Bianca POV
'why can't we just catch a break' I thought 'I mean seriously not only do we get attacked by wolves but they just have to be Lycon and his pack'. Thankfully Pontus had given us back the weapons we had before we died, although Luke just got a celestial bronze sword, which meant Me and Surria had about twenty silver arrows between us to fight off a pack of 40. Luke tried to slice one with his sword only to have it pass straight through it. Now we were on complete defense having yet to kill even one and running low on arrows. Then there was Luke who had been bitten and was now writhing in pain.
"Any last words demigods?" Lycon laughed before getting blasted by blasted back by water.
"More of a question actually" a voiced said. Looking in the direction it came from I saw silver walking towards us "One who are you and two do you have a death wish?" he said rage evident in his voice.
Lycon launched to his feet "I am Lycon the wolf king and you are dead you piece of commoner trash." he said signaling two of his pack.
The aforementioned wolves then charged at Silver only to halt a few feet from him, smoke started curling up from their fur forcing them back. "What are you?" Lycon hissed.
"To be blunt I am your doom, cliche I know but it's still true nonetheless." he said walking over to us.
At that Lycon started to laugh "You a mere child destroy me!".
Silver smiled at him "Don't you remember your prophecy Lycon The wolf king shrouded in shadows, By Silver shall be brought to the gallows." Silver chanted and I could've sworn I saw Lycon flinched.
"Where did you hear that?!" Lycon snapped.
"I've kept note of all prophecies concerning me." Silver shot back "I am Silver after all, the very bane of your existence".
Lycon snarled but Silver just continued "Haven't you ever wondered why common everyday silver could harm you and other monsters?" he questioned "By alrights that shouldn't be possible, Celestial bronze was created by Gaea as a way for humanity to defend itself against the monsters of Tartarus. Imperial gold was empowered by Zeus for the same reason. I simply did the same thing but to all the silver in the world."
I look of panic flashed across Lycan's face but he covered it up with a forced smile "That must mean you're a god, and we both know he gods can't interfere in mortal affairs." he said.
"He's a what!" Surria shouted but was ignored by both Lycon and Silver.
Silver let out a small chuckle "You're right but at the same time you're wrong." he said confusing everyone "You're right in the fact that most gods are forbidden to interfere but there are a few reason why that argument is invalid 1. you attacked me thus allowing me to retaliate and 2. you are in my domain freeing my to do as I wish."
Lycon paled at his words and turned to run but was instead blasted with water towards us this time. Dozens of surprised howls and yips erupted around us scaring me half to death, but I was more than happy to find that they came from Lycon's pack all of whom were now being held to the ground by chains of ice with the exception Lycon himself who was now suspended in mid air by the same.
Silver who was now right next to us took a look at Luke or well the extra furry version seeing as his hands were starting to look like paws and he was covered in blacker than black fur. "You're too late!" Lycon called "He's mine now and I think I'll have him kill his former friends for his first task." he laughed.
"I think not" Silver said touching Luke's forehead. Luke's body started to glow softly and his fur started to recede. Within minutes he looked the same as ever. "Since he hadn't been fully taken by the curse it's fairly easy to reverse." he said noticing our shocked expressions.
After a few minutes of silence Silver turned to Lycon "Now you, how many people have you hurt, family's have you broken over the years all because I wasn't there to stop you!" Silver shouted. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him the amount of guilt that he feels must be overwhelming.
"Go ahead kill me, send me to Tartarus I be back in a matter of day's." Lycon said.
"You're not going to Tartarus." Silver said, even though his voice was calm I couldn't help but shiver.
SIlver drew his…ironically silver sword and plunged it into Lycons chest. Within seconds Lycon erupted in flames as his body burned from the inside out. To mine and everyone else's shock even after his body had burned away Lycon screamed as what I think was his soul burned away to nothing. "What happened to him" Ethan all but whispered.
"I sent him to the void where Chaos will judge him for his crimes" Silver said.
Silver POV
Ok so maybe I was being a bit scary but before you judge me let me just say this. Within the last 12 hours I've had found out that I'm part of a possible apocalyptic prophecy. I regained 3000 or so years worth of forgotten memories and frustration. And lastly seen each and every crime of one of my mother's worst enemies. Now I had to do something even scarier, explain everything to my older sister "WHAT WAS THAT!" Surria shouted walking up to me and let me just say this I've seen things that would make most grown men run in fear but Surria terrified me.
"Look I don't have time to give you the full story." I said trying to placate her "Would you be will to settle for the short version". Surria nodded but gave me a look that promised pain if she didn't get the full story.
"Ok so in the titan war me and dad found this huge energy source that could change the war in our favor but Hyperion, Krios and a small battalion of monsters took notice of us and started to chase us down. We tried everything we could to get away but the titans interfered with our abilities so dad came up with this crazy plan where he send me to the future and he would be reborn."
"I was supposed to find him when I showed up 200 years later and take him to mom so she could restore his memories but the Fates had plans of their own. Dad instead got reborn 3000 years later or in other words 17 to 18 years ago, and I was forced to take the long way here and forbidden from contacting anyone back home. The reason for this whole thing was to help the Olympians win the second titan and giant war and this one that is now starting, understand." I said out of breath at the end.
Surria nodded "Um what happening to them?" Silena said pointing to the wolves who now had smoke curling up from them.
"Well now that Lycon has faded his curse is fading with him." I said "Whatever you do don't let them leave I'll need to talk to them afterwards.".
"After what?" Luke asked.
"Lets just say I have a few calls to make." I said getting into a meditating position.
Athena POV
"Hermes call a meeting." I said the moment we reached the throne room on Olympus. He nodded and flash away, within minutes the entire council had gathered.
"What have you called us here for?" Hades asked.
"It's because of the man we've been tracking, the one that defeated Hercules" I said which immediately gave me the undivided attention of the council.
"He's the one who's controlling the storm over Greece." Hermes said.
"What! We must have him stopped." father shouted summoning his master bolt.
"There's no need." I said giving Hermes a glare "Me, Hermes, and Dionysus already went to met him on a diplomatic mission." Father immediately started launched into a rant about about how foolish that was. "HE'S AGREED TO SIDE WITH US" I shouted silencing him.
I could help but smile, it's not every day you leave the entire Olympian council speechless so I decided to push it a little further. "And I think I know who he is." I said. "I think he's Silver the son of Artemis' guardian." I said.
"But he faded how could it be him?" Ares said.
"We thought his father faded to but now we know he didn't. There's every possibility that Silver survived somehow as well. Now onto the evidence, the first thing we learned about him was that he witnessed Hyperion attack on Sparta, a battle that Perseus fought in. Silver probably stayed in the city and saw the whole thing. Next he was part of the group that trapped Atlas under the sky. I checked the records the group that forced him under the sky was a ragtag team of demi gods and demi titans led by an 11 year old boy named Silver." I said
"I'm not sure about the fact he used to visit his grandmother at mount Orthy's but that might be due his mother which was apparently never know to anyone except Silver, his father, mother, and grandmother. And last but not least the gods he asked to speak to Apollo, Hestia, Poseidon, Triton, and Artemis. Artemis was one of the people Perseus trusted most and he almost undoubtedly taught his son the same. Apollo was like a brother to Perseus and an uncle to Silver, Hestia was like his aunt, Poseidon is his grandfather, and Triton is his uncle. He didn't ask us for a random group of god, he asked for his family." I said.