Lay Low Until the Night Comes

Xu Yang carefully read the content of the report until she folded the report in half, pinching the edges of the fold with her nail before falmes engulfed the papers. Never to be seen again, "For now, Qing Yuan continue with reports and invetsigation of those parties involved," Urging the man to continue with his duties as a night investigator, "Liansu, go back to the Chen household and tell everyone to lay low for now especially Fangsu since she would be the most likely to caught," Xu Yang needed Fangsu's need for spiritual energy to cut down especially since there are people wanting spiritual cultivators.

Liansu nodded as she summoned out the Qilin that she purchased in the auction house. Revealing a Qilin that was fercious looking with it's black scales that refracted light with ribbony red mane that was bold. But, it's eyes were a gentle dusty pink as a tenderness towards Liansu who was its saviour want to stay by Liansu's side despite the girl wanting to leave. Xu Yang chuckled at the comedic scene as she instructed Liansu to form a contract with the Qilin which caused the Qilin to bounce in happiness, "It seems quite childish to me," As soon as the contract completion was confirm. A silvery powder blue mark that resembled as a wisteria appeared on both on them. For the Qilin; on the forehead. Whereas for Liansu it was on her inner part of her forearm.

Xu Yang cheekily smiled as she patted the Qilin, "Well, this one is quite a young one probably only about a few decades old, " The Qilin bounced up the entire time around its new contractee to only have the other Qilins stared at the young Qilin weird mannerisms. But, as long as the Qilin was useful in the manner of any sort of way, "It will learn to use it power eventually. Liansu couldn't complain seeing as it was her own contracted beast under her. After finishing her errand, Liansu decided it was time to return back to the capital and maybe find some ingredients to make some alcohol seeing that her original supply was destroyed along with the home that she grew up in. Placing back her mask onto her face and riding out back to the destination to the capital.


Fangsu, on the other hand, focused on her task to concocting more perfume. Undisturbed by anyone as she was trying to work in peace. Sim Siu, Xiao Cheng and Ang Siu would also want to disturb her every chance they could each wanting to spend time with her especially Ang Siu who was quite the type to pamper the people he loved. On many occasions, Ang Siu would alway want to hold her hand or cuddle her or any sort of physical interaction. Fangsu enjoyed it but usually someone would always come harass them and tease them especially her sister. As she finished adding the last finishing touches to the perfume to adhesion to the skin and last for a long time. Fangsu crawled out of her private place finally emerged from her hermit hole. As there were two sets of feet waiting outside her small door, "How long has it been?" Asking the four people that stared down at her. Ang Siu and Sim Siu surrounded the poor duckling who slightly cowered in fear.

Ang Siu quickly took the chance, swooping at the chance to take Fangsu. But, he was immediately surpassed by the Sim Siu who immediately seized Fangsu up, "No, she is mine for the day," Then she proceeded to continue kidnap Fangsu for herself. Despite Sim Siu's and Fangsu's different personalities; they quite enjoyed each other company. The two girls would go out to eat delicious desserts with the other girls which included Susu, Fangsu's mother, Dai-Tai, Bao Ming and Liansu who had recently returned back to the city. They eventually went to many store attracting lots of attention because all the women in the group was all attractive with beauty that surpassed many of the women in the capital. They soon settled in an eatery that was known for its delicious desserts that many people would flock too for something sweet. As soon as Fangsu entered through the door, she was immediately greeted by a familiar face bu she couldn't place a name to the face.

The young boy's face beamed as he rushed over to Fangsu grasping her hand, "Miss! Do you still remember me?" Despite his rounded out face was plump and healthy from being nurtured with quality nutrients for a growing boy.

Fangsu smiled as she ruffled the fluffy hair of the boy, "A'Jin, it has been a while hasn't it?" The boy's face brightened up at the pretty lady that saved his mother still remembered him despite not being in contact for a while. A'Jin who previously was hollowed from being malnourished had been building his body with more fat and muscles and he had grown much taller than previously. He then went to escort Fangsu and her companions to a private room where it viewed the last few leaves that were falling from the tree signalling the near ending of the autumn period. As all the women settled themselves down in their seat. Fangsu promptly sat beside her sisters who were all discussing about the recent events in the past year to catch up. Everyone has already ordered their desserts ready to eat when they came.

Soon, an onslaughter of desserts came piling through the doors as they eventually filled the table with lots of desserts. The women ordered like 2-3 dessert dishes each hoping to have their sweet fix for the week since a break from work to eat delicious sweets were rare. But, since there was a new dessert eatery it made it easier for them to be able to eat desserts more often but that often lead to them gaining more weight from eating desserts more often than usual. Fangsu was handed a bowl of tofu with ginger syrup with three egg tarts, but, another set of bird nest soup was placed infront of everyone since it was free service to them since Fangsu was the main benefactors to the now currently owner who was now in good health compared to previously. After everyone was fully stuffed with sweet delicious food they went to leave the premises of the shop ready to continue with the shopping spree of food galore.

They were immediately met with another group which included; Grandpa, Xiao Cheng, Qing Yuan, Ang Siu and Wen Cheng. One group of beautiful maiden was now joined with another group of handsome men who treated the women in a tender manner. The combined group was now too powerful in terms of beauty as if they were all had jumped out of a painting and had graced the earth with their presence. Seeing that the majority of the group of women had already been seized by the men which quickly disheartened the many suitors on the streets.

Fangsu was immediately received by Ang Siu who immediately wrapped her in a light coat which instantly covered her from the slightly chilly wind, "Make sure you keep warm," Tying a knot with the string to hold the cape on her shoulders. Fangsu nodded as she smiled at Ang Siu who was the worrisome person between the two of them so she would discreetly wrapped her own hand into his hands which firmly held onto her. They would then walk down the dimly lit streets that even the lanterns were turned on to brighten the pathway. Holding each other. Feeling the warmth of each other's hand. It was enough to know each other's feeling for each other.

The tenderness that spread through Fangsu's chest was like the flutter of a butterfly's wing. It was such a precious feeling that Fangsu had never felt before. It was different to a love for a family member. She wanted to cherish the feeling. As she wanted to continue living this moment. Yun Nan came running in the direction of Fangsu, "I'm finished! You can be cured!" The excitement emanated through Fangsu's body as she rushed over to Yun Nan to receive the medicine. Pain pierced right through her heart causing her to falter her movements. Clenching her chest. Fangsu tried to gasp for air but she couldn't breathe. It was so painful she couldn't do anything to use anything to ease the pain. Medicine or Spiritual Energy. Nothing was working.

Fangsu could only fall to her knees. Even though she fell to the ground. She couldn't scream even though it hurt so much. Her body was being lifted from the ground. Staring into the darkening sky which was in the shade of a heavenly golden colour. It was something so normal to Fangsu who would stared into the sky everyday just to watch all the endlessness of the ocean's horizon to watch the bountiful life of plants blossom under the light of the sun. But, it seemed different this time. She could only stare at the sky with the occasional sight of Ang Siu's worried face. This time the pain had vanished like air. Well it was more like she was numb to the pain now. Her body probably was far too gone to continue enduring the onslaught of pain anymore that her body was failing on her. Even though, she was unconscious in appearance. Her consciousness was barely awake but she could tell what was happening around her.

Yun Nan stood over her holding a porcelain bowl filled with some sort of liquid judging from the smell alone, it was medicine. Yun Nan lifted Fangsu upright so that she could feed Fangsu some of the medicine, however, the medicine would spill out of her mouth. The dark brown liquid ran down Fangsu's mouth dripping on Fangsu's clothes. Ang Siu then stole the bowl of medicine from Yun Nan's hands, downing the medicine in his mouth. Yun Nan immediately bursted like a volcano seeing all her hard work being taken away from her and consumed by a person who was not the patient. But, Ang Siu took Fangsu from Yun Nan pressing his lips to Fangsu releasing the medicine in her mouth and as soon as he could tell that Fangsu was drinking he medicine. He continued to do this until there wasn't anymore left in the bowl.

Eventually, the energy that was circulate in Fangsu body was gently flowing throughout her body. Each knot that was once was chaotic and caused her pain soon unravelled like a ribbon, loosening the tight knot. Ang Siu continued kissing Fangsu despite having no medicine. He was a man that had desires but he knew that if he was too forward Fangsu would withdraw from him. Restricting himself by occasionally lightly nibbling Fangsu's bottom lip as to have her open her lips more but his restraint was quickly overridden by Fangsu who deepen the kiss as she licked his lips. Thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Cautiously exploring his mouth as her delirious mind was making her try to consume more of the medicine which was making her body feel like never before.

Yun Nan was the poor spectator who was witness the passionate interaction between the two. She also cheered internally seeing that her master who previously had given up on life was now blossoming because of her newfound lover that came back with her on her farewell trip around the country. As discreetly as possible, Yun Nan exited the room with a gleeful smile hoping to allow. But, as door as she opened the door to see a crowd of people waiting worryingly of Fangsu's condition. Lightly coughing to clear her mind. As she exited the room. Her hands were quick to act to close the door, "Fangsu is no longer inflicted with Unending Pain Illness," Her words bought relief to the crowd who wanted to see Fangsu but Yun Nan quickly latched herself to the door like a spider, "She needs some piece and quiet to rest," Blocking people entering the room where the young couple was in their passionate exchange.

Liansu shoved Yun Nan to the side barging through the door. But, Yun Nan began to panicked as the two was most likely still latched on each other but thankfully the couple was already separated. They were faced away from each other but their faces were incredibly red that seem to hint that spoke of something that only the two knew of between each other. But, Yun Nan would the only person who would know the truth of what happened. Fangsu was now a normal person but she would still never be utilise able to Qi but once that her body was now strengthen to new leagues; she would now be able to endured more physical activities that she was never been able to do before.