Chapter 19

Percy POV

"So how are you three alive again?" I asked my daughters as we ran out to the fields of Mars.

"Well Silver broke Lycon's curse freeing me and Cassy from his control and he called in a favor with Pontus to bring Surria and five others back from the dead." Kayla said.

"What did he do to get that kind of a favor?" I asked stunned.

"Saved his daughter I think." she said as we approached the soon to be battlefield ending the conversation.

I gasped as we stepped out onto the fields of Mars, the sight of the Twelfth legion and the Silver legion standing side by side was truly a sight to behold. Despite just meeting and the difference in size the Twelfth held the Silver legion with a great deal of trust and respect in letting them guard their left flank.

And the Silver legion wow just wow. Most of them looked like battle hardened warriors and they had this look in their eye that made me want to sing 'it's the eye of the tiger'. Sadly it seemed we were going to need it, on the other side of the field the Titan/Giant's army spanned the entire northern mountains easily double the size it was when I fought Polybotes last time.

Near the center of the fields a progression of four people were making their way towards us waving a white flag. I recognized three of them as Tethys, Krios, and Polybotes the fourth member I assumed was Leon on account of his size and the gold bow on his back. "We should attack now and wipeout their leaders" Mike said.

"No." I said flatly "We'd never reach them in time.".

"Why should I listen to you" Mike spat.

"Well he has fought in the last two wars, a veteran of the first titan war, and is easily the best swordsman here" Artemis said "you would be wise to listen".

I stifled a snicker at Mike's miffed look but he did dare refute a goddess "So what do you suggest?" he said to me.

"We go out and meet them for the negotiations." I said.

"Really? That's your big plan?" Mike said in mock wonder.

Ignoring him I continued "We need to buy as much time as we can. As it stands now we're outnumbered, if we ran out to meet them we could win but at a heavy cost to our numbers. We have reinforcements on the way our best chance is to hold out till they arrive. Besides our negotiations will serve another purpose, both Krios and Tethys have a history with me and seeing me should throw them off their game.".

"Do you really think it'll help that much?" Surria asked.

"Yes, they didn't send four generals just to prove a point. There's very little in the godly world that likes to be controlled, monsters included. Any amount of confusion or stress among their leaders will benefit us greatly".

"So who should we send to meet them" Surria asked. "You, Artemis, and myself.".

"What about me?" Mike asked indignantly.

"Who's the other Praetor".

"The seat is currently vacant after Reyna chose to resign."

I growled in frustration of course this clown is the one and only leader of Rome "Fine you can come too. Cassy, Dakota, Phoebe you three are in charge while we're gone." I said without looking back.

The walk there was one of the most embarrassing things that have ever happened to me. The whole way there Mike is trying to do his tough guy walk which made me think he had to pee...badly. As we arrived Polybotes quickly spared both Mike and I a glance before returning to Artemis. The rest didn't even pay us any mind. "Hello Artemis" Leon said.

Artemis simply nodded in return. "Before we start I would like to ask who you are?" Polybotes said pointing at me.

"This is my guardian Perseus." Artemis said.

"Impossible he faded!" Krios snapped.

"Oh I assure you I'm very much alive." I said "Tell me have recovered from that little present I left you last we met." I smirked as Krios cringed slightly and Tethys gave me her usual hate full look.

"I'll make this simple." Krios growled "You get one chance to surrender or we will annihilate you." 'ooo scary' I thought sarcastically.

"We will not surrender!" Mike shouted and he went on to shout a number of things that made me want to wash his mouth out with soap. By the end of his rant all four of the beings standing in front of us were furious and most likely debating it killing him despite the flag of truce would be worth it.

"All in all not bad" I said "and I can't believe I'm saying this but nice job with the rant Mike, burned up almost an hour there".

"What is the little present you were talking about?" Mike asked.

I chuckled slightly at the memory "In the first giant war I through a greek fire bomb that blew off his right leg. He may have reformed but damage like that doesn't just go away".

"Did you notice their arua?" Arty asked.

"Yes, something's up and I don't like it.". I replied

"What arua?" Surria asked.

"The dark violet almost black aura." I said "It's difficult to see and can be shrouded by the mist but it's there. Also what's with the sash?" I asked Surria.

"Still dealing with that ADD?" She laughed.

"Little bit now answer the question."

"Everyone in our legion has one, mine's silver because I'm the centurion of my cohort and the weapons embroidered on the front are Silver's symbols of power".

"I thought they were the sentinels symbols of power." Mike intejected.

"Same person." Surria said.

"Lock shields!" I shouted as we passed the front lines.

"Archers at the ready!" Arty said.

Next to me Surria snorted "3000 years and nothing has changed.".

By some silent signal the enemy charged, to my left a boy about 14 years old was breathing heavily. "Calm down," I said softly "stick to your wingman and go back to back if you need to, remember your not alone".

40 yards out the archers fired killing most of the first line, the rest came barreling into us. I was worried what would happen with me being a god and unable to attack unless provoked. If the enemy realized I was a god they would wait till the rest was decimated then come after me. Thankfully my choice in going to the front lines paid off as an foolish dracena came right at me.

Third Person POV

Percy's body went on autopilot as sidestepped the dracena's blade, sliced its knee and finally decapitated it. His next opponent was already in mid swing and was killed just as quickly. Several yards away Artemis was driving the enemy back using their inability to tell her apart from her hunters to her advantage. To the left the legion of silver was a force to be reckoned with. Time after time they charged into the enemy and time after time they retreated to avoid being surrounded.

Despite all this the demigods were still losing, Mike was knocked unconscious by Tethys after a foolhardy head on charge. Inch by inch the legion's were being pushed back, there were simple too many to fight off. Tethys and Percy clashed on the front line neither able to able to gain the upper hand. Tethys was like a storm of frigid water and ice while Percy had an actual storm churning around him. The clash was so intense demigods and monsters alike gave them a wide girth afraid they would be accidentally killed by the two's combined power.

Hours trickled by as the two sides fought, just as Surria began to lose hope a resounding cry went up from her legion "They're here, they're here". Risking a look Surria saw somewhere around 100 soldiers crash into the enemy's western flank. The arrival of the Legione D'Argento did more than boost the legions' numbers it boosted their morale.

Phoebe had engaged Krios and was unsurprisingly having trouble as Krios' symbol of power. His shield sent shock waves through her arms as it blocked her sword. Knocking her on her back, Krios raised his sword to finish her only to be blown back by a silver light digging a trench through his own army "Sorry I'm late my meeting ran a little long."