Fishing is not my best suite

Ang Siu returned to Fangsu's side before finding the medicine in her robes, unwrapping the paper packaging to pour the medicine in her mouth. However, she remained motionless but thankfully her chest was bobbing up and down which indicated that she was still breathing. Looping his arm around Fangsu's knees and upper body, carrying her to a building that resembled a residence. But, on closer inspection, the residence was burnt, weeds ran amok from the lack of maintenance and pests and rodents alike ran freely throughout the residence scurrying for any morsels of food lying abandoned on the floor. As the two siblings entered the residence endlessly roaming to find a suitable place for Fangsu to be laid to rest.

They eventually entered a room filled with dirtied plants of fragrant flowers and spices but the room was plagued with blood splatters across the floors and walls; porcelain bottles containing aromatic dews were shattered on the floor leaving a faint scent of chrysanthemum that was soak with the aromatic dew. A rare flower that very few had access to such a plant. Sim Siu wandered through the room, scanning the elaborate organisation of dried plants and spices, even ones that were native in the mountains. Pine needles were one of her plants and the scent was what she loved. In her scented pouch was some pine needles that had dried which would perfume her body naturally over time. But, the pine needles that were contained in this jar were different from the usual ones that were grown in the mountain regions; it had a much stronger scent and the needle-like leaves had a slight glow though very faintly. It was a spiritually grown pine needle that was at least a decade in age.

Alongside the spiritual pine needles were many other spiritual herbs and plants that were in their dried form which usually had some lingering spiritual power. It was amazing to see the immense quantity of spiritual plants of at least a couple decades. But, the containers and the shelves which held them were lined with a thick layer of dust, "What happened here?" Swiping at the dust revealing the lister of the wooden shelf that was hidden, "This place is completely wrecked, it hasn't been cleaned and blood stains are dried up," The blood on the floor was completely dried, soaking through the wooden planks.

A rustling of clothing caught the attention of the sibling, "My mother, sisters and nanny were slaughtered," A cough echoed through her lungs which ached terribly as her body could not bear the rattling of her coughs, "Yet, I ran away witnessing their deaths but now that I have stabilised their spirits," Lifting herself from the ground to sit upright but it was difficult so Ang Siu quickly went to support her.

Sim Siu was surprised to hear that Fangsu had stabilised three spirits since it's extremely difficult to contain a deceased person spirit unless you are containing the spiritual within a magical tool, "Did you use a tool?" Watching three flames which were presumably her family floating above her head.

Fangsu nodded as she stared at the blood stains on the floor, "They were contained in spiritual spheres and were being sold at an auction," Summoning out a few empty spiritual sphere which were bound to be expensive, "All I need is three core of creature with Yang quality, Life within Death Fruit and Dragon Leaf," Sighing heavily the thought of her inability to obtain the Dragon Leaf was disheartening. As she was trying to pick herself up sadly her body wasn't complying with her wishes. Multiple attempts to stand on her own feet were in vain as her body no longer had strength to stand.

Ang Siu was concerned for Fangsu who was struggling to stand so he picked her up, "I'll carry you," Looping his arms around her. Ang Siu carried her to the ship where the uncle was smoking the medicine, "We are going back to the mainland," The uncle nodded as he began pulling the anchor back into the ship. Fangsu was set down on a bed, tucked in like a child but she summoned her Qilin who laid down on the ground placing its head on the bed at Fangsu's feet.

Bai Xue nuzzled against Fangsu's hand knowing full well that Fangsu herself was very unwell and her life was dwindling, "Bai Xue, once we return back to capital and finish business," Braiding the long peachy pink mane into one continuous braid until she tied it off with a beige ribbon, "I will requlish our contract," However, Bai Xue snorted as it shook its head almost as if she was unwilling to part with Fangsu. But, Fangsu knew that if Baixue were to continue being bind by the contract once she died, Bai Xue would also die and she wouldn't allow for that to happen. Giggling at Bai Xue's unwillingness to part, explaining that even if they wouldn't be bound by the contract they could still be together.

The entire night, Fangsu slept undisturnbed. For the first time in the two year period, Fangsu was able to sleep peacefully and completely drifted off in deep sleep, something that didn't happen often.Opening her eyes to view the seaside, groggily stretching in her bed. Fangsu was completely refreshed as she wrapped a thin blanket around herself to shield herself from the cold.

Her uncle was teaching Ang Siu how to steer a ship whilst Sim Siu was nowhere to be seen, presumably she would be sleeping in one of the inbuilt cabins below the deck. Seeing that they were still a ways from the mainland; Fangsu sighed as she went to retrieve some items from one of the storage cabins. Fishing gear. The stink of fish bait was horrible and it obliterated Fangsu's sense of smell. It didn't help that she was hungry so her patience for waiting for fish would be limited.

As she hooked the bait on the fishing hook, casting the line out in the open sea. Fangsu began to wait for the awaiting breakfast only to feel nothing but the bobbing of the water, "I hope this will only last a short time," After waiting for a while, there was still no fish biting at her line, "I still don't get how people like fishing," as Fangsu began reeling back the fishing line back. A hand took hold of the fishing line, taking the job of fishing for breakfast.

Ang Siu was the one that took the fishing line from her hands, "I will fish," Reeling back the line and recasting the fishing line back into the vast ocean and shortly after the line was being pulled by something. Carefully reeling back the fishing line to the ship, hanging was a huge fish which was gasping for air, "Here," Handing the gasping fish to Fangsu who pulled the hem of Ang Siu's shirt dragging him to the kitchen that was free from any dust and there were some basic cooking ingredients that Fangsu could use to cook breakfast. She began instructing Ang Siu to fillet the fish while she would make preparation for breakfast.

Entering her room, Fangsu changed into some swimming gear with a net adjusted on her hip before standing on the edge of the railing before jumping into the cold ocean which was filled with wondrous sea life. As she began swimming deeper into the ocean which some seaweed were growing abundantly. She began harvesting some of the seaweed before finding some shrimp which she caught in her net quickly closing the gaping hole so that none of the shrimps would swim away from her. As she was about to return to the surface, a force wrapped around her ankle took her deeper into the ocean. The sudden force pulling her deeper scared her causing her to lose breathe as her vision began blackening from the deprivation of oxygen from her lungs. As Fangsu though she was about to drown to her death at the ocean floor. A huge bubble encapsated her head which was filled with air and Fangsu quickly took the chance to take the air for herself.

The force that had pulled her down into the ocean was a mermaid, a young one at that. The mermaid as dragged her back under the shelter of some reeves, pointing above them. The drowned. A horrodenous lifeform that was of drowned people who held resentment mostly in the form of beautiful women. they would take anyone who was at the ocean lulling them to their watery deaths to satiate their resentment but it wasn't enough for them as they would want to have the chance to return back to land. In a sense they were like spirits but completely dangerous to any kind of lifeform.

Both Fangsu and the mermaid watch the drowned past them before the mermaid took Fangsu to the surface to the boat, whispering into her ear, "Be careful next time," Before diving back into the ocean depths probably to never be seen again.

Her uncle ran to her lifting her chin to check for the sign of being serenaded but there was none, "How is it that you always avoid the worse possible encounters of the merfolk?" He was completely dumbfounded that Fangsu who the only person he knew that had never been under the influence of the merfolk's serenades.

Fangsu shrugged her shoulders as wringed out her hair, "How would you like some seafood for breakfast?" Lifting the net that was filled with many shrimps. Changing into some dry clothes to keep her body warm, tying up her wet hair. Entering the kitchen to see Ang Siu had already finished filleting the fish. Fangsu quickly got some cornstarch to batter the filleted fish and filling a pot filled with oil. Fangsu made Ang Siu prepare the shrimp who required a demonstration before he quickly put himself to work at deshelling the shrimp and removing the intestinal tract of the shrimp. Since Ang Siu was busying prepping the shrimp. Fangsu quickly prepared the seaweed to make it palatable for Ang Siu and especially Sim Siu would probably be still asleep. Reserving some of the seaweed for other uses, Fangsu blanched the seaweed before seasoning to taste with some vinegar so that it would cut the greasiness of the fried food.

After preparing Ang Siu had finished with the shrimps. Fangsu took the shrimp away and rolled the shrimp in the cornstarch since there was no eggs, she had to make do with what she had. Sticking a chopstick into oil, small bubbles began forming and Fangsu began frying the fillet fish and shrimps. Ang Siu quickly prepared a plate with basket so that the oil could drain when she was done frying the food. Sim Siu popped her head into the kitchen smelling good food; her eyes landing on the fired food which made her drool as the sight whetting her appetite greatly. Her stomach began growling at the thought of delicious food which caught the attention of Fangsu who laughed at Sim Siu's stomach who had revealed her position.

Fangsu motioned Sim Siu to come to her holding another chopstick which held the fried fish which was begging to be eaten. Sim Siu quickly hope at the opportunity of eating and immediately lunged at the fried food. After devouring the first bite of food, she beg for another piece which was immediately granted with a fried shrimp which was gushing with flavour. She watched her brother reaction to see that he was moping as she knew that she was the first person to eat the fried food that was made by Fangsu. Knowing this fact she mockingly smirk at her brother who immediately glared back at her, sulking at the fact that he was here first but didn't get first bite, "Xiao Fang! That smells good!" Fangsu's uncle had also appeared and was given a bite which only cause Ang Siu to sulk even more.

Sim Siu was laughed internally at her brother misfortune and decide to give him some grace, "Skinny Duck~ My brother hasn't had a bite," She smirked at her brother who immediately give her a smile. Fangsu had just noticed that, picking up a huge fried fish which was probably too big and she was able to pick it another one but Ang Siu held her wrist. Eating the fried fish which was obvious too big for his mouth just like his greed. Ang Siu took his time to eat the fried fish hoping to savor this moment forever. Whilst Fangsu could stay petrified on the spot, watching a certain someone holding her wrist and eating from her hand. Her face was feeling hot from such a scene presented in front of her.

Sim Siu being the devious little sibling, "Big brother are you trying to seduce Skinny Duck," Her comment caused Fangsu to blush into another deeper shade of red as Ang Siu finished eating. He nodded his head as he licked off the oil from the fried fish which stained his lips, "So, that mean I can have Skinny Duck as my sister?" Fangsu's uncle who was witnessing the scene was quite entertained by the comedic scene relishing in the lively atmosphere of the trio dynamic.

He began taking plates from the shelves and taking the basket of fried food on the table along with the vinegar soaked seaweed, "You two better stop teasing Xiao Fang so much otherwise she will faint on the spot," Setting up the table so that could eat on the table. Everyone sat in an arrangement which Ang Siu would be the farthest away from Fangsu giving her some space from the earlier seduction from the young man who could easily make any maiden sway from just smiling. Fangsu was still in the kitchen and a whiff of a sour extract wafted in the air, slightly stinging their noses, however, Fangsu and her uncle enjoyed the smell as it was a condiment which would be used to dip the fried food into.