Spiritual Cultivator Association

Liansu immediately stopped, "Spirit Cultivator Assocation?" Mention of name of such an assocation that she had never heard obviously caused the man to nodding understanding that she never never heard of the assocation, "I don't know; I don't care," She continued to drink waiting for the rain to lighten so that she wouldn't be drenched too much.

Sighing with the expersation as he understood why not many people knowing much about spirit cultivators, "Qing Yuan is my name, " The man then went to introduce himself, "That Qilin I will have to take from you, " He faltered as the air around the young that was next to him. His statement caused the girl to stop drink whilst pulling the hair out of her face, tying it out of her face.

A smile lacing her face showing her devious expression, ready to fight. Taking a stance towards the man; straight posture, feet pointed at him and hands out front to either take the offense or defense, "The name is Chen Liansu," Dashing towards him leg overstretched to hit his temple with incredible speed intenting to knock him out with one move, "I hope that you won't go easy on me," It was a terrifying move. It was something many people wouldn't be ready for unless they were on the defense. But, once he heard her name; it instantly caused him to falter in his motive to take away the Qilin from her. It was shocking but the girl didn't give him and time to think when she went to attack him with a flurry of attacks both from her hands and leg. But, the attacks from her arms were much stronger than her legs.

Each attack was decisive and powerful as well as agile leaving him nothing to grab onto when she did come close. As soon as he saw her hips were moving to the front; he immediately readied himself and as predicted the girl when to do a roundhouse kick but he lopped his arm around her leg which instantly caught her off ground. Then he went to slight her centre of balance so that she could be unable to continue to escape from him but he once that he only had this moment to subdue her. Quickly lifting the girl up who immediately yelped in surprised and holding her head in his hand which cover her head as he tackled her to the ground, "Stop! Stop! Did you say that your last name was Chen?" His question caught the girl by surprise.

Liansu was surprised to be lifted up but he still protected her head from hitting the rooftops which would have caused a slight concussion, "You stopped the fight to ask this?" It was quite confusing whether her name was significiant since she never really exposed to the spirit cultivation world until recently because her sister had take up the liberty to retrieve the thing to bring her back to the living realm.

Qing Yuan was completely shocked at the girl's ignorance, "Is one of your grandpas name Cheng Hong?" He needed more confirmation that she was one of the major clans that specialised in spirit cultivation but suddenly disappeared from the face of the world. Liansu nodded as a slight blush appeared on her face since their clothes were still wet from the rain; they could feel the warmth from each other's body despite the clothes acting as a barrier, "Is there a way for me to be able to meet with your grandfather?" A bright smile beamed on Qing Yuan's face which caused Liansu to feel even more attracted to him. Liansu who was trapped underneath Qing Yuan was feeling more agitated from close contact with a person. Then Qing Yuan then realised from that the position that they were in wasn't approriate between strangers that were of opposite sex so he immediately came off her.

Liansu went to retie her hair as it was messied up from being pinned down to the ground. The rain finally ceased and the sun came shining down on them giving them instant warmth for their freezing body from their wet clothes, "Come if you want to meet my grandpa," Liansu immediately jumped from the roof walking off in the direction of home but she quickly had to take his hand into hers, "If you don't want your limbs go flying like a chicken then you behind hold my hand," Pulling him through the barrier which didn't harm him. They soon entered the huge estate which was quiet but it wasn't a cold silence but there was a warmth that resonated through the home. Liansu continue to take him through the corridor that lead to various parts of the house but she knew that there was only three area where her grandpa would be; The garden where basic ingredients are grown, The experimentation room where he would crossbreed the plant and the seedling room where fragile plants are grown in an safe environment. Her grandpa was in the experimentation room where he was was taking note of the result of strenous effort to improve the structure of the Death Within Fruit to be able to grow in an environment that wasn't in the Spiritual Realm.

Liansu quickly realised that she was still holding hands with Qing Yuan and quickly whipped her hand out of his before her grandpa could see, "Grandpa, someone wants to see you." Liansu spoke out disturbing an elderly man that taking notes of a strange plant that was emitting spiritual energy.

Qing Yan quickly approached the elderly man with a huge smile whilst the elderly man recognised him, "Xiao Yan, You have grown so big," Liansu's grandpa heartily patted the man despite Qing Yang overtowered him immensely like a giant, "How is Qing Ru that old man? Still alive and kicking?" Qing Yan nodded as he sighed with exhaustion having to think about his old man complaining to him about not marrying and giving him a granddaughter. Which caused the elderly man to laughed at the poor man that had to suffer being the grandson of such a stubborn and thickheaded person like his friend, Qing Ru. Liansu was quite surprised to see that her grandpa had been acquainted to people she didn't know of previously.

Grandpa then went to his granddaugther who was standing on the sidelines, "What did you purchase that cost so much?" The purchase of such an item at an auction house would cause such an outrage in the capital. Liansu walked over to the window where she summoned out a Qilin that was a beautiful shade of black and red. This site of a Qilin being bought caused many reactions on the old man's face; bewilderment, rage and he begin pondering whether there was a wild Qilin settlement that wasn't under the protection of Xu Yang, "Liansu, go to Xu Yang and inform her of the situation and also go get yourself a contract with a Qilin," He remained calm having to see that this was of serious concern. Liansu nodded as she went to pack to travel the distance to Xu Yang place but as soon as she was ready.

The huge Qing Yuan was also at the entrance of the estate seemingly ready to leave also but as soon as Liansu was about to pass through the door to leave. An arm caught her off guard causing her to flinch at the contact but he to quickly back off, "Ah sorry, I need to leave but you know I don't want to have my limbs being blown away," This immediately allowed Liansu to calm down as she was quickly took the lead and then they quickly walked through the barrier without any sort of harm. Liansu then had to place a mask on her face that on cover the lower half of her face which was decorated in a way to look like a demon that came straight from hell which didn't also help seen her eyes were a greyish black colour. Then she went to rental horse shop where she had to paid for a horse that would be able to travel for long distance but was also very fast and strong. That horse was suitable and what Liansu preferred was the Nang Chen horse, a fast and powerful breed which was known for being hot headed. As an employee was saddling up the horse for Liansu was terrified of her appearance being dressed in dark colours and a mask that made her look like a demon.

As the horse was finally saddled, Liansu effortlessly mounted on the horse with ease before trotting out of the capital. As soon as they reached the gate, Liansu made the horse going into a sprint to get to her destination but they soon had to stop at a stop point inn that was filled with mercenaries but she didn't mind them at all and quickly went to rent a room for the night and the horse care. But, someone's arms wrapped around Liansu and instincts kicked in where she flipped the person that touched her before holding a knife at the person. A girl that looked roughly around her own age, "Fangsu, I know we haven't seen you so long but they is no need to be so aggressive," The girl winced in pain as she underneath Liansu.

So, Liansu quickly sheathed her blade, "You must have mistaken me for someone else," Her voice was muffled from the mask that covered the bottom part of her face. Her face looked similar to Fangsu so she couldn't blame the girl since Fangsu was her twin; it was just awkward to be around people that were familiar to her sister. But, she quickly went to her room to rest.


As she went to wake up from sleeping in the bed; the sunlight burned right down her eyelids. Liansu nuzzled her head back into the pillow and taking some deep breathes to make her her brain register that she needed to wake up. Liansu quickly ate some breakfast of congee with some pork, salted eggs and some pickled vegetables. As she finished breakfast and walking to the stables where her horse was waiting for her patiently and as soon as it saw her immediately trotted over to her, "You're energetic this morning," Liansu then went to saddle the horse ready to leave. A motion behind her made her instantly unsheathe her weapon pointing at whatever that was moving, Qing Yuan, "What are you doing here?" Liansu immediately sheathed her weapon back as she combed her hair, laughing at her awfully sensitive sense that would point her weapon at anyone despite them being harmless.Clicking her tongue in annoyance at her constant jumpiness but she needed to go. Quickly mounting her horse and preparing it head out to Xu Yang's place to act as an informant but she noticed that Qing Yuan was also going on the same path so she stopped at the road which Qing Yuan also did the same.

Qing Yuan helpless laughed as he slumped his posture, "Well, I don't know my way to meet with Xu Yang," Explaining his reason to follow Liansu who was peeved off having to help this fully grown adult. But, she returned back to her original destination Xu Yang's place or the Qilin conservation.

As she was riding through the plains that would be close to Xu Yang's home. The wind began picking up as it began lifting the fragile leaves from the ground and carrying to somewhere high and faraway from this place, "I want to fly, " Liansu spoke so gently that the wind carried it away so that only she was the only person who could hear it but her horse heard her request. Sprinting into the direction of the huge and open field, kicking up the grass as they rush through the plains. The smell of rain and the wind flowing through her hair. They soon entered the forest passing through the enhanctment which would reveal the steep stairway up the mountain. Quickly pulling at the rein, Liansu quickly took control of the horse before she dismounted her horse to find that Qing Yuan wasn't anywhere to be found. So, Liansu quickly tied the rein to a nearby tree that was next to a small stream where there where some like fish swimming through.

Walking to the enchancement and popping her head through, Qing Yuan was running around in circles trying to Liansu who just giggled at the lost man catching the attention of Qing Yuan. Scaring the living daylight of him seeing only her head floating in the air, "You scared me!" Qing Yuan rode to where Liansu, "Oh so this is why I haven't been able to find Xu Yang," He was immediately taken away when he went through the enchantment to see the overwhelming steep stairs up to where Xu Yang would be. Qing Yuan copied what Liansu did to his horse and before then they were climbing the stairs to which Qing Yuan was struggling to even climb up the first couple steps of stairs.

Liansu was completely stunned on what to do to help Qing Yuan seeing as the enchantment was not affecting her at all, "I didn't think i was expecting guest around this time," A woman come floating down from the stairs to oversee the sudden unfamiliar activation of the enchantment to see the lookalike of Fangsu and a man that looked very familiar to her, "Ah! I see the revival of the rest of the Chen family has been successful seeing that you are here in the flesh," Xu Yang happily welcomed the girl who grinned at the old woman before taking out a bottle of some sort of beverage. The old woman beamed happily looking at the present that she was gifted before opening the lid to have the pungent smell of aged plum extract wafted into the air.

The enchantment soon was lifted and the two visitor were able to freely enter the domain where the Qilins resided, "Xu Yang, there have been some activity happening in the capital that may be concerning the spiritual cultivation world," Qing Yuan politely handed Xu Yang a report of sighting, reports and conclusion of anything spiritual related.