Chapter 15

"Um hi." I said not entirely sure what to say, out of everything I expected to happen when I came back having a bunch girls posed to kill me was not one of them.

"Release us!" a blond hair girl said which confused me to no end.

"Girls seriously put the bows down." a brown haired girl said as she, Surria, and another girl stepped in front of me, the other two seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on least with their backs to me.

"Why are you defending him? He's a boy!" the blonde shouted back.

"He's our brother!" the brown haired girl said which instantly jogged my memory on why the other two seemed so familiar.

"Kayla, Cassie?" I asked tentatively, Kayla didn't turn around but Cassie did and she gave me one of those warm smiles that Mom always did. Unfortunately I was taken out my joy when one of the girls accidentally fired her bow. Thankfully it missed my sisters but sadly it didn't miss me.

Surprisingly I learned something from this. As it turns out when you pour your energy into something to the point where it becomes part of your very nature said object is no longer able to harm you. That very fact left me thanking the Fates as the arrow passed through me like I was just a mirage instead of hitting my family jewels.

"Who the Hades aims for the family jewels?!" I shouted.

The offending girl stared at the ground in embarrassment while Surria simply shouted "How did that not hurt you?".

'Great another thing I have to explain.' I thought to myself. "Before I get into that can I please have everyone gather round here." I half yelled to the group of about 50 individuals scattered about the small clearing. It took little while but eventually I got everyone to gather up.

I stepped up on tree stump so everyone could see me "I know you all must have questions and want to return home but hear me out. There's a war coming with Tartarus and we need all the help we can get. I'm asking for your help, and before you say no you should know if we lose this war then there will be no where for you to return to. If Tartarus wins he plans on annihilating all the mortals and gods there will be nowhere to hide or even survive. If we don't stop him now its game over."

"Is it true that you're the Sentinel of Rome?" A tall blond boy asked.

'If someone asks me that one more time…' I thought to myself "Yes I am." I replied.

The blond bowed to me "I would be honored to fight alongside you in the coming war, but why would you want our help?" he asked still bowing.

I jumped off my stump and walked over to him "First off don't bow to me I don't want you to and it actually feels kinda weird. Second the better question is why wouldn't I want your help. Lycon chose to make you all part of his pack because he couldn't break your will, each and everyone of you stood up to him. You stood your ground even when you had everything to lose. That's the kind of spirit we need for this war because if we lose there is no second chance."

The speech admittedly didn't go quite as I planned but it still succeeded in psyching them up. "Could we return to the hunt with Lady Artemis after the war?" the blond girl from earlier asked.

"Of course, in fact I might just join you. I'm still welcome in the hunt right." I said directing the last part to my sisters who nodded.

"Then I'm in." the blond said.

"Me too".

"Same here." It was music to my ears as chorus of replies went up resulting in a unanimous decision to take a stand.

Once everything settled down I summoned tents, boy on the right girls on the left, and food for everyone. We took stock of our weapons which were few but we'd be able to manage. At the moment we were all sitting around a bonfire eating dinner "So what have you been doing all this time." Cassie asked sitting down next to me along with my other sisters.

"Well for the most part I've just been trying to lead humanity from the shadows. I whispered in the ears of generals, kings, etc all in an attempt to get them to make the right choice to set them on the path that would them great men and not tyrants." I said.

Cassie POV

I doubt Silver noticed but most of the camp was eavesdropping on our conversation some doing a better job of hiding it than others "In every major conflict since the first titan war I was there, in spirit trying to save as many as I could by lending my strength to those who needed it. Oh and for the record I was the one who tipped off Apollo about Orion".

"My brother the protector of humanity." I said hugging him.

"Would you mind explaining what happened to Lycon?" Surria asked.

"He faded simple as that." Silver said with an all to innocent smile.

"Yes but how did he fade?" Surria shot back "I know he had enough energy to reform so how come he faded?".

"I forced him to." Silver said flatly which gave him the attention of the entire camp.

"How could you force him to fade?" I asked pausitivity shocked.

"That goes back to what the Fates did to prepare me for this war. If you remember on our recon mission me and father found an energy source that could help us win the war. After the titans found us we ran out of options and Father came up with this crazy plan of sending me into the future where I would find the reborn him and take him to Artemis to have his memories restored.

What he didn't tell me was that placed the energy in me thinking he would just remove when I found him in the future. The Fates however stopped me from being sent to the future so the energy inside me could have the time it needed to bond with my soul. And to make sure my body could handle the strain the may have made me a Primordialgod." he said mumbling the last part.

"Sorry what was that?" Kayla asked.

"They made me a Primordial god ok." Silver said causing everyone's jaw to drop.

"What are your domains?" a boy shouted/asked from the other side of the campfire.

"I guess I should do a full introduction." Silver said getting to his feet "My name Silver Jackson Primordial of Purity, Justice, Redemption, and Hope fathered by Perseus son of Poseidon and guardian of Artemis".

"The reason I was able to force Lycon to fade was because of my domains over Purity and Justice." Silver said. "You see the opposite of purity is corruption and when I kill something my very essence attacks that beings corruption making it harder for them to reform. This isn't something new to be honest all beings have both purity and corruption with in themselves. Most people try to fight their own inner demons a become better and then there are others. Beings that revel in corruption and all sorts of evil. They still have a tiny spark of purity in them but they suppress it and ignore it. Then there are those like Lycon who have given themselves over to corruption completely for the power it brings and because of this when I killed him he was destroyed completely. That is the cost of destroying your own soul for power."

For the next hour or two no one spoke we just quietly ate. Slowly people starting heading off to bed till only Me, Silver, Surria, Bianca, Kayla, and Daniel remained. "So what are you going to call this group?" Bianca asked breaking the silence.

"I don't know, thought about it to be honest." Silver said. "I haven't exactly thought about it.

"How about Legione D'Argento?" Daniel offered.

"The Legion of Silver, really?" Surria asked.

"What we refer to Artemis' group as the hunters of Artemis." Daniel said.

"Fine by me." Silver said.

Bianca POV

After that Daniel left and I decided to head to bed myself but was stopped by Silver. "Bianca would you be willing run a little errand for me tomorrow.".

"What kind of errand?" I asked.

"There's some people who I would like to recruit and I was hoping you would be willing to go pick them up for me." he said.


"Good I'll be sending Luke with you just to be safe and take these with you." He said handing me a necklace and an envelope. "I want you to go to Ogygia and give the letter to Calypso first then to that clearing by Westover Hall where you met Artemis. The necklace is enchanted so all you need to do is focus and it will send you where you want to go, got it." I nodded.

"Great then I'll see you tomorrow." He said.