Apollo POV
I was half expecting the battle to still be raging but everything seemed to be just fine. Looking up I saw my sister standing next to my soon to be brother in law. My sister was giving me the biggest she'd had in years which I guess was because she had Perseus back, but I just couldn't understand why it seemed so sadistic. Pain shot up my spine and I could feel my hair burning, my muscles clamped up and I dropped to the ground like a brick as my vision went black.
When my vision cleared Silver was crouched over me "What was that for?" I asked.
"Those poison ivy socks you gave me." he said.
"Poison ivy socks when did I - wait a minute, you mean to tell me that you held a grudge for 3000 years." I said sitting up .
Silver shrugged "It ended up becoming a hobby of how I'd get you back".
"I had to spend the first 100 years in a cave while my body adjusted to the power influx, it was really boring.".
"What do you mean-" I was cut off by Athena's sudden appearance.
"Apollo, Artemis Atlantis is under attack we need to go now." She said out of breath.
I didn't have time to respond as an iris message appeared showing this humanoid shark man with four arms "Lord Silver we have successfully repelled Oceanus' assault on Atlantis.".
"First good work Alesic, second I told you to stop calling me lord, and third why did you call for help if you were seconds away from winning the battle" Silver said almost humorously. 'that kid's emotional stamina will never cease to amaze me.' I thought. 'Only he could bounce back so fast from a battle and still be considered sane.' I had discovered years ago that he used humor to cover up his pain.
"We sent for help almost three hours ago?" Alesic said in confusion.
"Seriously?" Silver shouted looking at Athena "It took 3 hours for you to get back to us. What were you waiting for, your nails to dry?". Athena opened her mouth to retort but Silver cut her off
"Save it we'll talk about later, right now we need to go to Olympus." Silver swiped through the IM and turned.
I cringed at Athena's face, one thing every god and goddess knows is to never cut her off or say 'we'll talk later' and Silver just did both of those without trying. The only thing he could do to make it worse is to challenge her intellect. "Dakota, Cassy, Justin get ready to leave we're going to Olympus. Surria you're in charge of the Legions while we're gone and Apollo get up this is no time to be sitting in the grass." I laughed sarcastically and snapped my fingers sending us all to Olympus.
Third person POV
Poseidon sat in his his throne on Olympus regaling the other gods with Oceanus' failed siege of Atlantis "...Oceanus' army then broke through our last defence heading straight for my throne room when a Megalodon came out of nowhere and took a gigantic bite out of the leviathan that Oceanus was riding."
"I was dumb struck, no one has seen a Megalodon since the end of Oceanus' reign and just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder a Augustasaurus knocks Oceanus of his leviathan. And that when I realized there was a small army of ancient sea creatures coming to our aid led by Alesic Pontus' main general from way back in the day."
"After that the enemy just couldn't its momentum back and was eventually forced to retreat. When I went to thank Alesic for the aid he said 'we came on the behalf of the sentinel thank him'." A gold flash filled the room bring Apollo and the others with it.
Silver POV
I took a look around the throne room and I couldn't help but smile, this was my first time seeing much of my family in thousands of years you'd be smiling too. "Perseus!" my grandfather shouted bounding down from his throne wrapped my father up in his arms. Gramps tried to say something but it just came as some kind of weird sob
"I love you too dad." father said awkwardly. Gramps looked up with tears in his eyes "You still think of me as you father Perseus?".
"Of course I do." he said "And Percy is perfectly fine.".
"Well we might have a problem with that you see I have another son that goes bye Percy….holy I forgot about Percy".
"Don't worry he's fine a little sore but, infact he's...".
"PERSEUS!" Grandma Amphitrite shouted having apparently flashed in without me noticing along with uncle Triton.
Grandpa stepped aside allowing Grandma to hug father and surprised everyone by actually picking up my father "Holy! When did you get this strong." father said hoarsely.
Once Grandma let go to hug me Triton clapped him on father's shoulder "It's good to see you again brother, you better not die this time I don't think mother could take it again".
Most people would probably find the sentence cold with the level tone in which it was said but I could see the love in it. My father shook his head chuckling lightly "Don't worry I'll be sticking around this and it is all thanks to the Fates. After I finished regaining my memories they gave the birth right Pleione took from me".
"What birthright is that?" Triton asked.
"My godhood." he said causing pretty much everyone's mouth to drop "Say hello to the new god of Heroes and storms." father added.
Grandpa went wild saying he's going to throw a huge a party honoring his return to Olympus and godhood. "Brother calm down!" Zeus shouted, Gramps hung his head shuffled back to his throne.
"Now I'm sure we're all happy about the return of Perseus but we should really get to the matter at hand." While Zeus was talking I elbowed my father and motioned for him to take off his helmet.
"Actually I have one more thing I'd like to show you all before we start." father said.
"Go right ahead." Zeus said biting back his frustration.
Father simply took off his helmet "I was actually reborn as Percy Jackson". Before anyone could say a word Zeus slammed his master bolt into the floor "Not...a word...about Percy...until after...the meeting." he said obviously furious at all the distractions. I could see my family, mother excluded, just wrestling with the news and it was killing them, inwardly I chuckled.
"You're absolutely right." I said summoning a throne for me. "For those of you who don't know me my name is Silver son of Perseus and the Sentinel of rome".
"How about you start off with telling us where you've been all this time." Athena said "According to the reports I have you and your father are supposed to have faded".
"Well the short version is we found this new power source and were on our way back when Hyperion and Krios got wind of us. We tried to lose them but we could so dad came up with this crazy plan of using the power we found to send me to the future and forcible have him reborn just before I returned. But the Fates screwed that plan up, instead they made it so father would be reborn as Percy Jackson and locked me in a cave till recently."
"During those years they made me immortal, bound the power we found to my soul. They explained that the reason they went threw such great lengths to make appear that we were dead was all to stop a prophecy their mother gave from coming true. Once the power I had stabilized the Fates helped me for the next 3000 years or so to learn to control and use my powers."
"The only real rule was that I could never see anyone I had known or met in my past life. So I took the long route, met some cool people, kicked some butt, and took some names and all around made the most of my time. When it came time for me to return the Fates allowed my father's spell to run its course which jumbled up my memories for a while." I said
"Tartarus is going to rise and attempt to overthrow Olympus we need to gather all our forces and attack before his finish gathering at the end of this week." I said.
"But with so little time we'll barely have a fraction of our forces!" Athena complained.
"It doesn't matter Tartarus is emptying everything he can control. If we wait any longer we won't even have a chance, just yesterday he raised Typhon. If he manages to raise all of the Gigantes we're as good as dead the only thing we actually have working for us is the fact it will take several days to raise them all.".
"Silver is right." Zeus said "We'll gather what we can and make our move four days from now, our darkest hour is upon us and we will either shine brighter than ever or sink into oblivion".
"That was beautiful." Apollo said wiping a pretend tear from his eye.