Chapter 14

Percy POV

I was having another one of my memory dreams. At the moment I was at was watching myself have a sparring match with Hercules who was apparently my lifetime rival and not in a friendly way, we hated each other. I ended up winning the match by a hair and I mean that literally, a hair flew into his eye distracting him long enough for me to knock him out.

"Perseus." Chiron called.

"Hello Lord Chiron" I said.

"I thought I told you to not to call me lord." Chiron said.

I chuckled "Sorry what can I do for you?" I asked.

"Would you mind walking with me, this might take a while to explain." I nodded.

We walked in silence for a while before Chiron spoke up "Do you remember what I told about goddesses and their guardians?" he asked.

"Yes" I replied "every time a goddess is born the Fates choose a guardian for her.".

"That's correct my boy." Chiron said "And that's why I called you here, a new goddess has come of age and the Fates have named you her guardian.".

"We were a guardian." I said to my past self. He was always there during these dreams and it had become quite nice to have someone to talk to.

"We are a guardian" He corrected.

"And you're going to kick yourself when you find out which goddess." someone said. Admittedly I nearly jumped out of my skin as the third person entered my dream

"Do I know you?" I asked feeling he looked familiar.

"He's our son, Silver." the past me said.

"Sup dad." Silver said "Looks like you're getting you memories back and not the normal way, might I ask how?".

"Hera." was all the other me said.

"Ok well I've got places to be so could you please hurry and skip to where you met Her." he asked.

"Fine" the other me said snapping his fingers, now I was out in the middle of the woods talking to Apollo in his 15 year old form outside a tent. "Now let me make this clear you harm my little sister and I'll throw you into Tartarus myself got it." he said.

"Look Apollo I'm here to Protect her, I've sworn to keep her safe from any and all harm, she'll be safe with me." I said.

"She better be." Apollo said before flashing out.

"Is he finally gone?" Artemis asked stepping out of her tent.

"Yeah" I said

"I'm Perseus by the way.".

"I'm Artemis." she said shaking my hand "So you're my guardian?" I nodded.

"I'm Artemis' guardian but I thought we...I...whatever faded" I said.

"Nope, just another of your 'seaweed brain plans' as mom would say. That reminds me I came here to give you this." Silver said handing me an emerald sword.

"Thanks" I said taking the sword. it felt strange holding the blade, it was like meeting a friend you haven't seen for a while.

"One more thing before I go why did you choose to go out on your own, without your friends." Silver asked more to me than my past self.

"I needed time." I said "With my memories returning I was having trouble keeping my two lives straight so I explained everything and went into the woods where I felt the most at home.".

"Well I guess that's your choice." Silver said shrugging "Now if you excuse me I got to be going mom's the next stop, see you soon."

Surria POV

"What's with him?" Luke asked waving his hand in front of Silver's face.

"To put it simple he's talking to people through his mind sort of like projecting himself where he wants to be without actually leaving." I said "All gods can do it but most just choose to use an iris message instead.".

"So you're really his sister?" Daniel asked again, I nodded "Huh who would have thought the Sentinel of Rome was a son of Ares.".

"He's not a son of Ares he's a grandson of Poseidon." I said "His mother and father adopted me when I was living on the streets of Sparta after my mom died and as far as I'm concerned they're my parents not Ares.".

"Our father was known as Perseus, he was a son of Poseidon and chosen by the Fates to be Artemis guardian which is how I met her." I said, sure it wasn't the truth but it wasn't a lie either.

"He should have gone down in history as the greatest Hero to ever live but once Hercules became a god he used his influence to place himself as the greatest hero." I said. "400 years later Poseidon found out what Hercules and done but it was already too late to fix it, as punishment Hercules was sentenced to guard the entrance to the marenostrum for the next 4000 years".

"Um guy's their waking up" Beck called pointing to Lycon's former pact.

Artemis POV

As soon as the meeting was over I flashed back to camp where my hunters were having dinner "Phoebe, Thalia, Atlanta, Zoe my tent now." I said before heading there myself.

"What is it Milady?" Thalia asked after everyone arrived.

"It's about the man that saved you about a month ago during your skirmish with the Cyclops'." I said "Athena, Hermes, and Dionysus have managed to convince him to help us in the war with Oceanus but that's not why I called you here. Athena thinks that this man is Silver…".

"And she was be right." a voice said. Seconds later my tent was filled with a light which slowly formed the shape of a man about 6 feet tall.

"Who are you?" Thalia said aiming her bow at the man.

"I'm the aforementioned Silver." he said.

"Silver?" I asked hesitantly "Is it really you?".

"Yes Mom it's me." Silver said.

"Prove it!" Thalia shot back.

"When I was six I stuffed Poisen Ivy down Apollo's pants and that night Mom held me on her lap telling me stories of when she first met dad and how lazy she thought he was." Silver said.

"It is you!" I said attempting to hug him but instead passed right through him.

"Mom I'm not actually here it's just a projection." he said "I know that you all must have a lot of questions but I can't answer them right now. What you need to know is I found dad and he's already started to regain his memories."

"What does he remember so far?" Zoe asked.

"Everything up to when he first met mom." Silver said "I gave him back his sword, he should be looking for you right now".

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm in Greece at the moment but I won't be there for much longer, you need to find dad and meet me in New Rome, understand?" He asked, I nodded. "Good, um one last thing before I go could I talk to Phoebe…alone please?" he asked,

Phoebe POV

I was a little nervous when Silver said he wanted to talk to me alone but I steeled myself. "Um hi." Silver said rubbing the back of his head.

"Hi! That's the first thing you say after 3000 years! I thought you died we all did yet here you are safe and sound and you say Hi" I shouted bursting into tears.

"It's not like I wanted to." Silver shouted back "Dad died and I was taken by the Fates forbidden from having any and all contact with anyone I called friend or family or risk losing the entire world. But I still did the best I could watching over you and the hunt…whoa I sounded a little bit like stocker there."

Despite how Angry, how frustrated I was with him I found myself laughing. When he died I almost wished for death to, later I was angry at him, blaming him for leaving the hunt for leaving me. But I always felt like he was there still with me and you know what I was right. Here I was 3000 years later and I knew I still loved him.

"It ok." I said wiping my tears "It's just I missed you, things haven't been the same without you and Perseus, Artemis doesn't smile as much, Zoe is cold to everyone but the hunters."

"You have no idea how much I wished I could've been here." Silver said solemnly "There's actually something that I wanted to ask you.".

"What is it?" I asked.

Silver to an audibly deep breath which usually meant he was about to do something that terrified him "I've been gone 3000 years and seen things I thought would last forever end, but in all that time my feelings for you never changed I love you Phoebe." Silver said sinking to one knee and holding up a simple silver ring "will you marry me".

I was speechless but somehow I managed to give him my answer "Yes.". With that he slipped the ring on my finger disappeared after say 'I love you' one last time.

I stood there for several minutes just trying to wrap my head around what just happened "Phoebe is Silver still there?" Zoe asked from outside the tent. I couldn't get any words out so I just stepped outside and shook my head, Artemis and the others came over as soon as I was out.

"So what did Silver want to talk to you about?" Atlanta asked. "He pro-proposed." I said.

We all stood there in stunned silence for what felt like an eternity before Thalia asked "Well what did you say?".

"Yes." I replied before getting tackled by Artemis in a bear hug who had somehow switched to her 25 year old form.

"Mother can't breath." I wheezed.

"I'm sorry...hey you've started calling me Mom." Artemis said.

"Well now that me and Silver are engaged you are going to officially be my Mom." I said smiling "Come on let's go back to dinner.".

Leto POV

I sat on a log cooking my dinner "I hope Artemis is doing alright." I said to myself.

"She's fine." Silver replied appearing out of a light before taking a form similar to his original one. "I come out a little clearer every time." he said to himself.

"Silver what are you doing here?" I asked "Not that I don't mind hearing from you but you seem a little stressed".

"Perceptive as always Grandma, I wish this could be a social visit but sadly it can't. I need your help, there is a war coming with Tartarus and I need an army. I need you to gather anyone and everyone who is willing to stand with me against Tartarus whether they be god, titan, nature spirit, or demigod."

"I will try but the the Olympians have many enemies and even Tartarus might not be enough to gain their help." I replied.

"That's true but according to ancient law I'm not part of the Olympian Pantheon so they won't be helping the Olympians but a new third party try to prevent the Apocalypse, tell them it's the Sentinel that's asking." he said, I nodded. "Also your food is burning." Silver said as he left.

"What no!" I shouted pulling it off the fire.

Jason POV

We were all sitting around the fire telling jokes swapping stories, well except Nico who was asleep, but I just didn't have my heart in it. I was worried about Percy he just left so quickly, I know he needed time to adjust but would it seriously kill him to send a message. I shook my head 'what am I doing he's been gone like two day's he'll be fine'. I was taken out of my thought when the camp was enveloped by a blinding light forcing me to cover my eyes. "Sorry about that." a voice said once the light died down, I uncovered my eyes to see that guy in Silver standing in front of us.

"Who are you?" I asked drawing my sword.

"I've have many names but the one I best known by is the Sentinel of Rome." he said. I searched his eyes for any sign of deceit but I couldn't find any. Either he was the Sentinel of Rome or he honestly believed he was.

"What can we help you with." I said bowing slightly.

"Please don't bow." he said awkwardly "Anyway I'm here because I'm forming a group sort of like the hunters of Artemis except it's open to males as well as females, and I would like the seven of you to be part of it".

I pondered it for a while but I knew I couldn't just make a decision like this for everyone "could we have some time to think it over" I asked.

"Sure if you do choose to join me go to the small clearing near Westover hall, your friend Nico should know the place it's where he first found out he was a demigod." he said

Ares POV

"Why did I have to be the one to tell them." I grumbled, after Athena informed us of her theory on who this mystery man really was Hermes informed us that he was also the Sentinel of Rome. And because the Romans are my sacred people Father ordered that I should be the one to tell them he's back. I waited till morning to tell them at breakfast which brings me to now. In truth I just wanted to go to bed. As a god I don't need as much sleep as mortals do but it's been almost a month and I really needed it.

Of course I couldn't do anything about it without sounding like a child so I just sucked it up and flashed down to the Roman camp. "Romans!" I shouted as I appeared in the mess hall. Immediately everyone got up from their tables and kneeled

"Lord Mars." Mike said "To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit.".

"I'm here because the Sentinel of Rome has announced his return and agreed to help us in the coming war." I said, nothing happened for a few seconds as the information sunk in. The older members of the legion realized it's meaning first and launched into cheers, slowly the rest of the legion followed till only the newest members were left with a confused look on their faces. With that I took my leave and flash to my bed.

Silver POV

I groaned and opened my eyes 'man I must have been sitting here all night' I thought as I stretched my stiff muscles. "Hey he's awake!" someone shouted, in seconds I had about 30 silver arrows pointed at me by a group of seriously pissed of teenage girls 'great this is just what I need' I thought sarcastically.