoor gym. The both of them then head over to 2 different machines. Dante heads over to the bicep and tricep machine while Ariel heads over to a custom made treadmill. Both of them work for a while at a slow pace. Then Dantè gets off the bicep machine and gets onto his treadmill next to Ariel's and he proposes a challenge.

"First one to stop wins" Dantè challenged Ariel.

"Raarggrrrwr (what does the winner get)" roared Ariel.

"The winner gets one favor. It can be anything, like if you win you can sleep in my bed with me just like when you were smaller if you wanted" stated Dantè.

"Rrrgwr (I accept)" Stated Ariel.

"Let the best king win!" Yelled Dantè.

"RRROOOAAARRR" roared Ariel all excited.

With Ariel's roar he spooked the maids. All 5 of them rushed over to see what was happening. When they got there they saw Dantè and Ariel running on the treadmill. They all let out a sigh of relief when they saw what was happening. They all started cheering for both of them but eventually left.

"You tired yet Ariel?" Asked Dantè.

"Rrrgrwwr ( No, you?)" Said Ariel.

"Nope! I could go for another 30" said Dantè trying to keep his breath in check.

"Ggrrrawrw ( haha i'm going easy on you Dantè!!)" Responded Ariel.

"WHAT! You were going easy. Nah you're just messing with me" said Dante clearly out of breath.

Eventually Dantè gave up not being able to keep up with Ariel. They both get off their treadmills and take a seat in the rest corner to drink some water.

"Ggrw (I win)" said Ariel with arrogance.

"Fine, what do you want?" Asked Dantè clearly knowing he had no chance.

"Rrraaaour (I want 5 giant T-bone steaks for dinner!)" Demanded Ariel.

"Alright then buddy 5 giant T-bone steaks kt is'' said Dante smiling.

"It's been a while since the last time you smiled like that, Dantè. Why's that Sir?" Stated the head maid Clair.

"Well I guess it's cause now I can FINALLY let loose. Don't get me wrong, I will miss the old man but now with him gone I can take the spot of boss and finally get my one wish, peace" said Dantè all exhausted.

"Well then shall we get the shower room ready for the both of you" said Clair.

"Yes please (ggrraawwrar)" said both of them.

"Alright then, we'll come get both of you when it's ready" stated Clair.

The both of them read to enjoy a nice bath together. One of the new maids comes in.

"Oh is the bath ready?" Asked Dantè.

"I-Imm uhh sorr-rry SIR. It's n-nnot d-onne yyet" said the new maid.

"What's wrong, come here take a seat. You must be the new one, number 6 am I right" said Dantè.

"Y-yyes ss-SIR, I amm thhe new maid" said the newbie.

"Calm down and relax, there's no reason to be nervous. Now tell me your name." Asked Dantè.

"Mm-mmy nnname is Rosalyn" said the new maid.

"So Rosalyn, just calm down. If you're like this cause of Ariel I assure you he won't hurt you. Look take a deep breath in and let it out" stated Dantè trying to relax the nervous maid.

Rosalyn takes a deep breath in and out 4 times and calms down a bit.

"Ok I think im good now" said Rosalyn.

"So what was making you stressed? Was it Ariel like I thought?" Questioned Dantè.

"No, I was more nervous to talk to you. You can be scary at times, like when you threaten your friend Angelo or how you can show dominance over a lion, but you're actually quite relaxed. Well it was nice getting to know you Sir but now I have to get back to training. Bye" said Rosalyn, rushing out the door.

"Well that's the newbie, just like the rest afraid to talk to me on day one. Well everyone except Clair. You remember Ariel it was back when you were about 3 months old. She crawled towards us asking for help as she was on the brink of death. She knew she was opening a door that would never open again. She was a pain for a while but she's changed so much in just a year. Well let's go check on our bath,"said Dantè.

Both Dantè and Ariel get up and head to the huge Bathroom.

"Hey Andra, is our bath ready?"Dantè asked one of the maids by the bathroom.

"Yes I was just about to get the both of you but wait here a bit, Miss Clair is changing. Her uniform got wet," stated Maid Andra.

"It's fine, she's probably already dressed and if we see her we won't look. We ain't dirty bastards like Angelo so you can trust us. If I wanted tits in my face I would just hire strippers. Anyways thanks for the heads up. Oh Also tell the chefs that Ariel wants 5 large T-bone steaks for dinner and I want aguachiles (p.s. Aguachiles is a Mexican dish with shrimp, habanero peppers, sliced purple onions, cucumber slices and tomato slices, all bathed in lime/lemon juice. It's usually eaten with saltine crackers or tostadas with added hot sauce)" stated Dantè walking into the bathroom.

Dantè and Ariel walk to the changing room and don't see anyone there. So they continue on without worry of bumping into Clair.

"She's not here so we can just relax. Now let's enjoy our bath" said Dantè stretching.

"Rwwww (Cover up Dantè)" groaned Ariel.

"Come on, you don't even wear pants. You're always naked, who are you to complain. I see your dick every time you want a fucking belly rub. Just go ahead, I'll meet you there. Damn so sensitive" Dantè mocked Ariel.

Dantè grabs his towel and heads over to the bath and notices the divider was put up.

"Hey Ariel, which side are you on?" Asked Dante.

"Roooaaarrr (The Right)" echoed Ariel's roar.

"OK, Ok, damn you don't have to yell," said Dantè.

Dante runs straight towards the bath and jumps in splashing Ariel wetting his mane.

"Rrrrrrr Rr(Over course you jump and ruin my mane)" mumbled Ariel.



"Rrrrwwar (so she was in here)" Ariel told Dantè.


"Well ok just stop yelling Dantè. The thing is that I want revenge" said Clair, getting more serious.

"So you want revenge. This isn't like you but whatever. On who and for what reason?" Asked Dantè with a more serious tone.

"It's one of Don Santos' Capos. His rank 2 Capo is the one who killed my parents and my little sister. He was the one who beat me over and over. After 5 years of finding him I finally found who it is" said Clair.

"Ok hold up, you have been looking for the guy for 5 years. So you started when you were 18. What the hell kinda state where you living in before. When I took you in you were very malnourished and at the brink of death. Why didn't you get any help earlier? Let me guess you were too scared to talk to Mafiosos or was it cus you didn't want to be a part of the crime world." Said Dantè with a calm tone.

"I was living in a homeless shelter for a while. But no jobs would want me to work there. I had to beg for food or even eat out of the trash. The reason why I didn't ask for help was because all the cops that were investigating the deaths of my family members were the same ones who helped kill them. I did want to turn to the mafia for help but I didn't have any way to pay them. So I tried by myself, but I couldn't" said Clair with sadness in her voice.

"Well you're just lucky that I was the one who met you. Now tell me why Vinny killed your family and left you alive?" Questioned Dantè.

"My father was a lawyer and he was the one to lock up 5 of Santos' Capos for drug trafficking. After locking them up he was then targeted. Santo sent his 2nd rank Capo to kill my father and the rest of us. My father already knew he was targeted so he requested protection from the police but they were dirty cops and helped Capo kill my family. They played with us, taunting our death. They chased my little sis then they tied her up and lit her on fire. All I could do was watch as my sis burned up in flames. My mother and I were then taken to different rooms. My mother was tortured, they peeled the skin off of her and ripped every muscle off. They were going to do the same with me but the only reason I lived was because I stabbed the capo in the eye with a pair of scissors and jumped out the window. I don't even know what happened to my father. As I ran away with a broken leg they set my house on fire. I had nowhere to go but I eventually found you" said Clair.

"You don't know what happened to your father, then would you like to know what happened?" Taunted Dantè.

"No, I don't want to know what happened to him. All I want is to see him suffer, I want him to beg for forgiveness, I want to hear his screams of pain. I WANT HIM TO DIE BY MY HANDS!" Stated Clair with intense blood lust.

"Well then your revenge will have to wait" interrupted Dantè.

"Why, why will it have to wait. I found him after all this time, can't you help me one more time" pleaded Clair.

"It's all up to you. Right now you have 2 paths, you either wait until I can help or you go rogue on your own. Remember all paths lead to death, but it's how death comes that's different" stated Dantè with a firm tone.

"Rrrrrwwwar (Man, my relaxing bath was ruined, i'm heading out)" roared Ariel.

"Aww sorry Ariel, but at least we get a big dinner afterwards plus I still gotta dry your mane and comb it. Anyways it's your decision Clair" said Dantè walking out of the bath with Ariel.

Both Ariel and Dantè head over to grab their towels and leave the bathing area leaving Clair alone in the bath.

"Fucking Prick, always with his wise fucking quotes, he sounds like an old man. I'm older than him by a year and I don't even talk like that" said Clair, frustrated in the bath.

"Forgot to mention, next time you wanna talk let's talk somewhere else. You kinda pissed off Ariel by ruining his bath. You might also want to apologize to him later." Said Dantè entering the bath area and leaving again.

Dantè gets dressed and starts blow drying Ariel's mane.

"Rrrrrg (that feels nice)" purred Ariel.

"So you like that huh. Well what if I crank it to the max, like this" stated Dantè playfully.

"Ggggggrrrrrrr (stop it, it's too much) said Ariel as his lips were flopping around.

"Ok then, but it dried your mane quicker" laughed Dantè.

"Rrrg ( but it doesn't feel nice)" groaned Ariel.

"Anyway, let's go eat our delicious meals. LET'S EAT LIKE THE KINGS WE ARE" shouted Dantè.

Dantè and Ariel walk out and head to the dining table. They sit in their seats and wait until the food is ready. They both see Clair bringing in the food.

"Damn you beat us and you even got in uniform. Now that's what a head maid looks like, right Ariel" said Dante.

"Here is your food, now enjoy" said all 6 maids in sync.

"All of you sit down and join me. I ain't gonna finish all of this myself. Unlike Ariel he definitely will finish on his own" said Dantè in a good mood.

"All the maids sit and eat with Dantè and Ariel. They all ate stress free, except Rosalyn who had to sit next to Ariel and was scared the whole time.

"Well that was a fantastic meal, now I have some things to take care of," said Dantè, getting up and leaving.

Dantè gets up, signals Clair to clean up and signals Ariel to come with him. While the maids wash the plates and store the leftover food, Dante and Ariel head over to the conference room.

"Ariel, you stay here and keep watch. If anyone pulls up to the front and knocks on the door don't let any of the maids open it. If someone does arrive, keep your guard up and be ready for anything. I'm putting my trust in you again so far you haven't disappointed" said Dantè with a serious tone.

Ariel then sits in front of the door, watching and listening carefully for anyone. He even walks over to check the windows to see if anyone arrives.

"Well let's get to business. Damn first I gotta contact everyone's lieutenants, what a pain in the ass. First I'll contact Jonny's lieutenant, she's probably slacking off somewhere" said Dante to himself.

Dante dials the number on a home line phone sitting on his desk.

"Pick up, pick up... damn it stupid bitch wont pick up. Gonna try again... ANSWER GOD DAMN IT, I'M YOUR BOSS'S BOSS" yelled Dante at the phone.

The phone on Dante's desk starts ringing while Dante just stares at it in frustration.

"I SWEAR if it's that bitch" Dante said to himself.

"Oh Dante, were you callin me? I was doin somethin at the moment, sorry" the lieutenant said in a casual tone to Dante.

"The hell were you doing that's more important than answering the damn phone WHEN I'M CALLING" said Dante in a frustrated voice.

"Well it's personal stuff but what did you need me for?" said Jonny's lieutenant.

"The boss is dead and both the consigliere and the under boss have disappeared. Plus we got Santo wanting to eliminate us as well so be careful and stay in public areas as much as possible" said Dante with a serious tone.

"THE BOSS is dead?! How? What happened, Dante?" said Jonny's lieutenant.

" It was Santo who killed the old man," said Dante solemnly.

"How did this happen and doesn't that mean you are the new boss?" stated Jonny's lieutenant.

"It was the whole Ivan incident that caused this but it's still too early to say I'm the new boss, but stay notified with Jonny he will keep you up to date with what's next. For now to keep a low, now have a safe night Luci and tell your brother I said hi" stated Dante hanging up.

"RRRRRRRRROOOAAAAARR" roared Ariel, alarming Dante that someone arrived.

Dante opens a closet door and pulls out an AR-15 locked and loaded and walks out of the conference room to see who it is. Dante signals Ariel to take the maids to Ariel's room so they can hide. Dante then quietly walks to the door and opens it but stands behind the door out of view. He is also ducking under the windows view as well.

"DANTE, DANTE WHERE ARE YOU!" said a man running into the house.

"I'm right here Clause, I was about to call you to inform you about the boss, under boss and the consigliere" said Dante casually getting up, closing the door and putting his AR down.

"Dante it's about the consigliere and the under boss. We found them dead in one of our old warehouses. Dante you're the new boss" said Clause (Dante's lieutenant).

"I'm not the new boss just yet" said Dante once more.

"What do you mean by not yet?" said Clause dumbfounded.

"I'll fill you in later. First we go to the where-house" said Dante.

"Do you want me to contact the other capos?" Clause asked Dante.

"No it will just be the both of us and one other. ARIEL IT'S SAFE NOW YOU CAN COME OUT NOW" yelled Dante.

The maids come out of the room and Ariel follows behind them.

"Clair, you're coming with us, OK. Ariel, you keep them safe, we'll be back" said Dante.

The 3 of them walk out the door and walk towards Clause's car. Dante gets in the back seat with Clair while Clause drives. The whole ride was just in silence, no one said a thing until they arrived.

"Well we are here the resting place of the consigliere and the under boss" said Dante getting out of the car.