
As all the decorations were removed from the scene away in a dark storage shed which would only be taken out again for festive events. The port returned to a normal looking port that would be common amongst coastal ports. Clearing up the dishes that were cleaned from the food in the kitchen, Fangsu led the way to the mountain near the port where a single hut stood isolated away from the other villagers. Knocking on the door of the lone hut, "I said my voyaging days are over!" Opening the door was a middle-aged man who was surprised to see Fangsu, "Ah! I'm sorry Xiao Fang, lately there have been annoying people who have been trying to make me lead a voyage to the merfolk settlements," Tutting to a nearby seat before taking out a long metal pipe which was stuffed with a dried substance before being lit up.

Sim Siu who wasn't used to the smoke covered her nose and mouth with her sleeve while her other hand tried to wave off the smoke that was coming to her direction. On the other hand, both Ang Siu and Fangsu were unfazed by the smoke, "Uncle, I need you to take me to the family's island," Taking out a paper package that was tied up with some string, "Also the doctor tweaked the formula for your smokes so that it would make it easier for you to breathe," Fangsu handed the package to the middle-aged man who took it appreciating Fangsu's dutiful nature to hand him medicine.

Her uncle released a breath of smoke which lingered in the air for a while before he snuffed out the burning with his finger, "Which boat will it be?" He began walking the base of the mountain before pushing away a stream of willow branches that hid the opening of the cave entrance that led to an isolated port that was exclusive to only her family, "Do you want something more leisurely and slow or something that will get you there in a day?" Multiple hidden ships which had the Qilin sigil of the Chen Family were lined up beside one another.

Ang Siu was amazed by the array of ships that were lined up in an assembly in front of him and even his merchant uncle who sails to other countries didn't have ships like what Fangsu had, "Your family owns all of these ships?" He went to touch the thicken woven ropes that held one of the many ships to this hidden port. The ropes were thicker than his arms, firmly holding the ship in this location hidden away from the public eye.

Fangsu nodded as she began untying the rope that he was touching from the anchor, "My family doesn't come from the mainland," throwing the rope to the old man who had already boarded the ship, "A civil war at my motherland and my ancestors fled to this mainland to protect the family," Both of them went to take their belongings on the ships and their horses.

Ang Siu slowed his walking pace as he began thinking, "Then how do we share the same language?" Leading Hui and Dang into a room that was specially made for mounts such as Dang.

Fangsu poured out hay from a sack that was neatly stacked on top of each other, "We may have different ancestry from each other but our ancestors may share a common tongue before splitting off," The horses began grazing at the hay that was provided by Fangsu who began cutting up meat for Hui, "But, we will never know," Placing the meat for Hui who began engulfing the meat like no tomorrow.

As they boarded themselves, they travelled by ship to travel to the island that Fangsu had spent the majority of her life. Travelling to an empty vast ocean; Fangsu leaned against the railing of the ship as the wind blew against her skin, "So how is the old man?" Her uncle asked as he held the wheel, navigating through the waters like it was his home.

Fangsu faced her uncle, smiling, "Still alive and kicking," She went to stand on the railing, holding the rope with a firm grip so that she wouldn't fall off. Staring into the ocean that was glowing unnaturally from bioluminescent creatures that were within the sea, "I saw two of the merfolk just a few days ago," Blurting out these words caused the old man to stop the wheel this halting the ship in its path, floating motionless in the middle of nowhere.

Her uncle released the wheel to face Fangsu, "Do they do anything to you?" Grabbing her chin gently to check her eyes only to be relieved that there was no marking of the serenaded, "Thank god you weren't serenaded otherwise I would be having to rescue you from the merfolk like a damsel in distress," He began joking around as to shift the mood.

Fangsu laughed at her uncle's joking manner, "Even if I did get serenaded it wouldn't work on me anyway," It was honestly strange that Fangsu wasn't afflicted with the serenaded spell that merfolk used on heartbroken individuals.

Her uncle smiled as he ruffled Fangsu's hair who went to swat his hand away, "It's good that you're healing," Returning to the wheel he continued to the direction of the island. As they reached a certain point where it was just a deserted island but that was a mirage where a huge island resided, completely off the charts. Once they landed on the docking station for the boats hidden in the caves. Both Ang Siu and Sim Siu were amazed to see that the island was entirely covered in an illusionary spell. Fangsu made sure that the barrier protecting this island wouldn't hurt them as she placed a talisman on their backs. As they entered through the barrier that hid the island away from the world. The wondrous scents and scenery of the island were breathtaking to the siblings as their eyes wandered everywhere to see plants that they had never seen.

They took away their luggage from their horses, "You two can explore this island if you want," Placing their belongings at the base of a nearby walnut tree before Sim Siu split off from the group to explore the island. Whilst Ang Siu followed Fangsu to a base of a mountain where a flight of stairs stood alone. Climbing up the highest mountain where a lone magnolia tree stood, firmly rooted. Fangsu took a deep breath as she felt a sense of melancholy wash over her, "Each member in the Chen family has some sort of plant which is planted at their birth," Placing her hands against the smooth exterior of the Magnolia tree where the blossoms were blooming at its peak releasing it aromatic fragrance in the air. Her birth plant was a magnolia tree. Her mother had planted it as magnolia flowers which lived for many years representing eternity and long life because she knew that once they bloom they will continue to bloom for a long time. It was also a wish for Fangsu to live a long life.

Ang Siu stood next to the tree feeling the smooth but coarse trunk of the magnolia tree that was still yet to be at full maturity. Its life force was strong, however, Fangsu's life force was always flickering; sometimes strong and sometimes weak. It was changing continuously but as of the moment, Fangsu's life force was strong but calm.

Fangsu summoned out the spiritual spheres that contained her mother and siblings, "I can have some alone time?" The sphere was cool to the touch as if she was touching death itself. Ang Siu's footsteps against the stone stairs eventually disappeared as Fangsu was about to squish the spirit sphere in her hand into pieces. Hesitating to break the seal of the spiritual sphere, she steeled herself as she broke the seal, releasing her family. The familiar sight of her family appearing in front of her caused her eyes watered. She collapsed on the ground leaning against the roots of the magnolia tree which were littered by fallen petals.

Her mother fluttered her eyes revealing black grey irises that Fangsu was so familiar with, "Fangsu?" Her mother and siblings were in a state of confusion as they tried to shake their disorientated minds, "You look tired," A worried expression was etched into her mother's face as she stared at Fangsu.

Her beautiful mother didn't have the ragged and tired face that Fangsu remembered from her childhood. Honestly, her mother was the most beautiful person Fangsu had ever laid eyes on "Mother," Her appearance was like the most beautiful celestial fairy, "You look beautiful," Those were the only words Fangsu could speak of at that moment as she unintentionally smiled.

The ghostly hand of her mother brushed through Fangsu's face which caused her to flinch, "Xiao Fang, why are complimenting me when you have become thinner?" Her mother worriedly checked all over Fangsu, "Have you not been taking care of yourself?" The sight of her daughter's pale complexion worried her as those exhaustive eyes burrowed themselves deep within her being.

Fangsu went to reach for her mother's hand only to feel the coldness of her mother's palms, "I have just been travelling these past few months," Pulling out lots of trinkets and alcohol on the floor for her family to see, "Lian Su! I got you more alcohol that you would like to try! Big Sister! I grew some cherry blossoms this year and they are growing well," Both her sisters were immediately excited once they set sights on their gifts but as they were about to grab them. Their fingers fazed through their gifts as they realised that they were dead.

Liansu floated around Fangsu, pondering, "How long has it been since we died?" Fangsu quickly counted the months with her fingers, lifting two fingers, "Two months? That can't be! The plants are blooming for springtime! Last time we were alive it was early autumn," Confusion was evident as Liansu but the eldest sister shook her head helplessly.

Fangsu's mother sighed as she stared at Fangsu tenderly seeing that her communication skills had improved but it was a relief that she wasn't such a nervous and timid natured child as before. She had protected Fangsu from any possible danger whether it be big or small which led to Fangsu being a timid girl who hid behind family easily frightened by intimidating individuals and never leaving her side like a duckling who had imprinted on the mother.

Fangsu could only shake her head to clear Liansu misunderstanding, "It has been two years," The three women were shocked to know that two years had passed since their death. However, Fangsu wiped away the tears from her face and standing up on her feet only to find that she began stumbling, "I only have a limited amount to get new bodies for you," Summoning Bai Xue so that she could mount onto, as the pain of the relapse began slight pulsating throughout her body. Taking out sachets of medicine from her pocket and dumping it down her mouth, using her salvia to swallow the medicine. But the instant relief that was supposed to come was non-existent as the pain began to surge exponentially. Her vision began blurring as her limbs began growing limp. Shouts from her family were muffled from her hearing is impaired.


Bai Xue was quick to act, running down the stairs to the siblings who were climbing the huge osmanthus tree that littered the floor with osmanthus flowers that were dried up, releasing a fragrant aroma once crushed under the pressure of the sibling footsteps. Ang Siu and Sim Siu rushed to an lethargic Fangsu who was unresponsive to their question as Ang Siu went to take her off the Qilin. Saying a quick sorry, Ang Siu's hands roamed through Fangsu's clothes, searching through her pockets to find her medication.

However, Liansu was fuming as the unknown man was touching her sister's body, "You better get your hands off my sister!" Clawing her hand to attack Ang Siu to only have him avoid her hands. This shocked Liansu who just continued to attack him to only have Susu hold her back. Once Susu had taken full grip on Liansu she immediately began scolding Liansu, saying that she shouldn't have blindly attacked people who were helping Fangsu.