Final Ingredients

Fangsu was genuinely exhausted after cleaning the dishes and kitchen utensils that were used to make breakfast. It was unusal since she use to able to handle this amount of workload before without breaking a sweat, so as she headed up to her room. Her footsteps groggily took each step up but it was too much and eventually she just flopped into her bed. Her body kept changing from hot to cold at random time intervals, "When was the last time she took her medicine?" Fangsu could hear Yun Nan speaking to someone but Fangsu could only feel her body; her muscles aching from a throbbing pain, "She is going into withdrawal," Yun Nan placed her hand on her forehead to check on her temperature. Sweat lined her forehead as she wrapped herself in her comfy blanket unwilling to part from the safety of the blankets.

Ultimately, Fangsu was left alone in her room to recover but soon Ang Siu came into the room with a cup of water and the familiar looking packaging of the medicine thta she had been taking for year abliet it with slight alterations to accomdation for her everchanging condition. Ang Siu made sure to make Fangsu comfrotable as he sat her up and began opening the package so that Fangsu could take it but Fangsu turned her nose up; not wanting to take it anymore, "Fangsu, you have to take your medicine," He tried to urge her gently but Fangsu again shook her head, "Your body needs to be in top condition so that you can take the treatment," Even so Fangsu went to wrap the blanket around her body even more tightly.

Nestling her head further into the blankets, "I'm tired," She wanted to lay down onto the bed and sleep, "I just want to sleep," Fangsu felt so exhausted that she wanted to lay in bed and never wake up.

Ang Siu felt helpless but he still needed to take care of Fangsu because the person named Yun Nan said she needed to make a special cure for Fangsu so that she wouldn't need anymore medicine for the rest of her life. Ang Siu leaned Fangsu against his chest, "Just take the medicine and you can go back to sleep," He held the medicine infront Fangsu who just stared at it before taking the medicine from Ang Siu's hand and immediately grimaced at the taste of the incredibly bitter medicine. Ang Siu quickly went to place the cup at Fangsu's lip so that she could wash down the bitter taste and then went she drank the entire cup of water.

Ang Siu went to get out to let rest Fangsu rest but Fangsu held onto his sleeve, "Don't leave," Fangsu hid her face from Ang Siu, "I don't want to be alone," Fangsu who was always the cool and calm demenor whenever she was with other people but actually she was quite lonely as she never really opened to other people. It was difficult for her to connect with people since she was isolated and didn't understand what people her age were into and it didn't help that she was sheltered inside the house to ensure her health was good. Lately, her body was able to handle the outside environment but when she was younger she alway had to stay inside the house which ended up with Fangsu being only surrounded by her mother, grandpa and Yun Nan.

At that moment Fangsu realised that she had always been lonely ever since she was young being introduced to the outside world after being shelthered all her life made it difficult for Fangsu to adapt and make friends. Her sisters always were allowed to go to the capital with its changing weather unlike the stable weather at the island and make friends and it made Fangsu even lonelier than ever. She wanted to hold on to the people who she could call friends but she didn't want to deemed clingy and be rejected by those people who she was friends with. Ang Siu didn't say anything but sat on the floor next to the bed holding onto Fangsu's hand without any questions.


As the two individual quietly found comfort in just being in the vicinity of each other; they eventually drifted to sleep in the dark and quiet room. As time continued to pass, two other individuals were hard at work. Yun Nan was creating the medicine fro Fangsu whilst Fangsu's grandpa was using the materials that Fangsu had gathered up to make the bodies for the three other members of the Chen Family. As the materials were placed within a diagram that was intricatelly drawn on the grown with a whitish writing substance that was made from a powder which the ingredients were unknown to many because it is the secret component which is required for the ritual.

Spiritually Nurtured Ginseng for the body,

Lifeblood of one of the Four Auspicious Beast for the blood,

Core of a Creature of Yang for the mind,

Chalk of a Fallen for the bones,

Bring back those souls that have been taken by Death.

As the incantation for the revival ritual was spoken with a solemn expression with the person incanting the spell would need to cast use their own soul to guide souls to the created bodies. It is an incredibly difficult incantation to cast and even moreso since there were three people that needed to be revived. This process took a stenrous amount of time since there was three bodies needing to be filled with the souls of the deceased. As incantation continued; the materials that were placed within the diagram soon converge together and making three human lifesized body which had the appearance of the ginseng but once a soul inhabits the said body. The appearance and texture of the body will turn to human flesh and be filled up with the blood and the necessary organs for the spirit that would inhabit it. But, the incantation is necessary to protect the body away from other spirit trying to possess the body since the creation of a body such as this is incredibly valuable to make spirits and it would produce an intense dense amount of spiritual energy that ensure that the spirit will be able to possess the body and maintain fro the rest of their life.

As the spirit of Liansu, Susu and the mother filled the bodies which would soon materialise their distinct facial feature and their body abliet though without their physique that they built over the years. They would have to work to rebuild what they had lost in term of physical abilities. Soon, each body soon was finalised and the three bodies had been filled with their spirit and revalitise once again in to the world of the living. The three members that had return soon were reunited with the lederly man who could only cry in relief and joy but while the four members were still celebrate; another member was withering away slowly as the time continued as the optimal time to take the medicine has been long overdue and the effectiveness would not be ensured. It didn't help that her body had grown a resistance to the medicine that she had taken for years and without it she would go into withdrawal.

As Fangsu and Ang Siu continued to sleep abliet it that Ang Siu was sitting on the floor whilst resting his head on Fangsu's hand. Fangsu's mother carefully peaked into the room to see the two peacefully sleeping but as she carefully examine her daugther; she could see how much weight Fangsu had lost. Some parts of her hair were white which could only be detected if someone was really looking, "She has lost so much weight!" Fangsu's mother quickly but quietly rushed out of the room, "She is going to wither away! I need to fatten her up!" Rushing into the kitchen.

By the time had woken up from sleeping for so long; her hands were numb and the sensation of needles were stabbing into her hand. Ang Siu had slept on her hand the entire time she was asleep and she stared at the window which showed a whitish light which meant that it was night time but she didn't know how late it was. But, her thoughts were immediately interuppted as a familiar smell of cooking wafted into her nose and then the door opened to reveal her mother holding four bowls; two of a familiar soup while the other two was filled with rice, "You are awake!" Fangsu's mother entered the room but as she saw the young man was still asleep at Fangsu's side, "You better wake up that young man so the both of you can eat dinner together," Fangsu's mother smiled as she was going to light up the room with the dream catching lantern which immediately lit up the entire room.

Fangsu gently shook Ang Siu's shoulder trying to wake up him up, "Ang Siu, wake up," She continued to shake the young man's shoulder until he groggily woke up to see Fangsu was looking a lot better than earlier but as he went to look out of the window. he relaised that it was night time and that they had slept for the entire day and when he turned around he saw an unknown woman who was sitting at the table with food, setting up the table, "My mother made dinner for us to eat," Fangsu explained the mysterious of the woman in the room who looked very similar to Fangsu ableit she had black hair a slight peppering of silver hair with light grey eyes.

Ang Siu hurriedly tried to stand up but his legs were quite numb and his body had stiffen from sleeping in such an awkward position. But, he powered through as he went to greet Fangsu's mother, "Greetings! Miss Chen! I'm Ang Siu and I wish to have Fangsu's hand in marriage!" Ang Siu was so nervous to meet Fangsu's mother that he blurted the last parts of sentence without hestation.

A giggle followed suite as Fangsu's mother smirked at the blushing boy wanting to marry her sweet daugther, "To think that on the first meeting you ask me of such a thing," Fangsu's mother was a sliver fox and was quite experienced with men who have pursued her in her prime so she understood the minds of men, "Good thing that I used the spell; my father and I just wanted to know your intentions with my daughter," Fangsu's mother had explained that she had used mind manipulating spells to reveal Ang Siu's true thoughts. Whilst Ang Siu blushing with embrassment and he turned to see Fangsu's reaction only to be stunned to see Fangsu hiding her face with a pillow. Seeing her reaction as a rejection, Ang Siu slumped in depression as he could only dream of having Fangsu as a wife.

Mutliple laughs echoed through the doorway as Liansu, Susu, Sim Siu and Xiao Cheng were outside the door which further deepened the embrassment for Ang Siu and Fangsu, "Fang Fang, is going to be the first one to marry out of the family," Liansu teased as she circled around Ang SIu and finally settling next to the shy maiden, Fangsu, who hid behind the pillow, "The rest of us will become old maiden; well one of us already are," Liansu continued as she laid on the bed. Letting out a breath of satisfication as she stretched on her bed.

Susu ran to the bed ready to jump up at Liansu who insulted her, "Are you begging for a death wish?" She went to lift her leg to drop kick Liansu who immediately dodged it as she rolled to the side.

She lazily laying her head on Fangsu's lap as she knew Susu wouldn't hurt her if Fangsu was in the attack range, "Less squishy than before but still nice and soft," Liansu lazily laid despite the raging Susu wanting to attack her for calling her an old maiden, "Jie, you know you are way past the marriageable age just stating a fact," Liansu smirked as she smelled the food on the table as she went to take a spoonful of the soup but her mother slapped her hand preventing from eating Fangsu's dinner.

Their mother eyes bored into the younger twin before she smiled at the two before shoving everyone out of the room, "You two eat your dinner before its cold," Fangsu's mother cheered before leaving the room with the rest of the group. Both Ang Siu and Fangsu went to the table to begin eating but there was unbearable silence between the two and it made it hard to swallow the food down even though it liquid. Even though, the atmosphere was quite awkward between the two; Fangsu stared at the bowl of soup with fondness as she stirred the contents within. The slight glistening of the soup gently shift as the light shone on it as the gentle motion of the spoon swirling in the bowl. This was the first time that she couldn't look at someone left alone know that someone had affection for her beside her immediate family.

The silence continued between the two until Ang Siu went to eat the food that was made by Fangsu's mother until he knocked the spoon off the table and rushing to catch it to ultimately have him crash to the ground. A soft giggle erupted in the room, softening the stiff mood. Fangsu had never seen someone as composed as Ang Siu absolutely fall like a klutz. She went to help Ang Siu from the ground whilst he was scratching his neck as he blushed, clutching the spoon that seemed to help break the tension between the two. It was a life saving item at the time, "Fangsu, look I hope that you will allow me the opportunity," As he continued his sentence; the words continued to soften as he grew more embarrassed, "To pursue you in the hopes of a future prospect of marriage together," Fiddling in his spot as he quickly went to glance at Fangsu who gently smiled at the clumsy man who was like a puppy waiting patiently for approval.

Fangsu approached him as she went to grab his hands despite being unable to even hold one of his hands, "Well, if you are to pursue me," She gently stared at the hands that had cared for her in her time of need, "I hope you will be faithful to me," Fangsu indirectly consented to Ang Siu's advances as his eye immediately lit up as he jubilantly went to engulf Fangsu in an embrace as he went to spin her. The sudden spin cause a slightly shrill of joy from Fangsu who was immediately placed down by Ang Siu who thought that she was scared. But, Fangsu pulled the taller down by his robe and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Thus, this was the beginning of the two's budding relationship.